old soul,
i wasn't saying that you personally are delusional any more than you were saying that kid-A personally has a "limited perspective". i was just playing devils advocate in turning your argument around. i'm sorry if i offended you.
on to the matter at hand:
Since science has restricted its experimentation to a field which prevents analysis of the entire scope of my reality, why should I imagine that in 10,000 years they will discover anything outside its self-limiting scope?
why do you preclude your reality from the scope of scietific methodology?
self-imiting scope? science is NOT self limiting. the speculations and hypotheses of people claiming extra ordinary interactions (from a realm that would be the domain of science should it exist, since humans [carbon based units] have interacted with it!) are self limiting, since they are unfalsifiable.
science is concerned with "everything". everything. meaning everything that exists. even stuff we have little clue regarding like abiogenesis. but it is concerned with everything, no matter how may dimensions it may be a part of. who said that science is limited to four dimensions?
so it is not self limiting at all. if there were a god. or if there were a "spirit realm", then it would be the scope of science. why? because it means that it has interacted with us, or someone has claimed that it has interacted with us. and this is the scope of science.
but so far, no god has showed herself. this means that while science has no data on her existence, it is still awaiting ANY data.
and you'd think that there would be some data at least. since god (or any spirit thing) is interacting with SO MANY humans, even in this 21st century. and THAT"S the clincher: there is no evidence so far. and yet, science is concerned with everything that exists.
trust me. i get it when you say that your experiences are outside the realm of scientific observation. but i say "too bad, you must play by the rules anyways". the idea that your experiences are outside of the realm of science is an oxymoron of sorts, since science is concerned with everything that is real. if there is a god, then no matter what dimension or crazy warped thing she is, she IS real.
religions? they're institutions. what do they have that science does not? they have been talking with god (or any spirit anything) for mellenia, and yet science cannot see her anywhere. what does that say? why religion and not science? why individuals, but not individuals working critically within a methodology? this, i dare say, speaks volumes about the existence of anything spiritual. scientists are just people trying to understand the universe. they're not out to kill god. they're out to find truth, and use that truth to the furtherance of our species.
if anything, a god that actually cared about us, would say:
"hey. you know what? those scientists have been doing a lot more for mankind than i have, curing diseases and what not. good on them! i should really show my manifest reality to the scientific community so that all may be saved and see my glory."
you do believe in god don't you?
at any rate, science may not be able to explain your experiences. but since you are an organism on planet earth, i am sorry to say that it's explanation still does fall under the auspices of science, sooner or later.