Abaddon said:
Too general a statement? Have you READ some of your posts?
>>Ha ha, yea I do that too<<
Anyhow, you are stating that eyewitness testimony is reliable. That is "too general a statement" too.
>>Let’s limit that to Paul’s defense of the risen Lord in 1 Cor. 15.<<
I said this: The question is this, do they contradict one another regarding the same specific incident? Then I said: If they appear to do so, can they be reasonably reconciled?
You replied: Well, if we look at the supernatural incidents described in the life of Jesus, yes, actually, they do contradict each other regarding specific incidents.
You replied: Define 'reasonably reconciled' and explain how one can guard against belief making one too likely to accept a half-plausable explanation about accounts of Jesus' life differing, when one would laugh at the same explanation offered over a similar discrepancy in a story told about a politician today.
>>Again, you are getting away from specifics. Reasonable reconciliation of gospel accounts is what an apologist does. Critics point out alleged inconsistencies and apologists show that there is a reasonable explanation for the citations.<<
You said: So, are you saying you put your beliefs regarding god in the same catagory of reliability as of those people who saw little grey (or green) men?
>>You know that was not the point of the comments.<<
You said: And, yes, Allah is the Muslims word for god (it is not a name), but in this case it falls under the statement "Even those who encounter the same deity are often given different instructions" that Derek made.
>>Ah, I said that is there name for God. I did not say it is the same god, no more that Baal, Astarte or any other pagan diety. I would also argue that the evidence of their god being the ‘one, True’ is without merit. Why is that? NO miracles, NO prophecy and NO historicity of Mohammeds assertions.<<
You said: Have you got an explanation for differing instruction coming from the 'devine' if all claimed instructions from the 'devine' are from the same 'devine'?
>>Obviously not. But then, that is not my point.<<
You said: Or do you believe there are different 'devines' or heirachies of 'devines'?
Or do you believe one can accurately filter the messages from the 'good' devine out from all the messages put out there by the 'opposition' to the 'devine'. If so, how so?
>>When Christians seek the ‘will of God’, they are supposed to compare that alleged message or understanding with the Bible. Does it line up with Biblical text that is in context? There are no new revelations. The sacred canon is closed and the manual of mankind has been complete for many hundreds of years. That is one reason that you saw me taking Jgnat to task. I honestly believe that she is picking and choosing her beliefs out of context.<<
You said: If so, how does one explain (if there is a single devine) how belief and outcome are inextricably linked to place of birth and upbringing. How does one explain the lack of fairness if the devine has a deterministic judgemental attitude towards our behaviour even if we don't know the right 'devine' but think we know the right 'devine'?
>>Please sort this out in a single post and I will try to answer it for you, ok?<<
You said: What makes your beliefs different from a man in a loin-cloth with a bone through his nose sacrificing a chicken to a rock? He would likely claim similar subjective experiential validations, historical origins and validations of belief as you.
>>You are again making an assumption that has no merit. The case for Christ is overwhelming. Why not read something like Lee Strobe’s ‘Case for Christ’, ‘Case for Faith’ or maybe Josh McDowell’s ‘Evidence that Demands a Verdict’ (1 & 2)? They are real apologists and make a very good case for Christianity.<<
You said: Please accept my apologies if you are dressed in a loin-cloth with a bone through your nose and have or intend to sacrifice a chicken to a rock. I am not criticising animists, just pointing out how little difference there is between an animist and the Pope (mostly clothes).
LOL, I don’t support a lot of the Pope’s assertions either! I haven’t dressed in a loin cloth since I was in my thirties and the idea of anything pierced in my nose give me pain. I wouldn’t let my wife ‘ring my nose’ either! LOL