Words are cheap, OSO/REX. Draw me a map.
Why Fundyism is Irrational
by jgnat 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why should I not insist that Jgnat use the established scientific method (hermeneutics) to justify her faith? Do you deny 'scientific method'?
Because the cientific method requires tests that can never be done outside of the physical world. Therefore, the spiritual world is off limits to the scientific method itself, and all attempts to apply that method to the spiritual world or spiritual matters is going to include logical fallacies in its arguments that can be handily exploited and proven to be specious reasoning, whether the conclusions arrived at are correct or not.
The scientifc method addresses a path to a conclusion, and stands separate from the conclusions themselves. Since the spiritual cannot be established via that path, using that path to attempt proof of the spiritual is always disingenuous.
So their primary goal is to discover if the question at hand is heavenly or evil.
I am confused as to what is heavenly or evil?
All the threats in the Bible come from God and he is the responsible for the murder of thousands of people. On the other hand The Devil tells the truth and points out the failings of God.
According to the Bible they are both heavenly. Who is the evil one?
Shining One
Thos hast sunk to new lows....
>I am confused as to what is heavenly or evil? All the threats in the Bible come from God and he is the responsible for the murder of thousands of people. On the other hand The Devil tells the truth and points out the failings of God. According to the Bible they are both heavenly. Who is the evil one?
If you can't see the lies of the devil right in the text of scripture you are ridiculously ignorant of what scripture says. One of the definitions of God is that He determines the length of life of His creation in the first place. God does not murder anyone, they live and die according to the predestination of God. How or when they die is irrelevant to a created being in the end because they all have immortal souls. "It is appointed to man once to die and then comes judgment."
If you choose to say that you can determine your own course in life and are responsible for it, then you will suffer the consequences. Don't blame God for your choices when He provides the grace to save yourself! God died on the cross for your sins; past, present and future.
Rex -
Shining One
Old Soul,
When you read a newpaper, magazine or any book that is supposedly factual you use one of the methods employed to interpret scripture. I suppose now you will argue that that is 'disingenuous'?
Rex -
Shining One
I just drew you a map, can't you see it in the logical reasoning my dear?
Rex -
Hermeneutics is not considered established scientific method.
Shining One,
I have read many of the little exchanges between you and Jgnat. I can't tell you how impressed I am by your solid reasoning and obvious dedication to your faith. I often considered myself to be in agreement with JGnat on these matters. But after reading what you had to say, I can truly say I am a changed man.
I spoke to Jgnat privately about these things, and she realizes now that she simply cannot match wits with you. So now you can move on to other things. Good job. Mission accomlished. You really set us straight.
Don't worry. You don't have to check back. You have left us on solid ground.
Take care!!!
We're not even talking the same language. This is a map:
This is words:
"Weel, I hae hard fowk say 'at ye bude (behoved) to hae the second
sicht," said Mrs Findlay, laughing rudely; "but wow! it stan's ye
in sma' service gien that be a' it comes till. She's a guid natur'd,
sonsy luikin' wife as ye wad see; an' for her een, they're jist
sic likes mine ain.--Haena ye near dune wi' that lamp yet?"
"The week of it 'll pe shust a lettle out of orter," answered the
old man. "Ta pairns has been' pulling it up with a peen from ta
top, and not putting it in at ta hole for ta purpose. And she'll pe
thinking you'll be cleaning off ta purnt part with a peen yourself,
rna'am, and not with ta pair of scissors she tolt you of, Mistress
"Gae 'wa' wi' yer nonsense!" cried Meg. "Daur ye say 1 dinna ken
hoo to trim an uilyie lamp wi' the best blin' piper that ever cam
frae the bare leggit Heelans?"
"A choke's a choke, ma'am," said Duncan, rising with dignity; "put
for a laty to make a choke of a man's pare leks is not ta propriety!"
"Oot o' my hoose wi' ye!" screamed the she Partan. "Wad ye threep
(insist) upo' me onything I said was less nor proaper. 'At I sud
say what wadna stan' the licht as weels the bare houghs o' ony
heelan' rascal 'at ever lap a lawlan' dyke!" -
"Double damn!"
Can't get O Brother Where Art Thou? out of my head now!!
Great flow charts! Waiting to see the others, which I know will be very good!!