You are quite new to this board. You are full of busyness, full of zeal, and I would guess you are full of good intentions. But you are not very full of love. Review 1 Cor 13, and you will see why this is a major problem (speaking with the eloquence of angels means nothing if you don't have love, recall).
Now, I don't mean that love requires being spineless. Love can be tough; there is a time and a place for everything. But we have self-appointed evangelists fly-by over here on JWD frequently. They stand above us--we don't know who they are at all--and just dump on us. They never even ask us who we are--or how we are. Because they are just doing a duty, checking off a task on their list, because they feel that perhaps God will judge them for NOT saying something to everyone. They don't love US, they are just anxious about how God views THEM. This is really sad!! I am a Christian, and I feel this way! (Of course, occasionally one does stop and listen to the complaints we give up, but these are rare.)
Love requires TIME. Time to establish your identity. Time to establish your genuineness. Jesus started his ministry at 30, not 13 (freshly bar-mitzvah'ed, and considered a man in the synagogue). Think about that... why would Jesus live quietly and allow people to die during that period without preaching to them, if it's true that their hearing the gospel would be the only chance they had? Wasn't that a big, missed opportunity? Wouldn't he be criticized roundly in some circles, for not "making the most of every opportunity"? What is it we understand, then, by Jesus' not starting right away--or even, that Jesus didn't show up directly after Adam and Eve and get things sorted right away? Is God in control at all?
You are not willing to spend time knowing anyone, in order to be able to be able to love them. You are willing to spend hours typing out things that are so drenched in your pride, that even if truth were in them no one would want to listen to you. You are your own worst enemy, sad to say.
Jgnat is well-established as a genuine person, interested and willing to think about others' points of views, and has always that Jesus is always relevent to her in her life thru it all. Her faith is alive. She loves people, in spirit and in truth, whereas you only seem to know how to type the word (but I'm not even sure you've typed it yet). This is harsh, but this is my observation. It's too bad you can't have a spirited, good-hearted conversation with jgnat... but I wonder if you are able to have a genuine conversation with anyone...
Why not follow the Golden Rule of Jesus? Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. You want people to consider your opinions without disdain? Well, then please stop disdaining others' opinions. There will be points you can agree with, even if you can't accept other points or the conclusion.
Jesus set examples, and he could preach with authority because of who he was. You, on the other hand, have no established authority here, and demonstrate no concern for who we are--not even mere consideration which is common in regular conversation! Set us an example. We'll know you by your fruit, and so far, I am not sure if you are really a Christian yet.
Start with humility, which is the very hardest thing of all. Otherwise, you are really uncovered as a pharisee.
PS I realize that the charge that I must be humble is going to be leveled; and it's likely valid. I am sincerely not writing this to offend you, Rex, or look like a jgnat yes-man (and not that jgant needs one). I'm trying to tell you something very important. I've worked hard on my own beam-in-the-eye problem (still have to keep it up) so I recognize what this one looks like in others. I know it's important to remove.
PPS: hehehe, cyp, I am a Mere Christian as well.