King has become Jehovah... oops

by proplog2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    King Has Become Jehovah ...

    Pardon me I guess the book is "Jehovah Himself has Become King."

    Like many in this forum I engaged the Persona "You Know" on many occasions back on H20.

    We all could see his current situation emerging. He is proposing himself as the New Watchtowerist. It is commendable that he has made his neo-interpretations available completely free. In his video announcement he suggests you alert others to his web-site with a modest suggestion that you may actually purchase his book. You have to wonder what his response would be if you made available a copy of his book in its entirety on numerous competing web-sites.

    There IS value to efforts such as Robert King's.

    First of all he is not of a scholarly temperament like Greg Stafford. He is more like Charles Russell and therefore speaks to peoples intuition - NOT their intellect. Intellect does not attract much of a following. Robert has the ability to sweep up people the same way he scoops up concepts from many sources. Conspiracy theories, social theories, economic theories, Watchtower theories, even ideas gleaned from discussion boards such as this all find a home within King's vision. Because he is not a Scholar (Stafford) and not a Complainer (Bowen) he gives us a glimpse at the embryonic stage of an organization like the one Russell started (and Jim Jones).

    Second, he attacks the Watchtower prophetic interpretations which is their claim to fame. He attacks them on their premises. He is not simply saying "you predicted X and then X didn't happen. He shows why X had no foundation in the first place. Usually when you confront a prophet with their failed prophecy they simply shift ground by saying "not yet". "It will happen as we have said we're just a little off in the timing." or "it was fulfilled on a different (spiritual level)" Since King's objective is to replace Watchtower Prophecy he has to make sure that he can completely discredit their interpretation.

    Unfortunately, King shows how the Watchtower prophecy was based on a mistake and then he substitutes their erroneous interpretation with an erroneous interpretation of his own. People assume that because he skillfully uncovered the errors of the Watchtower that his replacement is automatically correct. Sadly, King, like many intuitives, believes his own stuff and is not open to criticism.

  • Legolas

    Sorry but I have to ask....what is this H20 that I keep seeing every now and then?

  • proplog2

    H20 was a pioneering JW discussion board. It may still be around in some form.

  • Legolas


  • confusedjw

    I'll always be indebted to You Know/King/e-watchman because after I started expressing my doubts to my wife she did an internet search and found e-watchman. And for the exact reason you mention ,

    He is not simply saying "you predicted X and then X didn't happen. ; He shows why X had no foundation in the first place

    she started contemplating the whole religion anew.

    Thanks Mr. King!

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    The problem I have with these so called 'scholars' is that why bother to prove something which is all based on myth and tales anyway?

  • daystar

    I have an idea. Why don't we start a deep study of the books of OZ. I am willing to bet we can gain some real spiritual insight by coming to a more intimate relationship with the Wizard through the messiah Dorothy.

    Apologies for the snarkiness.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    I would, but I have neither the courage nor the brains.

  • confusedjw
    I have an idea. Why don't we start a deep study of the books of OZ. I am willing to bet we can gain some real spiritual insight by coming to a more intimate relationship with the Wizard through the messiah Dorothy.

    That's an awesome idea!

    I really liked the Scarecrow - I think he had a brain the whole time.

    (master of the obvious)

  • Kaput
    why bother to prove something which is all based on myth and tales anyway?

    My sentiments exactly. I believe there is more than meets the eye with Robert King and the e-watchman site. Some of you know what I mean.

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