Prophecies and 'end'

by jamesd2004 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Cygnus

    Restating what others have said but in different words (and borrowed from A. Feuerbacher), the Fundamental Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is that their leadership (called the Governing Body) is always correct, even when they're demonstrably wrong.

    Basically, JWs have been dumbed-down and reduced to repeating slogans and your average contemporary JW (especially an 18 year old!) couldn't prove what he allegedly believes from the Bible if you offered him(/her) $1,000,000.00.

  • Momofmany
    about the 7 global powers or something, and America now are the last superpower before the world ends, (anglo-saxon or something...)

    I may be showing my age here, but here it goes. It used to be that America/Englad was the 6th, and Russia was the 7th. And Russia was going to overthrow America, and then the end. The Russia became the UN, and the UN was going to take over the USA, and then the end.

    Anyone know of any other way it went?

    Point I am trying to make is, they keep changing how it is going to end. I was never going to live long enough to graduate from high school. My son is now graduating. They keep saying, it's right around the corner. Now it's nose is peeking around the corner. What ever it takes to scare people from leaving.

    Read, read, and read some more. Knowledge is power.

  • Hellrider

    Jamez, turn around and run as fast as you can. Ditch those so-called "friends" of yours, cause they will drag you under, and into their death-cult! I grew up as a JW, but left at 17. I`m only here to vent my anger at the years of mental and physical abuse, which screwed me severely. One of the first words I learned how to say, was "jehovah", a word that to me was soon synonomous with death and total destruction! I had the most horrible upbringing, all based on the words of the WTS! I heard about Armageddon every fu##ing day, and how Jehovah would be mad at me if I wasn`t a good boy (which meant, that he was going to KILL ME!). My dad beat the crap out of my mom in the name of Jehovah (oh I mean, in the name of the WTS), and I got to feel his rage to, from time to time! I escaped early, but others here have wasted most of their lives in that cult, 30 - 40 - 50 years, only to discover late in life that the whole thing was a lie, and based on a corrupt interpretation of the Bible! - and to realise that they had wasted their whole lives on a lie and a fantasy! The truth of the matter is that there are a handful of old, arrogant, ignorant, power-hungry men in a building in Brooklyn, New York, that run the whole thing, getting rich on other peoples suffering!

    Turn around and run, dude!

  • Ingenuous
    they keep sayng to me about the prohecies in the bible like the bible preticted WW1 to the exact date

    Hi, James.

    There are a few things you can point out to them that are just plain wrong. Like 1914. C. T. Russell (claimed as the founder of JWs) introduced this date after "borrowing" it and the chronology leading up to it from Adventists. And he didn't predict World War I. Russell said Christ's "presence" started in 1874 and predicted Armageddon would occur in 1914. He later changed it to 1915 when it didn't happen. It wasn't until decades later that JWs revised history and claimed Russell predicted Christ's "presence" would begin in 1914.

    And when it comes to scare tactics related to the end of the world: You can take your friends to their Bibles and show them that when Jesus predicted wars, pestilence, famines and earthquakes, he also told his apostles that these things were just the "beginning of pangs of distress", but that they should "look out that nobody misleads YOU" and "do not be terrified" because "the end is not yet... the end does not [occur] immediately." [Matt. 24:4,6,8 ; Mark 13:5,7; Luke 21:9] Just about all Jesus' descriptions of these things are bracketed by such statements. In short, these are not signs that the "end" is imminent; they are only the "beginning of pangs of distress" (the "beginning of sorrows", according to the New King James) and there is no time limit placed on them.

  • TheOldHippie

    Momofmany, you stated that "I may be showing my age here, but here it goes. It used to be that America/Englad was the 6th, and Russia was the 7th. And Russia was going to overthrow America, and then the end. The Russia became the UN, and the UN was going to take over the USA, and then the end."

    But that is not quite correct, is it - and never was. US/GB was and is the 7th, Russia never was the 7th - and never was to overthrow US, and never became UN. And UN never was to take over US.

    US/GB was and is the 7th, and UN was and is the 8th.

    US/GB was and is the Southern King, whereas Russia was the Northern King, who was to coexist with US/GB right until the end, because they would both be hurled alive into the Sea of Fire. And that is where the only change is, that presently, it is unknown who is the Northern King, if it is to be a new version of Russia, or if it is to be for example the Moslem nations.

    I'm not into defending anything, just to pointing out you are making things a bit more changing than they really are.

  • Momofmany
    I'm not into defending anything, just to pointing out you are making things a bit more changing than they really are.

    Thanks for pointing that out. I don't need to add where it shouldn't be. Maybe what I remember is not written. But I do remember my mom talking, and my dad saying, if the Russans come down our street, I'll get my guns out and protect our home. (dad was not a witness, but mom told him they were coming) .

  • jamesd2004

    cheers everyone for your much appreciated help thanks....yea it is weird when i hang around them i get sort of 'sucked' in to it and its hard ...since i found out about it a year ago or so i have had sleepless nights, been depreesed and my personalltiy has changed too due to kow the JW's beliefs...

    about the 1914 thing...they said like they done or who ever had done calculations on it and they say Satan or something got thrown down to the earth then and pretty much straight away when he cam down WW1 happend...

    about the 4 to 5 years point to the 'end'...they always say like for example....' ahh univerity or college is a waste of time because you know this system isnt probaably gonna be here.../an or if this system is here in 4 or 5 years time.

    so they really do think its gonna happen soon and they way they project it to me kinda scares me and mucks me up...

  • Finally-Free
    also they say the system isnt goin to gon on much longer like 4 ,5 years they recon..and i get quite scard by this (may sound stupid) but i do

    That's what they told me in 1976. If they were right you would never have been born, because they also said people wouldn't be getting married or having kids in the "new system".

    Aren't you glad they were wrong?


  • EliJah

    Sounds like some viable questions to me. I have many questions also. Im gonna keep posted on this one.


  • OldSoul

    WELCOME EliJah!!!

    Don't be shy, start a thread of your own.


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