Are you living your life fully knowing that you will one day die?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    As JW's it was out of the question to die. The end was too close for that to happen, unless you had a bad accident or sickness. Most of us believed that we wouldn't die, and on top of that we were about to become young again.

    Since we will all die, do you make it a priority in your life right now to live it fully, and to love fully the ones you care for because every day you skip, its lost and won't come back.

  • lawrence


  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Yes...well, perhaps not so much the 'living life to the fullest/carpe diem' part, but in my perhaps not so humble opinion...I lead a more moral life than that of many of the christian or otherwise religious people I know. The way I see it...the memories of people who knew you in life are the only afterlife once you are dead. I'd rather be remembered as a decent guy who never cheated on his wife, or treated people badly, or anything like that than to do those things and then confess to a priest to make me feel better. And in life, my own conscience in my guide, sort of existentialist. I hate those keychains, bumperstickers, t-shirts, etc, that say WWJD? (What would jesus do?) To me its far more important to ask "What would I do?", or perhaps modified to what would the ideal me do?

  • Purza

    Even though I know that one day I will die, I still have a hope that there is something more. I really don't give it too much thought or it will drive me crazy. But I do the best I can now and hope to not have any regrets when I am on death's door.


  • Carmel

    Can't really answer the question as I always run out of time to get things done. Either I'm living life too fully, or I'm not organized enough to get two days work done in one day. Don't know about all this loving stuff you refer to. What ever it means I might be doing it. My dog is happy!


  • Momofmany

    Oh yes. I stop at road side stands now. We drove to Florida from Jersey, and I stopped at all the tourist traps. I saw the natural bridge, and lover's leap. Next summer we are driving out to the Grand Canyon. I'm more spontaneous now.

  • professor

    Thanks for reminding me [edit]. You just trashed three years of therapy.

  • vitty

    I wasnt sure if it was because I realized I was going to die ( not even sure ive excepted that fact yet) that I felt happy and aprreciative of every day but that at last I could start living TODAY.

    For years my life was hold, waiting, for the new system to come so that I could do all the things I wanted to do. Well hey, im doing those things now, im not feeling guilty about buying my dream house and having to explain why I have to anyone who wants to inquire. I dont feel guilty about spending my weekends in pleasureable pursuits, and I dont feel guilty about having a different view on something

    So one day im going to die, im trying not to think about it

  • FairMind

    I’m still a JW and yes I live my life knowing that one day I will probably die. Jehovah didn’t create us to not enjoy life. As a 33 year JW I have never lived thinking that this system of things had to end before my death. When I look at other JWs, it is obvious to me that the happier ones have lived a balanced life, knowing that true worship doesn’t mean you sacrifice everything now because someone says you have to in order to gain everlasting life. The important thing to remember is that whether or not we die before Armageddon we are accountable to God for our actions. Enjoying life in a moral way is not a sin.

  • doofdaddy

    Actually I was enjoying the read until someone chucked in the fear of god. Something about being accountable. Threadkiller

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