This could be interesting!
Downunder we've always had this problem, getting our products into Japan, but we can't put sanctions on anyone!
US politicians seek sanctions on Japan 2:32 PM September 29 United States congressmen are calling for economic sanctions against Japan unless it scraps an import ban on US beef. Japan has refused to accept beef from the US after a scare over mad cow disease in 2003. It has been nearly two years since Japan placed the ban on American beef and US congressmen want it lifted. They say Japan has failed to adhere to an agreement a year ago that would have allowed some imports through and some have called for immediate economic sanctions. US beef producers say they are losing up to $100 million a month as a result of the ban and say up to 10,000 jobs have been lost as a result. Australian beef producers have been big winners from the US ban, with meat sales from Australia filling most of the gap left by the withdrawal of the American product. Source: ABC | |