Now it's war with Japan!

by ozziepost 12 Replies latest social current

  • ozziepost

    This could be interesting!

    Downunder we've always had this problem, getting our products into Japan, but we can't put sanctions on anyone!

    US politicians seek sanctions on Japan

    2:32 PM September 29

    United States congressmen are calling for economic sanctions against Japan unless it scraps an import ban on US beef.

    Japan has refused to accept beef from the US after a scare over mad cow disease in 2003.

    It has been nearly two years since Japan placed the ban on American beef and US congressmen want it lifted.

    They say Japan has failed to adhere to an agreement a year ago that would have allowed some imports through and some have called for immediate economic sanctions.

    US beef producers say they are losing up to $100 million a month as a result of the ban and say up to 10,000 jobs have been lost as a result.

    Australian beef producers have been big winners from the US ban, with meat sales from Australia filling most of the gap left by the withdrawal of the American product. Source: ABC

  • heathen

    That's hard to believe as the japaneese eat poison fish that kills so many a year but are afraid of beef products .

  • kwintestal
    That's hard to believe as the japaneese eat poison fish that kills so many a year but are afraid of beef products .

    And it's not like eating mad cow makes you crazy or nuthin. After all, look at Bush.


  • under74

    Well, England sent over ready to eat meals for the hurricane victims but since there was beef in them the government called it unfit for consumption and destroyed all of it.

  • Poztate
    Japan has refused to accept beef from the US after a scare over mad cow disease in 2003.

    It wasn't just a scare of mad cow.There were proven cases of mad cow and allegations of a coverup.The U.S.A. had no problems banning(and continuing to ban) beef imported from Canada when mad cow broke out there but it seems like the same standards do not apply when the economy in the States is threatened.

    For a good chuckle see the new T.V. a big old steer...with video of people cramming in the untainted?? beef from the U.S.A. I think they are starting to hurt and that is why they are using their economic might to force other countries to accept their beef.Money not health is the bottom line.

  • avishai

    Well, steak is'nt liable to give you Mad Cow disease. The virus stays in nerve tissue, so it's usually hamburger that'll get ya

  • Dune

    Beef...It's whats for dinner

  • avishai

    Is'nt the title of this thread just a tad inflammatory and sensational? I'd hardly call sanctions "war".

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hmmmm. I thought it was the sanctions on Japan by the "free world" that preceeded their attacks on Pearl Harbor, or more specifically, scolding them for their attacks on mainland china... to not only expand their territory, but to gain resources.

    However, I doubt this will lead to anything other than a sanctions war with Japan.

  • BrendaCloutier

    A few years back Hawaii almost lost their Papaya crop production due to a virus. Monsanto developed a genetically engineered papaya, Sunrise I think is the name, that reduces it's suceptability to the virus. Plus, it's far more tasty than the original Solo variety.

    Japan banned imports of ALL papaya because of the genetic engineering!

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