Now it's war with Japan!

by ozziepost 12 Replies latest social current

  • ozziepost


    I'd hardly call sanctions "war".

    You may not be aware of all the connotations of the word 'war'.

    As an unrelated example, the WTS acknowledges that calling on the "name" Jehovah may not necessarily mean the word itself but rather everything that's embodied in the use of the word. See the Insight volume. An interesting disclaimer by them that the R&F may not generally be aware of as they continue to berate all and sundry who don't refer to God as Jehovah.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Soledad
    Hmmmm. I thought it was the sanctions on Japan by the "free world" that preceeded their attacks on Pearl Harbor, or more specifically, scolding them for their attacks on mainland china... to not only expand their territory, but to gain resources.

    You read my mind!

  • confusedjw


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