I couldn't figure out why they showed so many scenes that we had already seen either. They also ran commercials about every 7 mins. As I was sitting here watching it I found myself thinking, "They are just dragging things out so that they can make the series last longer by only giving us very little new info and lots of commercials. I did find one line very funny though. That was when michael was threatening Sawyer and Sawyer asked him "What are ya going to do? Splash me?"
The network has put tremendous pressure on the the producer and writers to CLARIFY the first three episodes for people who come in late and who didn't watch the first season. This means constant repetition for the first three and a kind of weariness for die-hard fans.
Winning the Emmy Award for drama, the network feels, will draw in viewers who did NOT view before and consequently, they owe it to the newbies to spell everything out A, B, C.
In my opinion, the only way to watch this kind of series is to tape it (or, as I do, use TIVO) and fast-forward through commercials or pause to pick up a missed detail or bit of dialogue such as "See you another life" last week in the stadium scene.