The original pitch to the Network Execs by the original creator of LOST (not J.J.Abrams) was a Gilligan's Island type show which seemed ridiculous. Because of Abrams success at ALIAS, they contacted him and asked him to come up with some creative ideas.
Over a lunch with another writer, Abrams and Lindelhof (I think that is his name) plotted out FIVE SEASONS in advance and submitted it. The network loved it.
They asked Abrams, "What happens when the whole "island" thing gets stale??"
Abrams replied, "The name of the series isn't ISLAND; it is LOST".
He told them he wanted the title to refer metaphorically to the characters.
The WATERSHIP DOWN reference in Sawyer's book and the comic book with the polar bear figure heavily in the clues that there is an inter-dimensional quality to the Island.
I'm pretty sure the tail-section survivors landed in a timewarp and were there, consequently, BEFORE the people we have seen thus far.
The rabbit-hole type shaft underneat the island might be a portal to an entirely new setting for the next season.
Look at what J.J.Abrams did with ALIAS by completely destroying the premise of the first two seasons and miraculously re-establishing the setting and the character's relationships.
He can do anything and make it work.
Last night's episode of ALIAS was just incredible!