Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-2-05 WT Study (Law of Love)

by blondie 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-2-05 WT Study (August 15, 2005 issue) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes


    "I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it."
    JEREMIAH 31:33. (OT)

    Opening Comments

    How many times does the WTS say something in an article that is a major doctrine and judgment of individuals/groups outside the WTS with little or no support? Do you investigate it through outside sources? Do/did you accept the 1914 generation doctrine without question or did your reading of the scriptures and investigation of past predictions by the WTS make you wonder? Did you reading of the NT make you wonder where the doctrine of the earthly great crowd originated with all the total emphasis on the hope of living and ruling in heaven with Christ? When Jesus talked about the "other sheep" was he talking about an earthly group or was he talking about how the Samaritans/Gentiles would also become Christians with the heavenly hope? Was Jesus focus on in his preaching, forming a group to go to heaven or to live on earth? Was Jesus preaching a kingdom on earth?

    (Matthew 5:5) 5 "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.

    *** w00 10/15 p. 17 What God's Kingdom Will Do ***

    Jesus said: "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5) Likely he was referring to Psalm 37:29,

    *** w59 8/1 p. 479 Questions from Readers ***

    · When Jesus said, as recorded at Matthew 5:5, "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth," of whom was he speaking?-H. S., U.S.A.
    Jesus here applied the expression "mild-tempered" or "meek" to his disciples of that time who were in line for the heavenly kingdom. He was the chief meek one among them and their example. Hebrews 1:1, 2 and 2:5, 6 show that Jesus inherits the earth or takes over the possession of it. His disciples were made his joint heirs in the Kingdom and enter into this inheritance or possession of the earth with him. Hence Matthew 5:5 does not strictly apply to the "other sheep." However, it has been quoted in connection with them and properly so because they must be meek or mild-tempered ones in imitation of Jesus Christ, and it is only because of being such that they will be allowed to live on the earth in the new world. They do not take over possession of the earth any more than Adam did in the garden of Eden, but Matthew 5:5 can nevertheless be given a general application in that they hold the earth in trust for the chief Heir, the Lord Jesus Christ. To this extent they enter into an inheritance.

    (Matthew 5:8) 8 "Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.

    Was Jesus talking about a two-tier group, one in heaven, one on earth? Even using the NWT's cross-references on this scripture, you are not lead to scriptures regarding "seeing" God with understanding. Could inherit the earth be referring to the fact that Christians would be kings over the earth, inheriting the earth?

    Well, this could be a discussion in itself on another thread, and has been many times. It shows the importance of reading the NT in one continuous read to see the context and theme of Christ's words.


    IN THE preceding two articles, we learned that when Moses came down from
    Mount Sinai, his face emanated rays that reflected Jehovah's glory. We also
    discussed the veil Moses wore. Let us now consider a related matter that has
    meaning for Christians today.

    Face emanated rays--how was this possible if Moses only saw a vision through an angel.

    Reflect Jehovah's glory--placing WTS publications door to door (paragraph 6 last week
    In turn, anointed Christians reflect Jehovah's glory in their ministry of the new covenant, and those of the other sheep do similarly.)

    *** w98 5/1 pp. 11-12 Jehovah's Day Is Near ***

    Indeed, they have distributed billions of Bible publications and will distribute many, many more in their ceaseless ministry-both publicly and from house to house

    Christians today--only JWs

    2 When Moses was up on the mountain, he received instructions from Jehovah.
    Assembled before Mount Sinai, the Israelites witnessed a stunning
    manifestation of God himself. "Thunders and lightnings began occurring, and
    a heavy cloud upon the mountain and a very loud sound of a horn, so that all
    the people who were in the camp began to tremble.... And Mount Sinai smoked
    all over, due to the fact that Jehovah came down upon it in fire; and its
    smoke kept ascending like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain was
    trembling very much."-Exodus 19:16-18.

    Moses...received instructions from Jehovah--does the account say from an angel, an angel only Moses saw (an angel the WTS surmises was Jesus in his pre-human life)

    *** w99 6/15 p. 20 Your Creator-Learn What He Is Like ***

    Evidently speaking through an angel, God passed by Moses and declared: "Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, preserving loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment." (Exodus 34:6, 7)

    *** w98 1/15 p. 13 "Walking by Faith, Not by Sight" ***

    Today, Jehovah is not speaking to his people by means of an angel, as he did to Moses at the burning bush. God has spoken by means of his Son. (Hebrews 1:1, 2) What God said by means of him, He had recorded in the Bible, which has been translated into the languages of people around the world.

    *** w98 6/15 p. 23 Jesus-The Ruler "Whose Origin Is From Early Times" ***

    Moses: "Here I am sending an angel ahead of you to keep you on the road and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Watch yourself because of him and obey his voice. Do not behave rebelliously against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; because my name is within him." (Exodus 23:20, 21) Who was this angel? Likely, the prehuman Jesus.

    Israelites witnessed a stunning manifestation of God himself--would people conclude that a heavy cloud, a mountain smoking and fire was evidence of God or a natural phenomenon...a volcano?

    3 Jehovah spoke to the people through an angel, providing what has come to
    be known as the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:1-17) Hence, there could be no
    doubt that these laws were from the Almighty. Jehovah wrote those
    commandments upon stone tablets-tablets that Moses shattered when he saw the
    Israelites worshipping a golden calf. Jehovah again wrote the commandments
    upon stone. This time, when Moses came down carrying the tablets, his face
    emitted rays. By then, all would understand that those laws had enormous
    significance.-Exodus 32:15-19; 34:1, 4, 29, 30.

    Hence, there could be no doubt---only Moses saw God, or an angel speaking for God, or was it a vision?

    Jehovah wrote--did he really?

    Angel--who saw the angel? While Moses was accompanied by Joshua, Joshua did not go up all the way with Moses. So only Moses saw the angel. Can something be established in the Bible by the testimony of one witness?

    4 The two tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written were placed
    inside the ark of the covenant within the Most Holy compartment of the
    tabernacle and later the temple. The laws they bore set out the core
    principles of the Mosaic Law covenant and formed the basis for the
    theocratic administration of a national government. They gave evidence that
    Jehovah was dealing with a specific people, a chosen people.

    core principles of the Mosaic Law covenant--what are the core principles of the new covenant?

    Theocratic administration of a national government--is the WTS a national government?

    chosen people--according to the WTS who are the chosen people today--only the anointed, not the great crowd.

    5 Those laws revealed much about Jehovah, particularly his love for his
    people. What a precious gift they proved to be to those who obeyed them! One
    scholar wrote: "No moral system ever humanly formulated before or since ...
    can approach, much less equal, or excel, these ten words of God." Concerning
    the Mosaic Law as a whole, Jehovah said: "If you will strictly obey my voice
    and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special
    property out of all other peoples, because the whole earth belongs to me.
    And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy
    nation."-Exodus 19:5,6.

    Blurb on page 25: The Israelites had laws written on tablets of stone

    (One scholar wrote--Taylor G. Bunch, The Ten Commandments, 1944)

    “Next to the revelation of divine love in Palestine, the declaration of divine will in Egypt is the greatest event which the world has seen, the most powerful moral force in history . . . No moral system ever humanly formulated before or since . . . can approach, much less equal, or excel, these ten words of God. For all time, human duty is condensed and declared with an authority which, in its divinity, can be neither surpassed nor superseded.
    “God and man, religion and morality, the sum of divine and human relationships, what God requires of man, what man owes to God, are all included. However much the revelation of God’s will may be amplified, however far the righteousness of man’s walk may be advanced, the range of the moral law will never be surpassed.” -JOHN BURR, Studies on the Ten Commandments, pp. 1, 11.

    Mr. Bunch is an SDA, Seventh Day Adventist.

    In the 1930s Taylor G. Bunch [1885-1969], an Adventist scholar, pastor, and administrator, developed a series of 36 Sabbath vespers sermons for the congregation at the Battle Creek Tabernacle that he then served as pastor. These studies were subsequently published in 1937 under the title Forty Years in the Wilderness in Type and Antitype.3 His thrust, quite appropriately, was to discover and enlarge upon similarities between ancient literal Israel and modern spiritual Israel—the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    special property--only 144,000 or anointed (leaving the great crowd out of the picture).

    A Law Written in the Heart

    6 Yes, those divine laws had great value. Did you know, though, that
    anointed Christians possess something far more valuable than laws written on
    stone? Jehovah foretold the making of a new covenant unlike the Law covenant
    made with the nation of Israel. "I will put my law within them, and in their
    heart I shall write it." (Jeremiah 31:31-34) Jesus, the Mediator of the new
    covenant, did not personally impart a written code of law to his followers.
    He sounded down Jehovah's law into the minds and hearts of his disciples by
    the things he said and did.

    Anointed covenant...Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant--only 144,000 not the great crowd, NT is written only for them, where does the great crowd fit in according to the WTS?

    *** w74 5/15 p. 312 Practicing Bible Principles in the Home ***

    While it is true that the scriptures previously mentioned apply primarily to those in the Christian congregation having a heavenly hope, yet in principle they also apply to the "great crowd" of Christian witnesses mentioned at Revelation 7:9 who enjoy an earthly hope.

    By extension, similarly--other phrases that the WTS uses to try and make an application of scriptures written to people with the hope of dying and going to heaven fit people who are given only the hope of living on earth.

    7 This law is called "the law of the Christ." It was first given, not to the
    nation of natural Israel, who were the descendants of Jacob, but to a
    spiritual nation, "the Israel of God." (Galatians 6:2, 16; Romans 2:28, 29)
    The Israel of God is made up of spiritanointed Christians. In time, they
    were joined by "a great crowd" from all nations who also seek to worship
    Jehovah. (Revelation 7:9, 10; Zechariah 8:23) As "one flock" under "one
    shepherd," both groups embrace "the law of the Christ," allowing it to
    govern all that they do. John 10:16.

    Law of the Christ...given not to the nation of natural Israel..but to a spiritual nation...made up of spirit-anointed time, they were joined by "a great crowd"-and where is the scriptural explanation of that?

    8 Unlike the natural Israelites, who were bound to the Mosaic Law by birth,
    Christians remain under the law of the Christ by choice, factors such as
    race and place of birth being irrelevant. They learn about Jehovah and his
    ways and yearn to do his will. Having God's law "within them," written, as
    it were, "in their heart," anointed Christians do not obey God merely
    because he can punish those who disobey; nor do they obey him solely out of
    a sense of duty. Their obedience is rooted in something more fundamental and
    vastly more powerful, and those of the other sheep are similarly obedient
    because of having God's law in their hearts.

    Christians--only anointed JWs

    By choice--the anointed choose to go to heaven?

    (Hebrews 5:4) 4 Also, a man takes this honor, not of his own accord, but only when he is called by God, just as Aaron also [was. . .

    Do not obey God merely because he can punish those who disobey--punishment is a theme in WT publications.

    *** w01 7/1 p. 5 Why Study the Bible? ***

    It also involves healthful fear of displeasing God because he is the Supreme Judge and the Almighty, who has both the power and the authority to punish those who disobey.

    *** w00 3/1 p. 30 Searching for Jehovah With a Prepared Heart ***

    While appreciating Jehovah's loving-kindness and goodness, a person who truly fears Jehovah is ever aware that Jehovah has the power to inflict punishment, even death, upon those who disobey him.

    *** w99 5/1 p. 20 "Let the Reader Use Discernment" ***

    He alerted us so that we can be preparing our hearts and minds. After all, obedient Christians will not be punished when destruction comes on false religion and the rest of this wicked system.

    *** w95 3/15 p. 10 Learning to Find Enjoyment in the Fear of Jehovah ***

    It also includes an awareness that Jehovah is the Supreme Judge and the Almighty, who has the power to inflict punishment, even death, on those who refuse to obey him.-Romans 14:10-12.

    Out of a sense of duty--like the definition of "agape" love the WTS gives

    *** w03 7/1 p. 8 The Noblest Kind of Love ***

    Explaining the meaning of that term, the reference work Insight on the Scriptures says: "[A·ga´pe] is not sentimentality, based on mere personal attachment, as is usually thought of, but is a moral or social love based on deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty, and propriety, sincerely seeking the other's good according to what is right.

    Those of other sheep are similarly obedient--but remember these scriptures apply only to the anointed, thus the use of "similarly."

    Blurb on page 26: Christians have God's law in their hearts

    Laws Based on Love

    9 The essence of all of Jehovah's laws and regulations can be summed up in a
    single word: love. That has always been and will always be an essential part
    of pure worship. When asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law,
    Jesus answered: "Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your
    whole soul and with your whole mind." The second was: "Love your neighbor as
    yourself." He then said: "On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and
    the Prophets." (Matthew 22:35-40) Jesus thus indicated that, not just the
    Law with the Ten Commandments, but the entire Hebrew Scriptures were based
    on love.

    Essence of all of Jehovah's laws and love as expressed by those in the WTS.

    10 Is love of God and neighbor also central to the law in the hearts of
    Christians? Absolutely! The law of the Christ involves a heartfelt love of
    God and includes a new command-Christians are to have selfsacrificing love
    for one another. They are to love as Jesus did, and he willingly laid down
    his life in behalf of his friends. He taught his disciples to love God and
    to love one another, just as he loved them. The outstanding love they show
    toward one another is the main identifying quality by which true Christians
    can be recognized. (John 13:34, 35; 15:12, 13) Jesus even instructed them to
    love their enemies.-Matthew 5:44.

    Christians--only JWs

    self-sacrificing love for one another--people who say they are willing to die for each other but don't have 2 minutes to spare to call another JW who is sick, send a card to another JW who lost a family member, etc., etc.

    Love their enemies--even apostates? DF'd or DA'd? inactive? non-JWs?

    *** w93 10/1 p. 19 "Search Through Me, O God" ***

    When they deliberately choose such badness after knowing what is right, when the bad becomes so ingrained that it is an inseparable part of their makeup, then a Christian must hate (in the Biblical sense of the word) those who have inseparably attached themselves to the badness. True Christians share Jehovah's feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they "feel a loathing" toward those who have made themselves God's enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance.-Job 13:16; Romans 12:19; 2 John 9, 10.

    11 Jesus set the perfect example in showing love. As a mighty spirit
    creature in heaven, he welcomed the opportunity to advance his Father's
    interests on earth. Apart from giving his human life that others might live
    eternally, he showed people how they should live. He was humble, kind, and
    considerate, helping those burdened down and oppressed. He also imparted
    "sayings of everlasting life," tirelessly helping others to come to know
    Jehovah. John 6:68.

    That others might live eternally--in heaven

    Tirelessly helping others--If I had a dollar for every time I heard an elder complain about having to "help" someone, I could have retired at 40.

    12 Love of God and neighbor, in fact, are inextricably linked. The apostle
    John stated: "Love is from God. .. If anyone makes the statement: 'I love
    God,' and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love
    his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen."
    (1 John 4:7, 20) Jehovah is both the source and the very personification of
    love. Everything he does is influenced by love. We love because we are made
    in his image. (Genesis 1:27) By showing love to our neighbor, we demonstrate
    our love of God.

    Love of God = love of neighbor--by neighbor did Jesus only mean fellow believers? Remember the story of the Good Samaritan?

    *** w03 1/1 p. 22 "Keep on the Watch"! ***

    Love of neighbor moves us to preach the good news of the Kingdom, however long it might be God's will that we do so and however many times we return to the same homes.

    *** w03 5/1 p. 24 Give Comfort to Those Who Grieve ***

    An invitation to the Kingdom Hall may help the grieving one to get to know people who truly love their neighbors and who know how to build one another up.

    I love God and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar--where does disfellowshipping and marking fit in with this scripture?

    To Love Means to Obey

    13 How can we love God, whom we cannot see? The crucial first step is to get
    to know him. We cannot truly love or trust a stranger. Thus, God's Word
    encourages us to get to know God by reading the Bible, by praying, and by
    associating with those who already know and love him. (Psalm 1:1, 2;
    Philippians 4:6; Hebrews 10:25) The four Gospels are especially valuable,
    for they reveal the personality of Jehovah as reflected in the life and
    ministry of Jesus Christ. Our desire to obey God and to imitate his
    personality grows ever stronger as we come to know him and appreciate the
    love he showed for us. Yes, love of God involves obedience.

    We cannot truly love or trust a stranger--Good Samaritan????? How can JWs truly love the strangers at the homes they call at?

    By reading the Bible--but that cannot be understood without the help of the WTS.

    Associating with those who already know and love him--Only JWs and Where's Jesus?

    Gospels--reveal the personality of Jehovah--as reflected in the life and ministry of Jesus--what about the personality of Jesus?

    Love of God involves obedience--to the elders and the WTS

    *** w03 3/1 p. 17 Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart ***

    By cooperating with the elder arrangement in the congregation, we also show that we trust in Jehovah.-Hebrews 13:17.

    *** w01 6/15 p. 20 Remain Steadfast as Seeing the Invisible One! ***

    By being obedient to those taking the lead among us, we show that we see the One who is invisible.-Hebrews 13:17.

    *** w00 8/15 p. 28 Are You a "Full-Grown" Christian? ***

    What are some ways in which you might develop such loyalty? One would be by cooperating with your local congregation elders. (Hebrews 13:17) Recognizing that Christ is the appointed Head of the Christian congregation, mature Christians are loyal to those appointed "to shepherd the congregation of God." (Acts 20:28) How inappropriate it would be to challenge or undermine the authority of appointed elders! You should also feel a sense of loyalty to "the faithful and discreet slave" and the agencies that are used to disseminate spiritual "food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45) Be quick to read and apply the information found in The Watchtower and its companion publications.

    14 When we love individuals, we are in tune with what they like and dislike,
    and we conduct ourselves accordingly. We do not wish to displease those whom
    we love. "This is what the love of God means," wrote the apostle John, "that
    we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome."
    (1 John 5:3) They are not burdensome, nor are they numerous. Love guides our
    way. We do not need to memorize an extensive code of rules to direct our
    every act; our love for God guides us. If we love God, it is a pleasure to
    do his will. We thus gain God's approval, and we benefit ourselves, his
    direction always working for our good.-Isaiah 48:17.

    We do not wish to displease those whom we love--and that especially includes the WTS/FDS/GB.

    We do not need to memorize an extensive code of rules to direct our every act--because the elders and other "mature" ones at the KH will be sure you find out how long your hair can be, sideburn length, beards or not, ear piercings, skirt length, preferred car to own, how big your house can be and stay spiritual, what "necessary business" means in regard to DF'd family members, while no hour quota--what constitutes the national average that must be maintained to be "spiritual," college or not, that there are rules for the elders and rules for publishers, etc.

    Gain God's approval--but the WTS will tell what God approves of; the Bible alone is not enough

    15 Love of God moves us to imitate his qualities. When we love a person, we
    admire his qualities and seek to be like him. Consider the relationship
    between Jehovah and Jesus. They were together in heaven for perhaps billions
    of years. Deep, pure love existed between them. So perfectly did Jesus
    resemble his heavenly Father that he could say to his disciples: "He that
    has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9) As we gain knowledge and
    appreciation for Jehovah and his Son, we are moved to be like them. Our love
    for Jehovah, along with the help of his holy spirit, will enable us to
    "strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe [ourselves]
    with the new personality."-Colossians 3:9, 10; Galatians 5:22, 23.

    Imitate God's qualities--or Jesus; where's Jesus?

    We are moved to be like them--finally Jesus is included. 1 out of 20 times.

    (1 Corinthians 11:1) 11 Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ.

    (1 Thessalonians 1:6) 6 and YOU became imitators of us and of the Lord, . . .

    Perhaps billions of years--this is based on human science that says that the universe is billions of years old; according the the WTS up until recently, God started terraforming about 48,000 years ago.

    And his Son--3 times in one paragraph Jesus is mentioned but not "Christ." No wonder JWs don't see themselves as Christians first but JWs first.

    Blurb on page 28: Sonia with a Senegalese girl at the 2004 district

    Love in Action

    16 As Christians, we allow our love for God and neighbor to motivate us to
    share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciplemaking work. In so doing, we
    please Jehovah God, "whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and
    come to an accurate knowledge of truth." (1 Timothy 2:3, 4) We can thus find
    joy in helping others to have the law of the Christ written in their hearts.
    And we delight to observe as their personalities are transformed to reflect
    the divine qualities of Jehovah. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Really, to help others
    to come to know God is the most precious gift we can give them. Those who
    accept Jehovah's friendship can enjoy it throughout eternity.

    Christians--only JWs

    Love for God and neighbor=Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work.

    None of this bleeding-heart stuff of providing food, medicine, housing, transportation. I can remember a non-JW woman who was studying who had to choose between buying her meds or taking a bus/cab to the meetings. No JWs lived near her elders could not find anyone who wanted to drive out of their way including the elders themselves. Eventually, she started going to a nearby Baptist church that had a van that picked up people without transportation and helped her out with food and clothing. She was labeled a "rice" Christian by the elders and "mature" ones. I mentioned the people who carried the person on the stretcher and lowered them down into the room where Jesus was to be healed. Would these elders have done the same in that time?

    Help others to come to know God is the most precious gift we can give them--but did Jesus did it in exclusion to providing for their material needs?

    (James 2:15-16) 15 If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of YOU says to them: "Go in peace, keep warm and well fed," but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?

    Accept Jehovah's friendship--where's Jesus; God's friendship can only be gained through the WTS.

    CARROT: Throughout eternity

    17 We live in a world where material things are greatly valued, even loved.
    Yet, material things are not everlasting. They can be stolen or consumed by
    decay. (Matthew 6:19) The Bible warns us: "The world is passing away and so
    is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever." (1 John
    2:16, 17) Yes, Jehovah will remain forever, and so will those who love and
    serve him. Consequently, does it not make more sense to cultivate love for
    God and for people than it does to pursue the things of the world, which are
    at best only temporary?

    We live in a world where material things are greatly valued--smears 6 billion people and assumes that JWs don't value material things

    The world is passing away--according to the WTS very soon now 6 billion plus non-JWs, men, women and minor children will be destroyed forever.

    Those who love and serve him--only JWs

    At best only temporary--does that mean JWs don't build/buy houses, cars, take fancy trips, buy expensive suits/dresses, go out to fancy restaurants? Can you imagine the thousands of dollars JWs spend to go on this special convention trips when thousands of JW congregations in third world countries have to KHs or just shacks?

    18 Those who pursue love bring praise to Jehovah. Consider Sonia, a
    missionary in Senegal. She studied the Bible with a woman named Heidi, who
    contracted HIV from her unbelieving husband. After her husband died, Heidi
    was baptized, but soon her health failed, and she was hospitalized with
    AIDS. Sonia relates: "The hospital staff did their best, but they were few
    in number. Volunteers from the congregation were called on to take care of
    her needs at the hospital. The second night, I stayed on a mat next to her
    bed and helped to care for her until her death. The doctor in charge said:
    'Our biggest problem is that even relatives often abandon family members
    when they know they have AIDS. Why do you, who are not related, not from the
    same country, not even the same color, agree to put yourself at risk?' I
    explained that to me, Heidi was really my sister, as close as if we had the
    same mother and father. Having come to know this new sister of mine, I found
    it a pleasure to take care of her." Incidentally, Sonia suffered no ill
    effects from her loving efforts to care for Heidi.

    Story about AIDS


    Sonia--(JW) missionary in Senegal (white JW sister in African country)

    Heidi--woman studying Bible (WT publications) with Sonia; contracted HIV from her unbelieving husband (to clarify that Heidi was not the one who "sinned"); husband died (to let you know that the main family member responsible for Heidi's care was not available); Heidi was baptized (thus when Sonia cares for her she is not "just" studying.)

    Hospital staff--few in number--this would be a hospital that handled only black patients (white/European people have separate hospitals that are better staffed)

    I stayed on a mat next to her bed and helped care for her--did she do nursing, bathe her, clean up after her bodily fluids, change the bedding, feed her????

    Relatives often abandon--but not all family abandon. The big problem is that many people no longer have any family left alive to care for them.

    Incidentally, Sonia suffered no ill effects from her loving efforts to care for Heidi--other than sleeping on a mat next to Heidi what did Sonia do? Notice how the WTS reassures JWs that Sonia did not contract AIDS from being in close contact with an AIDS patient. So the people in Sonia's congregation can feel safe giving her a hug (see below).

    Will a person's HIV/AIDS status be kept confidential in a JW congregation?

    *** g94 3/22 p. 14 Helping Those With AIDS ***

    Because of the life-threatening nature of AIDS, it is wise to keep in mind some reasonable precautions when welcoming an AIDS sufferer into our personal association or that of the Christian congregation. First, while no general announcement is to be made, we may want to inform one of the elders in the congregation of the situation so that he would be prepared to give a kind and appropriate response to any who may inquire about the matter.

    Did Sonia hug or touch Heidi? Did anyone else?

    *** g94 3/22 p. 15 Helping Those With AIDS ***

    The prudent AIDS sufferer realizes that others are sensitive about this disease. Therefore, out of respect for the feelings of those who want to be of assistance, it would be better for the AIDS victim not to initiate public displays of affection such as hugging and kissing. Even if there is little or no possibility that such gestures could communicate the disease, this restraint will show that the victim is considerate of others, thus engendering similar consideration in return.

    Was Heidi baptized in a private setting or did she have to wait and go last at a large baptism?

    *** g94 3/22 p. 15 Helping Those With AIDS ***

    What should a person who knows he or she has AIDS do when he or she wants to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses and get baptized? Out of respect for the feelings of others, it may be wise for them to request a private baptism, although there is no evidence to suggest that AIDS has been transmitted in swimming pools. While many first-century Christians were baptized at large public gatherings, others were baptized in more private settings because of varying circumstances. (Acts 2:38-41; 8:34-38; 9:17, 18) Another alternative would be for the candidate with AIDS to be baptized last.

    Regarding the bit about Sonia and Heidi (AIDS patient), quote from OD Book baptism questions:

    Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, page 196-197

    9. To avoid transmitting an infectious or a potentially fatal disease to others, why should an infected person (a) not initiate public displays of affection, such as hugging and kissing? (b) attend the Congregation Book Study at the Kingdom Hall if at all possible? (c) not react negatively when some choose not to invite him into their homes? (d) Why should a person who may have been exposed to an infectious disease voluntarily choose to have a blood test before beginning a courtship? (e) Why should one having a communicable disease inform the presiding overseer before getting baptized?
    Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. For the law code ... is summed up in this word, namely, "You must love your neighbor as yourself." Love does not work evil to one's neighbor; therefore love is the law's fulfillment.—Rom. 13:8-10.
    Love ... does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury.—1 Cor. 13:4, 5.

    19 Many examples of self-sacrificing love may be found among Jehovah's
    servants. No written law code identifies God's people today. Instead, we see
    the fulfillment of what is written at Hebrews 8:10: "'This is the covenant
    that I shall covenant with the house of Israel after those days,' says
    Jehovah. 'I will put my laws in their mind, and in their hearts I shall
    write them. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my
    people."' May we ever cherish the law of love that Jehovah has written in
    our hearts, taking advantage of every opportunity to demonstrate love.

    Many examples of self-sacrificing love may be found among Jehovah's servants--only JWs; does this imply that non-JWs are not self-sacrificing and that examples are hard to find? Just open up the newspaper.

    Hebrews 8:10--the new covenant is only mediated by Christ with the 144,000 anointed per the WTS. Their is no mention of a great crowd or other sheep.

    Taking advantage of every opportunity to demonstrate love--which means preaching and teaching the WT doctrine.

    20 What a joy it is to serve God along with a worldwide brotherhood that
    displays such love! Those who have the law of the Christ in their heart
    enjoy a priceless possession in this loveless world. Not only do they enjoy
    Jehovah's love but they also delight in the strong bond of love in the
    brotherhood. "Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell
    together in unity!" Though Jehovah's Witnesses reside in many nations, speak
    many tongues, and represent. many cultures, they enjoy religious unity that
    is without equal. This unity brings Jehovah's favor. Wrote the psalmist:
    "There [amid a people united in love] Jehovah commanded the blessing to be,
    even life to time indefinite."-Psalm 133:1-3.

    Worldwide brotherhood that displays such love--do you think if the WTS says it enough times it makes it true. How many Sonias do you know that would even touch the door knob at the KH after a known AIDS victim touched it?

    Loveless world--pretty scathing denunciation of over 6 billion people, the vast majority of which and loving and caring. It is not hard to find people that give money, time, love, affection. I was impressed by the people opening their homes to complete strangers not member of their own religion. Would JWs take in a Lutheran, a Pentecostal, etc.?

    They enjoy religious unity that is without equal--but is it based on the Bible or WT doctrine? If you were a JW in 1953, the superior authorities would have been God and Jesus, today, the secular governments. If you were a JW in 1978, you couldn't get an organ transplant without being disfellowshipped, now it is your personal choice. What will change in the future; will it be God changing or the WTS?

    Concluding Comments

    The WTS is an organization with 2 books; what appears in black and white in the WT publications and the unwritten rules that become apparent as a person attends a local congregation.

    Oh, and there is one other book, the Bible, that they claim they use to base both books on. Will the WTS stand up to an audit by Jesus (or God)?

    They say they did in 1919.

    Isaiah Propecy-2 chap. 27 p. 397 Jehovah Blesses Pure Worship ***

    In the modern-day fulfillment of these prophecies, there was an important spiritual development in 1918 in connection with Jehovah's worship. Jehovah and Jesus evidently made an inspection of all of those claiming to represent pure worship. That inspection led to the final casting off of corrupt Christendom. For Christ's anointed followers, the inspection meant a brief period of refinement followed by a swift spiritual restoration in 1919.-1 Peter 4:17.

    Yet after that refinement, the WTS still celebrated birthdays and Christmas, used the cross on the cover of the WT, and based their chronology on pyramidology, and said that Christ's presence began in 1874 (not 1914).

    *** w93 5/1 pp. 15-16 Expanded Activities During Christ's Presence ***

    First, though, these anointed Christians needed cleansing. As Malachi 3:1-5 had foretold, Jehovah God and his "messenger of the covenant," Jesus Christ, came to inspect the spiritual temple in the spring of 1918. Judgment was to begin with "the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17) Malachi 3:3 foretold: "He [Jehovah] must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Levi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver." It was a period of refining and cleansing.
    Passing through this judgment, which climaxed in 1918, the remnant of the slave class was cleansed from worldly and religious defilement.

    So how was the WTS any cleaner than Christendom?

    Well, it is Oktoberfest time in this area? What about your area? Got any plans?

    Prosit der Gemutlichkeit, Blondie


    1, 2. (a) What will we now consider? (b) How did Jehovah manifest himself at
    Mount Sinai?
    3. By what means did Jehovah give the Ten Commandments to Israel, and what
    did that nation come to understand?
    4. Why were the Ten Commandments of great importance?
    5. In what ways did God's laws to Israel reflect his love?
    6. What law has proved to be of more value than laws written on stone?
    7. To whom was "the law of the Christ" first given, and who later embraced
    8. What was a difference between the Mosaic Law and the law of the Christ?
    9. How did Jesus indicate that love was the essence of Jehovah's laws?
    10. How do we know that love is central to the law of the Christ?
    11. How did Jesus demonstrate love for both God and mankind?
    12. Why can it be said that love of God and neighbor are inextricably
    13. If we are to love God, what must we first do?
    14. Why can it be said that God's laws are not burdensome?
    15. What will move us to imitate Jehovah? Explain.
    16. How is love for God and neighbor demonstrated by our preaching and
    teaching activity?
    17. Why is it wise to cultivate love for God and neighbor rather than for
    material things?
    18. How did one missionary demonstrate selfsacrificing love?
    19. Having God's law in our hearts, of what should we take advantage?
    20. Why is the law of the Christ a priceless possession?

    Can You Answer?

    - How important were the Ten Commandments?
    - What is the law written in hearts?
    - What role does love play in "the law of the Christ"?
    - In what ways may we display our love for God and neighbor?

  • jgnat

    Great review as usual, Blondie. My JW husband esteems you highly. His latest fantasy is that you give our local elders a thorough tongue lashing. I am sure you could do meekness and humility, of course. I like this:

    None of this bleeding-heart stuff of providing food, medicine, housing, transportation. I can remember a non-JW woman who was studying who had to choose between buying her meds or taking a bus/cab to the meetings. No JWs lived near her elders could not find anyone who wanted to drive out of their way including the elders themselves. Eventually, she started going to a nearby Baptist church that had a van that picked up people without transportation and helped her out with food and clothing. She was labeled a "rice" Christian by the elders and "mature" ones.

    Also, the illustration of the JW "double books" and surviving a spiritual audit, very good!

  • SallySue
  • SallySue

    Thanks Blondie for that excellent review.

    This entire article is just one large vomit alert.

  • jgnat

    Blondie, my search seems to indicate the source as John Burr, but Taylor Bunch quoted him.

    "Next to the revelation of divine love in Palestine, the declaration of divine will in Egypt is the greatest event which the world has seen, the most powerful moral force in history.... No moral system ever humanly formulated before or since, . . . can approach, much less equal, or excel, these ten words of God. For all time, human duty is condensed and declared with an authority which, in its divinity, can be neither surpassed nor superseded." "God and man, religion and morality, the sum of divine and human relationships, what God requires of man, what man owes to God, are all included. However much the revelation of God's will way be amplified, however far the righteousness of man's walk may be advanced, the range of the moral law will never be surpassed." -JOHN BURR, Studies on the Ten Commandments (1935), pp. 1, 11.

  • upside/down

    Soooo true...


  • jgnat

    I think I spot a logical fallacy.

    The Law of Love ----(sums up)-------> All the law of the Prophets

    The article extends this

    The Law of Love ----(sums up)-------> All scripture.

    And it concludes

    All scripture -------------> love (I only beat you because I love you)

  • blondie
    Blondie, my search seems to indicate the source as John Burr, but Taylor Bunch quoted him.

    Sorry, I don't think I said Bunch said it but that it was a quote of Burr's in a Bunch book. I'm sorry if it wasn't clear. All in all it is a SDA source. (One scholar wrote--Taylor G. Bunch, The Ten Commandments, 1944)

    “Next to the revelation of divine love in Palestine, the declaration of divine will in Egypt is the greatest event which the world has seen, the most powerful moral force in history . . . No moral system ever humanly formulated before or since . . . can approach, much less equal, or excel, these ten words of God. For all time, human duty is condensed and declared with an authority which, in its divinity, can be neither surpassed nor superseded.
    “God and man, religion and morality, the sum of divine and human relationships, what God requires of man, what man owes to God, are all included. However much the revelation of God’s will may be amplified, however far the righteousness of man’s walk may be advanced, the range of the moral law will never be surpassed.” -JOHN BURR, Studies on the Ten Commandments, pp. 1, 11.

    Mr. Bunch is an SDA, Seventh Day Adventist.

    In the 1930s Taylor G. Bunch [1885-1969], an Adventist scholar, pastor, and administrator, developed a series of 36 Sabbath vespers sermons for the congregation at the Battle Creek Tabernacle that he then served as pastor. These studies were subsequently published in 1937 under the title Forty Years in the Wilderness in Type and Antitype.3 His thrust, quite appropriately, was to discover and enlarge upon similarities between ancient literal Israel and modern spiritual Israel—the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

  • Ingenuous

    Paragraph13: We cannot truly love or trust a stranger.

    Paragraph16: As Christians, we allow our love for... neighbor to motivate us to share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciplemaking work.

    Which is it?

    Paragraph 18: Sonia, "I explained that to me, Heidi was really my sister, as close as if we had the same mother and father. Having come to know this new sister of mine, I found it a pleasure to take care of her."

    I wonder what would have happened if Heidi had changed her mind about the Org at some point before she died. "Having come to know" this person, would Sonia have still cared for her if Heidi had decided she couldn't share every aspect of "The Faith" with Sonia?

  • hamsterbait

    Blondie -

    Just spotted the bit about how when wickedness is so ingrained it is part of the person quote.

    This means they are total liars when they say "lurve the sinner, not the sin." In other words those who are condemned to an existence of homosexuality, or frigidity (by virtue of disobeying the divine command to "multiply") are to be hated, because that is who they are.

    I remember a cartoon where a "sticky" figure of Freddy Franz is gesticulating wildly and saying (sort of ) "IN OTHER WORDS IN VIEW OF THE NEGATIVE VOCATIVE ABLATIONAL VOICE IN THE TWELFTH LETTER OF THIS VERSE AND OTHER CONTEXTS, "Thou shalt not Kill" ACTUALLY IS A COMMAND TO TRUE CHRISTIANS TO KILL..

    Loving the new Avatar,


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