We do not need to memorize an extensive code of rules to direct our every act-- because the elders and other "mature" ones at the KH will be sure you find out how long your hair can be, sideburn length, beards or not, ear piercings, skirt length, preferred car to own, how big your house can be and stay spiritual, what "necessary business" means in regard to DF'd family members, while no hour quota--what constitutes the national average that must be maintained to be "spiritual," college or not, that there are rules for the elders and rules for publishers, etc.
If you were a JW in 1978, you couldn't get an organ transplant without being disfellowshipped, now it is your personal choice. What will change in the future; will it be God changing or the WTS?
The WTS is an organization with 2 books; what appears in black and white in the WT publications and the unwritten rules that become apparent as a person attends a local congregation. Oh, and there is one other book, the Bible, that they claim they use to base both books on. Will the WTS stand up to an audit by Jesus (or God)?
Excellant points Blondie!