Someone should tell the social worker handling the case, soon!
Someone might consider telling the DA.
by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends
Someone should tell the social worker handling the case, soon!
Someone might consider telling the DA.
A very similar situation took place between my mother and my brother (the child was my brother's son). My mother succeeded in doing what your sister is trying to do. It did not work out in the end.
If you have any interest in discussing with my sister-in-law (brother's wife), who went through the whole situation, PM me and I can put you in contact with her by email. This is a huge issue in her life and she learned alot while going through it. I'm sure she'd be happy to talk with you about it.
I hate to see kids going through this kind of stuff, at any age.
The state basically told my sister today, that they plan to adopt out the child, soon. My sister told me on the phone, laughing, that the real mother wont even know what hit her. As the state right now has her to every weekend with the baby. Not because they want her to see the child, but rather, so that they can get more details for their report on why she is unfit and make taking the child away easier. I admit, the young mom is inmature, but again she is 15. Since when does the government have the right to take children away, just because you were too young and unexperienced to have babies? Is this new policy? My sister says that in the county the mother lives in California, that they don't like to mess around with these situations for more then six months. So they speed the process along to get the child up for adoption. The case worker told my sister today, "if you want him, you got him." My sister is even looking into changing his name to one she likes more, as the one his mother gave him is one she does not like. Get this!!!! Perpare to be made sick. My sister calls the child a different name now, from what his mother calls him. She calls him "Jackson" which is his middle name and not "Kenneth" which is his given name. Why? Because she does not like the name Kenneth. I don't know about you, but children called different names are going to be confused, even as an infant. She is planning to name the child after he own husband, who has yet to even know she wants to adopt. The sick story gets worse!
I should add, the congregation is 100% behind her and feels she is doing the right thing
Contact the DA and Family and Children's Services. That woman should not have the child, whether they adopt the child out or not.
If you don't feel comfortable doing it, please PM me with the locality in question and I will make an anonymous tipoff.
I would have to hear the OTHER side of the story to really make a fair comment. I have rushed into a comment before without hearing the otherside and it was no fun.
defd, her husband doesn't want children: Family and Children Services should know. The woman brags about manipulating the system to make the mother look bad: the DA should know.
I think I am going to take steps on this, this week. As much as the real mother is young and makes mistakes, I just don't like my sisters attitude. I think the Child Service people should look out for the real mother more and not play so many games with her, just because she is to young to know better.
Foster child or not, I don't see that marriage being made in heaven or on earth for much longer. They are too opposit in their desires, and both are manipulative.... her manipulation is obvious. He is covertly manipulative by not addressing the issues directly.
Poor baby!
As of last Friday, they took the child away from my sister and said they would call in 24-48 hours with information on what was going on. They never called and my sister called to learn it had been placed elsewhere and her services were no longer needed. When she asked for visitation from time to time, they said "no!" I think she got another slap to reality.