JW's never get dfed for being fat? Please don't take this offensively if you are overweight, I'm a little chubby myself. I'm not judging. I have some JW cousins who are morbibly obese. I can't remember the exact scripture but I do recall the bible saying somewhere about not being heavy drinkers and over eaters. So why is it that you can be dfed for abusing your body in other was but not for being fat? Obeseity is fast approaching the #1 killer of Americans. Just something to ponder....
Ever wonder why...........
by knot4me 32 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes, Again not to be judgemental, but I have wondered that myself. Maybe not why some weren't DF'd but why there haven't been more talks on obesity.....
There is nothing biblically wrong with being fat or obese. What is wrong is gluttony, which is a lack of self-control and a form of selfishness. Tough to prove, though, as some people are genetically inclined towards being heavy. I suppose if a JW based his or her whole life around food, and allowed it to get in the way of meeting attendance or something, then some reproof would be in order. Or if at the Kingdom Hall they advocated eating at McDonald's for dinner every night and haughtily refused to submit to theocratic order by instead following the fine example of Jared and promoted the eating of lean Subway sandwiches.
I think that many overweight people Don't eat too much. Their metabolism is different.
So how can an elder judge who is abusing or not of food?
In my case whatever I eat, my body absorbs more iron than the average person. For others its calories.
So, You aren't what you eat......you are what you absorb.
Sitting around and eating is a big part of JW culture, at least here in America. If they started to try to pick out the gluttons, they'd probably lose a significant portion of their volunteer literature-distribution force.
being fat shouldnt be a df'ing offense but gluttony should be.
ever been to a jw get together and see how high some people would pile their plates? absolutely no moderation at all with some!
Lady Lee
I think the outrage if they tried this would be great.
Weight issues are complex. Sometimes it is overeating, sometimes it is chemical and it could also be medications they are taking.
The WTS has a long history of using certain teachings to condone some things and ignore others.
I did know one sister who was counseled by the brothers to lose weight
Okay.... all of your reasoning makes sense to ME...but again we are talking about the elders. The same people who DF or DA people for other absurd reasons..... Reckless driving, Excessive drinking etc.... why do they stay away from the topic of obesity? Not saying it's right or wrong....
the only person i've ever known to drink and drive............was an elder.
just sayin...
Well, in that case it must have been okay?