HELP!!- JT asked to become a MASON!

by JT 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    Anyone seen the simpsons episode making fun of the masons? It has Patrick Stewart as a guest voice. It's very funny.

    The Stone Cutters' Song
    The Simpsons

    Who controls the British Crown?
    Who keeps the metric system down?
    We do, we do.
    Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?
    Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
    We do, we do.
    Who holds back the electric car?
    Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
    We do, we do.
    Who robs cave fish of their sight?
    Who rigs every Oscar night?
    We do, we do!

  • MadApostate

    I don't have time to do a detailed post right now, but I'll make a few brief observations. I had a very close nonJW relative that was a Mason, who during their lifetime shared more personal info with me than anyone other than their spouse, and that person told me NOTHING about their Masonry business other than they WERE a Mason.

    Another ob: About 20 years ago, and taking a job as a door-to-door sales rep, I encountered a perfect example of the "Mason Business Thing" during the very first sales call that I went on with the Sales Manager. (The product cost around $1200 back then, I believe.) On entering the home, the homeowner and SM shook hands, and both faces started to beam. The HO then shook hands wih me and was obviously disappointed. The SM said something I don't specifically recall, but it indicated that I wasn't one of them. The SM then asked the HO if he wanted to hear the sales demo, and the HO said "NO, just write up the order."

    I have other experiences which indicate that this is fairly typical.

    I know two highly placed prominent state level politicians whose competency levels are less than average, but got where they are due to "Masonry" connections.

  • TheHighPriest

    Hi madapostate,

    I wrote a rather lenghty reply and as I was about to post it my computer chucked a big wobble'y and I lost it all so here's a short one instead.
    About the "business thing" the 'book of constituition' makes it clear that these signals are not to be used for any mutual identification in business life. Whether or not some do anyway I can't say and I do not doubt you at all I just thought I should point that out. It could be that the scottish rite allows it but the modern certainly does not. I know that some belonging to the 'scottish rite' Identify themselves to others by means of particular rings but there would be only perhaps ten to fiften such rings. If anyone is interested I'll tell you what I do know about them or at least what the theory around them are.


  • Scorpion


    I have two attorney friends and a seed consultant friend that are always trying to get me to come to their Mason meetings. I have a few books on the Masons as well books from the Mormon church and Joseph Smiths dealings with the Masons. I have never attended a meeting and really have no desire to do so. It seems from what I have read and understand by those who attend, it is just another exclusive club where nonsense takes place.

  • bluesapphire

    JT! You are soooo funny! I love it. My husband always says he's joining the Masons because that's where all the $$$ is and plus he'll get to find out all the secrets. Just think: you are in a position now, with your knowledge and background to infiltrate and fill us curious ones in on the scoop. From a true-blue Mason too. No hearsay, etc. I say go for it dude!

  • Flip
    but this Mason stuff I have very little knowledge on-

    JT, in retrospect you also had very little knowledge about Jehovah’s Witnesses. It makes no sense making the same mistake of omission twice.

    The question is, can you still be an effective and useful human being to your family and friends without being a Mason.


  • MadApostate


    The Masonic RuleBook may say they aren't supposed to use their membership for "business" purposes, but I know better. Over the years, I have done business in multiple states, in multiple industries. I have repeatedly ran across "business relationships" that are grounded in "masonic ties". As I indicated, I also know prominent politicians who rose to their high levels mainly due to "masonic ties".

    Since my personal experience is naturely limited in scope, for me to have ran across so many "Masonic" based business/political relationships means that overall there must be a large percentage of the same in the general population.
    Does this mean they are evil? Not necessarily. My business experiences also disclose the exact same scenarios with Catholics. All things being equal, Catholics prefer doing business with Catholics. Corporations with Cath management are more likely to promote Cath employees.

    This "system" is probably true of other groups.

  • TheHighPriest


    As I said I didn't doubt what you were saying infact I would be surprised if it wasn't that way.

    It seems from what I have read and understand by those who attend, it is just another exclusive club where nonsense takes place.

    Modern freemasonry could not be summed up better.


  • spike

    My grandfather,uncle etc. are involved in Masons. The higher up the order the weider it gets. Let's say they have rituals that little girls are involved in. It has put me in therapy for years. I don't have the time of day for them. I would run the other way. It scares the hell out of me.

    Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon

  • LDH


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