HELP!!- JT asked to become a MASON!

by JT 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • SusanHere

    Amazing how someone can write the most lurid piece of trash the world has ever seen and the gullible will devour it like ambrosia. But feel free! I really don't mind. Masons are not now nor have the ever been, Satanic. Handshakes and "secrets" do NOT equate with Satanic, no matter how much outsiders like to think it surely must. The only thing they have in common is that they both breath air.

    Just because you got, in your words (or the words of many on here) "duped" once by a "controlling organization" doesn't mean EVERY organization is "controlling" and "duping" people. Get real. Move on and get a life. Stop seeing boogey men behind every fencepost.

    The Bible says beware of those who call evil good and good evil. I won't bother to cite the verse since I'm sure you know it as well as I do, or at least you should. Stick the label of evil where you like, as again, I really don't care. But try to use SOME common sense about those you know nothing about other than the trash you read which was written by someone trying to sell a book to the fools who love to read sensational, exaggerated, made-up tales about perfectly decent people.


  • ianao


    Shut up you satanic devil-bitch.

  • Vienna

    Well, Susan, the things I've read on the Mason's are the same things that are being posted here--I mean, it's factual, so there is really nothing to argue. Though I know it's hard to accept it if you are apart of it, but if it's a fact, it's a fact.

    I was surprised also when I read about the Eastern Star and Mason background when I left the JWs. I didn't know they dealt with the occult until I read up on it.

  • JanH

    Susan is right. In fact, "satanism" is practically fiction.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • SusanHere

    IANAO -- Wow, I'm sooooo impressed by your class, tact, intelligence, and thorough knowledge of my (and probably every other female's) physique and character! NOT!!

    Then again, those of your ilk cannot be expected to do better.

    Ciao and have a good day! : )

  • SusanHere


    Just become someone posts something doesn't make it true, except MAYBE to them. Same with what is written as "research". For every book stating something is emphatically WHITE, another will come along and with equal verve and ferver declare it to be GREEN or BLACK. So, just by virtue of getting something published and getting gullible people to buy it and/or getting on TV to talk it up, is no guarantee of accuracy.

    Most "research" regarding religion, cults, clubs, fraternal organizations, and/or the Boy Scouts of America is actually nothing more than personal opinion with a liberal smattering of "testimony" from those individuals supposedly (a.) helped or (b.) harmed or (c.) bored to tears and couldn't care less by said organization. And again, that so-called testimony is usually not verifiable and wouldn't hold up in any court of law, let alone under a microscope with the bright light of truth thrown on it.

    But I do enjoy reading comments from people who will believe anything in publication. Maybe someday I'll write a book so I can get rich off guillible people, too! LOL


  • ianao


    I'm sooooo impressed by your class, tact, intelligence, and thorough knowledge of my (and probably every other female's) physique and character!

    Likewise. I am thoroughly impressed by your ability to blow smoke straight out of your own anus without getting singed. BTW, how's Will Cantres doing these days? Does he still require a child sacrifice by the masters or will he now settle for any little half-breed off the street? I remember him getting pissed when you didn't draw the pentagram just right and I suspect he is still quite the prefectionist.

    Well, enough reminiscing with the evil vile disgusting thing. I'm going to go buy my way into heaven now so it will be returned to me ten hundred thousand fold or some such. Just be careful, because the friends are mobilizing a lynch mob and I understand that the port-a-john that you all use for worship is our next target.

    buh bye.

  • SusanHere

    Hi, GUS,

    Let's think a minute...Who could sell a book, whether accurate or not, except someone who CLAIMED to have been included in the "top secret, inner circle" of whatever organization is supposedly being exposed to the world?

    And IF that organization really IS "secret" with "death oaths", he'd be pretty sure NOBODY would come forward and challenge what he wrote, wouldn't he?

    Even without "death oaths", just by virtue of what goes on there being sacred to those who believe in them, that would be enough to ensure that NOBODY would be able to prove his expose to be the pile of dung that it is, as sacred things, by their very nature, cannot be "proven" to the world.

    And if he made SURE to hawk his book as being full of lurid details -- perhaps even some of the ridiculous verbage some on this link have been using, such as all the reference to sexual meanings of jewelry (ROFLMAO)-- wouldn't he be sure to sell more books?

    EVERY group that has limited their membership in any way is vulnerable to such tactics, and almost powerless to defend themselves in the court of public opinion. Let's face it...There's a reason the National Inquirer sells so many copies. Some people just can't get enough of smut and scandal about the people next door. Truth would only spoil the thrill of the slander.

    I say again...The Masons -- of whom I am not now nor ever have been a part, though my family has been for many generations -- are not associated with Satanism, are not into molesting little girls, even at the 33rd Degree level, do not kill people, do not deny Jesus Christ, do not have symbols that are fertility symbols or other sexually-linked symbols, and are not out to overthrow the government.

    That this is not acceptable to many in here is your problem. I realize how much more titillating it is to envision all matter of dirty, incestuous activity going on in that building up the street that you aren't allowed into unless you are a member. Too bad the simple truth is so much less fun.

    Susan Here

  • SusanHere

    Thanks for your comment, Jan. I've followed your posts, and your link to your Observer site for quite a while now. It has been an educating experience for me.


  • larc

    After reading this and the links provided by sf, I have to come down on the side of Susan and JanH. I have a friend who is a 32nd degree Mason. I am going to ask him for a reference that provides an objective view of this subject.

    The stuff quoted by others here sounds outlandish to me and smacks of muck raking sensationalism.

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