Real blood transfusion history?

by domi0031 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • domi0031

    Hello from a french newbye

    I read on a publication that there was a beloved brother at Bethel who died after a blood transfusion. The paragraph as I remember it carried on saying something like: The brothers & sisters were vey affected, and some ask why God permit it?

    It would be the real reason why there was a ban on blood transfusion.

    Has somebody some informations or tell me where to find.

    In french we have the CD rom Wt only from 1970.

    I have to argue in France.

    Thanks a lot.


  • Bryan



    I can't help you with your search, but I wanted to say hello. My wife is French and from the Paris area.

    Take care and look forward to hearing more from you.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • TD

    Hi Dommi

    I read on a publication that there was a beloved brother at Bethel who died after a blood transfusion.
    How old was this publication?
  • Narkissos

    Hi Domi

    I remember reading that too. Was it not in the ancestor of the Proclaimers book, Jehovah's Witnesses in Divine Purpose (Les Témoins de Jéhovah dans le dessein divin)? I can't check as I don't have the book anymore...

  • domi0031

    The problem with my memory is that I memorize and when its too far I cannot remember which one is it.

    At least I think that when I read it it was round about 1990. By a time I thougt it was Mc Millan who wrote it.

    I am from the south of france where they built A380.

    Best wishes

  • TD
    By a time I thougt it was Mc Millan who wrote it.

    Could it be the book Faith On The March?

    I'll check both books this evening

  • Kenneson

    I, on the other hand, wonder who, when, and where was the first Witness who died sacrificing his life to the no blood transfusion doctrine.

  • TD

    ..Well I've struck out. I can't find it in either book

  • domi0031

    Thanks a lot TD.

    Perhaps some one else would have the reference.

  • blondie

    First thing comes to mind, why would a brother at Bethel be having a blood transfusion? Was it forced upon him? Did he choose to have one and died and this is an object lesson for other JWs not to take blood transfusions?

    Second, was this book a WT publication or authored by a JW in good standing?

    Do you know any words that are in the title of the book, the name of the author, his background?

    You might check with the people who run this site run by JWs and ex-JWs regarding the WT blood doctrine.


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