This is sounding like a stephen king novel . LOL I can't blame you for not wanting to talk about it but if it weren't for people like you telling the facts then they would most certainly get away with it . What a bunch of hipocrytes .
The story of my life (part 7- Bethel, the end)
by onacruse 42 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
That was some story Craig.
A bit of an eye opener for me.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
I can't stop reading your story, it's like some sort of drug.
It's fascinating. I'm just sorry that you had to live through it.
For those that are uninitiated; leaving bethel before your four year (and now 1 year) term was up was/is a big big deal.
Craig, your story explains why so many go to Bethel with high hopes and leave disillusioned, worse than if they had stayed home and stumbled over the errors of the JWs in their home congregation.
Brain washed, torn, and quilted. The quilting came loose!
(((( Craigster ))))
Onacruse, thank you for sharing your story. I wish you well on the path of continued healing.
It is so good that you came here and took the time to journal your history. I, like others, would encourage
you to consider writing a book. Seriously. You are a gifted writer and this type of personal story should
get lots of attention!
Now I see what you were going through.
I was the same way, ... Pioneering, ... as my draft number was high.
Instead of being a prisoner in the SS, we were prisoners of the WT.
A brother commented to my hubbie that there were so few young brothers pioneering these days. He said if the US restored the draft, there would be a big increase in brothers pioneering (remember Vietnam?).
a prisoner in the SS, we were prisoners of the WT.
At least there is some "glory" in the "SS"...
There is only shame and humiliation in serving the WT...followed by life long shunning.
I think the Vets got the better deal...
u/d(of the formerly a WT stormtrooper class)
I assume by "the end" you mean the end of the Bethel chapter and that your story will continue? Keep 'em coming! Another fascinating read.