How many are still in the "I want to argue scripture stage?"

by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    When I left the Witnesses, I picked up a bunch of Christian books on what the Bible says. Isn't it weird that you have to have so many books, just to tell you what another book is saying? Anyway, I went through this phase where I still wanted to argue scripture with people. Only in reverse! I was preparing myself for all those family questions, about how I don't believe what the Witnesses believe when they are always so right. It lasted about six months, now I only have one Bible and I think it is in a box in the garage some where and when people want to argue scripture with me, I just tell them "no thanks!" ... why argue about a book? It is a stage though, and wondered if others went through it or are in it.

  • VM44

    To be a Jehovah's Witness means supporting the beliefs unique to the Jehovah's Witnesses (as set for by The Watchtower), it does not matter if those beliefs are right or wrong.

    This is why it is useless to try to prove any Watchtower doctrine is wrong, to be a Jehovah's Witness, a person HAS to profess belief in ALL Watchtower doctrines.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Not me. I am that I am and that's all that matters.

  • Goldminer

    I prefer to reason on the scriptures,which is actually impossible with jehovah's witnesses.Their beliefs are all set for them and the vast majority of them live in denial.

  • Honesty
    I prefer to reason on the scriptures,which is actually impossible with jehovah's witnesses.Their beliefs are all set for them and the vast majority of them live in denial. GoldMiner

    Spot on, GM. Reasoning with a WT worshipping Jehovah's Witness is a dismal experience in futility.

  • Outaservice

    People have and continue to argue doctrine. And for thousands of years nothing changes. What is effective is your own experiences (your testimony) and who can argue with that? If it happened, it happened!

    For me leaving the WT took a heavy load off and I'm better for it. Problems, oh yeah, still have them and I miss a few different individuals, but go back, never!

    I personally read and believe the Bible, but most Witnesses could care less about your personal reasoningsand beliefs, until that is, 'their own ox gets gored'!


  • Cygnus

    Oh, I did the same thing. One fateful day I spent a good 300 dollars on books at an xian bookstore. I wanted to learn what evangelicals taught, what christadelphians taught, what everyone taught, and why. All these different ideas, based on the biblia. I'm not nearly that hardcore any longer but it still resurfaces from time to time. Bible study was my heritage when growing up. I guess I'll always have an interest in it. Now I'm going back to my hockey game on TV.

  • OldSoul

    I ask for foundation, I wouldn't say that I argue Scripture. I argue against interpretation of Scripture, because I believe people won't think about what they are teaching unless confronted with its impacts and its unreasonableness.


  • stillajwexelder

    not me - not any more - I have got intellectually lazy

  • Mysterious

    I used to do that. Including researching passages that I thought affected myself and my friends (particularly ones pertaining to homosexuality). Then I decided that the bible was just another book and that I didnt particularly care what it has to say. It has value as literature, that's about it.

    I got over the "accurate translation" thing as well. The King James sounds the best to me to be quoted, that's all that matters.

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