iT HASN'T been long since I left the JW's and I still want to have more insight on the Scriptures (I am sorry -- I know that's a book!) but realize more and more, how fallible people's interpretation of the Bible is! It's just one person's opinion against another. You really have to figure it out for yourself really. Commentaries help, but I just think people really don't understand the Bible. If they did, there wouldn't be so many different churches out there! On that note, even the Catholic church has other branches like Opus Dei. Even Greek Orthodox (If you forget about the pope) is very similar to Catholocism.
How many are still in the "I want to argue scripture stage?"
by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends
I never went through that stage. When I left the JWs I left it all. That book always bothered me and arguing about it didn't make me feel better about it. Just couldn't get past that angry bearded white male god. The god of love that is jealous and genecidal. Even in the Greek part of the book there is revelations. Just too much cognitive dissonance. I know I'll catch flack for saying that, but I'm only expressing how I feel/felt, not trying to pursuade others.
it took me about a week or so to go through this stage before i realized that the truly important question was whether god existed or not. if you come to the conclusion where you think that any god most likely does not exist, then it is obvious that jehovah surely doesn't. this spared me all the time of debunking the crazy doctrine of the witnoids. if jehovah is a myth, then why bother with what he said?
seriously, i see some people (exJWs who are now xians) spending years showing themselves that the doctrine is crap, but when they're done i can't help but wonder how far ahead they actually are. (?)
anyways, just my thoughts. i could be wrong, though that is highly unlikely. ;p
ha! i always found the bible the most boring read ever! all that wacky fire and brimstone Revelations ending, "and so and so begat so and so" Why argue the merits of it? its poorly written, the editing and continuity is spurious at best, and the paper its printed on? its good for making rollies! I would rather discuss and argue the merits of a good Shakespeare play!
If the bible was released today, freshly written, it would never sell! -
its good for making rollies!
holy-f skinny! nice idea! i am going to do that right now. thanks man!
i am going to smoke the part where god orders genocide and child sex slaves. bible doobies! jehovah's a real hoot!
lol hey tetra, remember this, its the gift that keeps giving!
I discoved that the spine-insert also makes good roaches. At least the dubs used quality materials in their literature manufacture!
I found that the weightier chapters, ie: Leviticus and the latter chapters in the OT provide the best cathartic smoke! -
Even though I have not read the bible in ages, did it enough growing up, I can still remember some scriptures word for word and know where they are. I like it sometimes, works good in trivia and cross word puzzles.
I am wanting to get out of that stage but can't, because i still have the silly misconception that i may be able to save my family. Anyway I know my knowledge of doctrine is not going to make any difference so it must be time to move it.
I tell you I kick ass at Jeopardy when they have the Bible category, I too read it many times (I think 7 or 8). Thats all its ever come in handy for. And how often does that category appear???