Does anyone know?
What really happens to a person when they die
by Honesty 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is one of those things that we cannot know. There is no way to know it.
Many people have a "faith" belief, but they still don't really know. It's more of a hope.
Worm bait:I think we just become fertilizer and the only after life is seen in the plants which feed on us.
The way I see it is, I'm going to enjoy what time I've got now, and if there's something afterwards, then that's a bonus. But I'm not holding my breath.
Just depends in what you believe I guess, the scriptures say " To be out of the body is to be with the Lord"
I have the hope Mulan talked about. I want to see my loved ones again!
I guess we won't really know until we actually experience it. I really hope this is not all there is and yes, I really would like to see my loved ones again.
We see it coming, the death ahead.
None of us want to be there when it happens!
The automatic response is merely to deny.
We respond: "NO!"
That is our denial. If we don't face it, then, it isn't there to face.
A child hides under the covers and the monster disappears.
But, this denial has it's other side: the incarnation is BELIEF.
It is the coin's other face. On one side: denial. The other side: belief.
We can only believe as a result of what we choose to deny.
Stop and think about that for a moment.
The more we fear; the more we deny. The more we deny; the more we seek belief in the opposite.
Man is limited. We seek to deny limits. Our belief becomes the unlimited: the eternal life, the eternal God, the limitlessness of His powers. The task becomes to befriend that power for our own unlimiting. It is the path outward.
Belief has no fact as a basis of knowledge or it would not be "belief" but "science" instead.
Belief comes from the failure of our knowledge asserted in its place.
What we KNOW from fact and observation we do not need to "believe" for it is there for all to see.
What we BELIEVE stems from the denial of what we cannot face factually.
The casual man speaks of belief in a casual manner: "I believe the sun will be out tomorrow and I believe the weather will change."
But, this is another cousin to BELIEF and is more akin to "I've seen and experienced many times, consequently, I expet it shall continue."
We see each other die and always have. None of us has seen our own death. If we fear it; we will find a way to deny its power.
That is where our belief will begin.
I believe that when we die, it's all over. If it wasn't over, then we wouldn't need the resurrection.
Honesty, Yes it is no secret. We die and return to the lifeless elements from which we were taken. Ge 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Ps 104:29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust. So why all the confusion? Why do some believe we go to heaven or someplace really bad? Because of texts like this: Ec 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. And many confuse allegories in scripture with literal events. The problem is identifying what this spirit is. The word is wind and cannot be defined easily as some attempt. Some in fact the majority it seems think that it is our immortal soul but this is a false doctrine. Immortality is something promised to us in a future Kingdom and not something we now possess. The thing that makes us what we are is our experiences, our memories, our DNA and whatever else is essential to resurrecting us again as immortal human beings into this Kingdom. This record of us this spirit returns unto God and is kept so to speak as an entry in a book of life. It is simply a matter of following the story and staying in context with God’s plan for this human race during His day of rest. That plan is in the development of a seed through the woman Eve that will be restored to life once again. Joseph