I am so grateful for this board

by lonelysheep 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    Thanks, Simon!

    This is the first msg board I came across during my doubting period.

    There are a lot of valuable people here. Even though I've yet to share conversation with them face-to-face (except a few), they are important to me.

    Soprattutto l'uomo italiano che ammiro.

  • GetBusyLiving

    We love you too lonely!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((((Lonelysheep)))))) We're so glad you're here. My visits to the forum are sometimes sporadic, so even though I've seen you post occasionally, I didn't remember to add your name to my "Thanks JWD womenZ" threads. It should definitely be on there. Keep on keepin' on, cher.


  • steve2

    Hey there Lonely:

    Your post speaks to me and I share your sentiments



  • Simon
    Even though I've yet to share conversation with them face-to-face (except a few), they are important to me.

    We've made lots of good friends on here and have had the pleasure of meeting some of them in person - it really is a great thing to do.

    Glad you have found the site useful.

  • bem

    (((((lonelysheep))))))) Glad to hear the board has been good for you.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    lonelysheep, I feel the same way. When I first came here, I had had a horrible 2 days. I had so much anger in me. I feel that this board has really helped.


  • codeblue
  • codeblue

    I am so glad that Simon made this board possible!!!

    It has been a great source of healing for me....Nice to know I am not alone in my thinking.

    Welcome to the board....(btw) (If I never welcomed you before!!!) Codeblue

  • evil hacker
    evil hacker

    I agree I love reading posts, help me get over post WTS hangover

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