I am so grateful for this board

by lonelysheep 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    Its good to have you here too


  • OldSoul


    I agree. We watch out for each other . A rare thing nowadays.

    Welcome, evil hacker!!!

    Watch for flying poo, be ready to jump because kls sometimes aims low to catch duckers. Post all you want. We'll read almost anything.


  • Beachbender

    I always check in at least once a day now, definitely a healing ground.

  • prophecor

    It's a great thing to be able to share here, Lonely Sheep. Though we all come from different degrees of dealings within the walls of the Hall, we still, many, have a commonality, and share even with those unfamilliar with ever having been in the truth. This place has been a healing. I will be forever changed because of it. So glad that you're here. It's good to share with you. All of you.

  • delilah

    Hi Lonely, I'm grateful for this site as well. There are definitely a LOT of awesome people here, and even though i may not post on a daily basis, i come to read other's posts, and have a laugh or two....A GREAT place to come, and heal....hope you continue to post Lonely....

    Welcome Evil Hacker...

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I thank everyone at this forum for their never-ending, relentless freindship, loyalty, support and constant vigil and attention given to exposing the truth about harmful religious organizations. This forum is not only a sanctuary but also an enormous library of information. It is a resource in every way and every bit as helpful as any professional therapy one could engage. It is like digital therapy among friends and family.

    I am constantly humbled and forever grateful to everyone (especially Simon) who shared in bringing this forum to life!

  • MerryMagdalene

    I'm grateful too, lonelysheep...this board has helped make a big beautiful difference in my life, in ways I could never have imagined when I first signed on

    Welcome evil hacker

    Warm greetings, Mario


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