Oh, this'll be fun. Let's see what I can dig up in print, as a good apostate would do, since we love to beat our former brothers and moan and groan about the literature.
km 3/76 p. 3 "Sacred Service" District Assemblies ***Think of what it will mean to attend one of these assemblies! While here you are away from most contact with worldly people and can enjoy to the full the association of your brothers.
*** km 4/78 p. 4 "Victorious Faith" International Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
Since any who travel or stay with us while attending a convention are identified by worldly people as Jehovah’s Witnesses, what can be done to help these individuals to conduct themselves properly?
*** w70 3/1 p. 150 Youths, Prove Yourselves Christ’s Disciples ***
Unless these young people turn around by changing their course of conduct, repenting for what they have done, they will remain outside God’s organization. Their future will be that of the worldly youths who are following the broad road to destruction.
*** w57 7/1 p. 407 Cultivating Right Desires ***
It stands to reason that if you associate with worldly people whose minds are on fleshly lusts, pleasures and material possessions, you will find that your mind will be on those things too. Since that is the case, how can you say you are trying to transform your mind from such things, as the Bible instructs, when you seek the companionship of worldly people? To associate with such persons is no way to make your mind over that it might be in harmony with the Scriptures. It is no way to cultivate right desires. And it is no way to make firm your position on the road to life. So rather than seek the company of worldly people, seek the company of godly people. Seek to be with the dedicated Christians of the New World society, whose companionship will assist you in attaining your goal.
Edited to add a really good one:
w62 8/15 p. 492 Children, Do You Obey Jehovah? *** The way worldly adults and schoolmates treat you because you put obedience to God first may hurt your feelings and your pride, but is it not better to be hurt by ungodly people for doing what is right than to be hurt by God for doing what is wrong? Is it not better to be well spoken of by God than to be well spoken of by persons that he will destroy at Armageddon?