Worldly people are...

by mrsjones5 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    Insert any racist thought or saying you have ever heard after "Worldly people are...".

    I say this because earlier this morning I was thinking about things I have heard from my parents, extended family, and so-called friends about how evil or nasty worldy people are and if you think about it you can insert "worldly people" into any racist phrase and it would sound like something a jw would say.

    I called that religious bigotry.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    ...a lower life form, if you even want to consider them living. They're practally dead already.

  • ballistic

    I sold a small part of a business I owned to a witness bro from another cong shortly after being df, and when we were discussing something he slipped the word "f**cking" into a sentence. I nearly said "what?" I was sure he thought that just because I was now out of the truth that kind of language was acceptable. Of course, I'm not quite so innocent now myself, but thought it was kinda weird at the time.

  • thom

    Yeah ballistic, my business partner talks like that all the time. He also has an incredibly dirty mind.
    But I guess since he goes out in service every week, makes all the meetings and calls his BS conductor when he's going to miss, that makes everything ok for him.
    On topic: I always had a problem looking down on worldly people (I didn't look down on them). It made me sick to hear the things others would say. I had problems with how JW's thought and what they believed for a long time before I finally got out.

  • Nellie

    I remember when my oldest child was about 4 or 5 - I don't even remember what we were talking about, but anyway he said people who weren't JW's were "Satan worshipers". While I was horrified, I remember the book study conductor was gleeful ! I immediately sat him down and straightened him out - I could never abide by the holier-than-I attitude that many witnesses have.

  • Cygnus

    Oh, this'll be fun. Let's see what I can dig up in print, as a good apostate would do, since we love to beat our former brothers and moan and groan about the literature.


    km 3/76 p. 3 "Sacred Service" District Assemblies ***

    Think of what it will mean to attend one of these assemblies! While here you are away from most contact with worldly people and can enjoy to the full the association of your brothers.

    *** km 4/78 p. 4 "Victorious Faith" International Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

    Since any who travel or stay with us while attending a convention are identified by worldly people as Jehovah’s Witnesses, what can be done to help these individuals to conduct themselves properly?

    *** w70 3/1 p. 150 Youths, Prove Yourselves Christ’s Disciples ***

    Unless these young people turn around by changing their course of conduct, repenting for what they have done, they will remain outside God’s organization. Their future will be that of the worldly youths who are following the broad road to destruction.

    *** w57 7/1 p. 407 Cultivating Right Desires ***

    It stands to reason that if you associate with worldly people whose minds are on fleshly lusts, pleasures and material possessions, you will find that your mind will be on those things too. Since that is the case, how can you say you are trying to transform your mind from such things, as the Bible instructs, when you seek the companionship of worldly people? To associate with such persons is no way to make your mind over that it might be in harmony with the Scriptures. It is no way to cultivate right desires. And it is no way to make firm your position on the road to life. So rather than seek the company of worldly people, seek the company of godly people. Seek to be with the dedicated Christians of the New World society, whose companionship will assist you in attaining your goal.

    Edited to add a really good one:


    w62 8/15 p. 492 Children, Do You Obey Jehovah? ***

    The way worldly adults and schoolmates treat you because you put obedience to God first may hurt your feelings and your pride, but is it not better to be hurt by ungodly people for doing what is right than to be hurt by God for doing what is wrong? Is it not better to be well spoken of by God than to be well spoken of by persons that he will destroy at Armageddon?

  • Mysterious

    worldy people are...not your real friends

    worldy people..dont actually care about you

    worldy people are...just out for their own pleasures and gain

    worldy people are...depressed and without hope

    worldy people are...not content with their lives and feel they are missing something

    worldly people are...mislead and just need to be shown the truth

  • jgnat

    Yes, bigots.

    There is one woman at our hall that I despise. She's the type waiting for Armageddon to come any day to wipe off all the nasty worldly people off the planet. I started to hate her the day she tsk'd the rising accident rates and blamed it on the hazardous driving of "worldly people".

  • prophecor

    Worldly people are...a lot better off than most Jehovah's Witnesses could dare realise. They are hard working, they don't always have it out for you, and if you ever gave yourself an honest chance to get to know one, you may come to the stark reality, that you're really no different than they are.

    They have faults just like you, they have thoughts, deeds and habits that are not much different than yours. Many long for happiness and seek it out in a healthy manner. It was always me who would try to make more out of worldly people than what was there.

  • misspeaches

    Wordly people... Lets see

    Don't give disparaging labels like 'Wordly' to other people

    Don't offer conditional relationships

    I hate the expression Wordly. I think it is insulting.

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