Worldly people are...

by mrsjones5 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billygoat
    I sold a small part of a business I owned to a witness bro from another cong shortly after being df, and when we were discussing something he slipped the word "f**cking" into a sentence. I nearly said "what?" I was sure he thought that just because I was now out of the truth that kind of language was acceptable. Of course, I'm not quite so innocent now myself, but thought it was kinda weird at the time.

    It's funny you mentioned this, because now as an adult (an exJW adult) my father feels completely comfortable cursing around me. Now I don't have virgin ears or a virgin mouth by any means, but it's just strange hearing my dad say $#!+ and @$$, when growing up we weren't allowed to say SHUT UP or STUPID. LOL!

  • mrsjones5
    I hate the expression Wordly. I think it is insulting.

    Think of it this way. If someone calls you "worldly" say "Why thank you! I'm just tickled pink that you think I'm such a wise person!"

    world·ly (wûrld'le) pronunciation
    adj., -li·er , -li·est .
    1. Of, relating to, or devoted to the temporal world.
    2. Experienced in human affairs; sophisticated or worldly-wise: “an experienced and worldly man who had been almost everywhere” (Willa Cather).
  • Aude_Sapere

    Worldly people only *think* they are happy.

  • Soledad

    I remember I was close friends with a brown-nosing brother who started as an MS and later became elder.

    When he said "wordly" he said it with such contempt and disgust in his voice it gave me chills. He has 2 pre-teenage daughters. I feel so sorry for those girls.

    Worldly people are...a lot better off than most Jehovah's Witnesses could dare realise. They are hard working, they don't always have it out for you, and if you ever gave yourself an honest chance to get to know one, you may come to the stark reality, that you're really no different than they are.
    could not have said that better myself.

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