When the World Almost Ended

by metatron 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The next time you fall into pessimism ( it happens to me too!) consider the year 1968.

    The war in Vietnam was raging, the US lost its 10,000th airplane in the war, the Tet offensive took place, Johnson gave up in seeking

    another term as President, the Russians invaded Czechoslovakia, Robert Kennedy was murdered, Martin Luther King was murdered,

    Andy Warhol was murdered, the Chinese were making public remarks that an all out nuclear war would be a good thing because

    they thought they would survive, the Russians were having tense border clashes with the Chinese and the ground work was set

    for a wave of inflation to ripple thru the US economy.

    Oh yes, and apparently the world was almost destroyed when a rogue Russian sub tried to fire a one megaton nuclear weapon

    at Pearl Harbor - and blame it on the Chinese. That's the assertion of a new book called "Red Star Rogue" that pieces together

    confidential sources concerning the mysterious fate of K-129 and its sinking in the Pacific. It is claimed that radicals in the Kremlin

    planned the seizure of a nuclear armed sub that strongly resembled a Chinese vessel and attempted to obliterate Hawaii to

    trigger a war between the US and Red China. The missile apparently exploded when they tried to launch it and destroyed the

    sub with all hands on board, leaving a trail of oil and radioactivity across the Pacific ( the warhead did NOT actually detonate).

    ....... a very scary book.

    Things look bad now - but they've been much worse and the world has survived. Floods, war, famine, disease, you name it

    - whether Divine Intervention - just Dumb Luck, the human race muddles thru.


  • OldSoul

    And in that same year, in that environment, we were reminded again and again of the significance of 1975.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    In the late 70s/early 80s the scientists/economists/religious leaders/others speculated that mankind wouldn't make it to the year 2000, citing a myriad of reasons why.

    Well, well, well.............!!! Hellllllllllllloooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • DannyHaszard

    Roger that-The closest we came in my opinion was the cuban missle crisis here in the states my parents the congregation and everyone else was in terror.

    Yet they did know the half of what really transpired.There were FOUR TIMES as many city busting 12-25 megaton missiles than Kennedy's intell knew about.

    The russian boys had no fail safe on their crews each launcher had a single key and one button to launch as easy as staring up a car.The decision to launch was made by the individual crew chief and they were drunks.

    Down in the ocean there was a soviet sub with broken air conditioning going mad in 120 F. degree heat the American navy was dropping hand granades in the water to simulate depth charges to terrorize them NOT knowing they had a nuclear torpedo in the tube

    With all due respect the events of Sept 11 2001 was nothing.

  • Leolaia
    Andy Warhol was murdered

    He was shot, not killed. Died in 1987. (small detail)

  • BrendaCloutier

    Armageddon had it's opportunities and opportunists

    and failed.

  • DannyHaszard

    MORE- the red phone in the white house was ringing off the hook trying to contact Krushnef (sic) who complicated the translating because he was a russian redneck who spoke pig-russian and they couldn't understand what he was saying.

    Historians say that the blowhard russian dictator loved children and that's why he backed off so they wouldn't die.

    Of course in the book study we were told that Jehovah's angels who are holding back the four winds intervened because the sealing of the 144,000 was incomplete.

  • BrendaCloutier
    Of course in the book study we were told that Jehovah's angels who are holding back the four winds intervened because the sealing of the 144,000 was incomplete.

    They knew best. Afterall the WTBTS is the (foul) mouthpiece of Jehovah.

  • metatron

    I stand corrected. Leolaia, your eye for detail amazes me!


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Historians say that the blowhard russian dictator loved children and that's why he backed off so they wouldn't die.

    The fact remains that it WAS Kruschev who saved the World imho.No way was bastard kennedy gonna lose face it would appear.

    Fine to have Missiles next door to Soviet Russia and its allies(U.S bases in west Germany etc)but oh no sireee to having them in Coooba.


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