The discussion on god and why it allows bad things to happen was eye-opening for me. As I had hoped it would be!
One thing I drew from it is that those that believe in god don't necessarily have any basis at all for that belief. Moreover, that's ok with them. They don't see it as a requirement.
It also seems that they don't expect anything from their god. No miracles, no "saving", no answers to prayers. (Not to say that none have been answered, but when no answer comes this is neither unexpected nor upsetting)
This led me to wonder why believers choose to worship god. Scully mentioned a few days ago that she places pretty high value on her worship and wouldn't just hand it out to anything that asked for it. That makes sense to me.
But OldSoul pointed out that parents love their children. If pressed, a parent would find it impossible to actually explain why they love them, but they will have no problem affirming that they do. Even if they screw up, steal from you, commit murder. You still love them.
Ok, so I could buy that you could still love a god that didn't do anything. But worship is more than love.
What prompts you to worship?