You know Logan, I can't stay out of this any longer. Your question asking "where exactly is our sin nature, in our genes". Then you go on about evolution. Wow, this is very funny actually. Let me ask you a question, where is LOVE in our genome, or intellect, or "morality", or our "soul", etc. You see, those who hold to evolution, I find claim to have all the answers, however, they cannot answer the how or why questions answered by religion. If they could, we would not need religion. A "bootstrap" mentality may work for you, fine. But, as another so astutely put it, you too will die. There is nothing you can do to prevent it, no matter how much YOU try.....and the questions remain...why are we here, how do we "understand" or have "self awareness" while no other creatures do (and please don't tell me how a chimp can do sign language or cry or whatever, that does not cut it). P.S., sorry if this sounds harsh, it is not meant to be, however, it is to the point.
JoinedPosts by HuskerMike
Christianity promotes a helpless victim mentality...
by logansrun ini'm going to be a man of few words here.
christianity, in it's truest, fundamentalist form, promotes an unhealthy and non-productive victim mentality.
the christian feels helpless on his own -- condemned by sin and absolutely unworthy.
If you think child abuse and scandal is only for JWs...
by HuskerMike infor those not aware of this story, it is one with intrigue, scandal and much more.
not for the faint of centers in the midwest around the time i was a teen in omaha.
wierd, but like a train wreck hard not to look at.
are you familiar with this case??? Much has been "unearthed" and many have "died" surrounding this. Satanic or not, the kids were taken and forced into sex, this is court documented. Another link, this one is very compelling, pay particular attention to the claims of the Monsignor from Boys Town... interesting that what he says about the Catholic Church was yet to become common knowledge.
If you think child abuse and scandal is only for JWs...
by HuskerMike infor those not aware of this story, it is one with intrigue, scandal and much more.
not for the faint of centers in the midwest around the time i was a teen in omaha.
wierd, but like a train wreck hard not to look at.
think again. For those not aware of this story, it is one with intrigue, scandal and much more. Not for the faint of centers in the midwest around the time I was a teen in Omaha. Wierd, but like a train wreck hard not to look at.
Can't resist, 2Kings 17:9
by HuskerMike inif one so chooses, "9the israelites secretly did things against the lord their god that were not right.
from watchtower..."
...ummm, it goes on but i stopped there :)
If one so chooses, "9The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right. From watchtower..." ...ummm, it goes on but I stopped there :)
Watchtower Society owns Airplane
by Amazing inthe watchtower society owns an airplane ... and it had an incident which was filed with teh faa / ntsb.. .
on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
the business flight, operating under 14 cfr part 91, departed good news, alaska, and the destination was tuntutuliak, alaska.
this is very true. Alaska is probably the most aviation rich state in the union. They get their very own FAA pool of money, while the rest of the country splits the rest. By the way, for those who don't know, business jets ARE profitable for corporations. They save time and money. Most, if not all, corporate flight departments have to "show" or prove their value. Typically, when the business is having hard times, the jet goes. However, the jet can and does make corporations money. Also, corporate jets mostly carry mid-management types. Most people think they simply take CEO's and family from one resort to another. This is a myth. Not to mention, that when this does occur, it has to be added to the CEO's compensation for tax purposes. FYI, I am a pilot and work in the field of aviation (airport consultant).
Watchtower Society owns Airplane
by Amazing inthe watchtower society owns an airplane ... and it had an incident which was filed with teh faa / ntsb.. .
on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
the business flight, operating under 14 cfr part 91, departed good news, alaska, and the destination was tuntutuliak, alaska.
actually, the plane is registered to "KINGDOM SUPPORT SERVICES INC" with a listing of Anchorage Alaska according to FAA records. It is the only plane listed for that owner.
If God And His Thoughts Are Perfect - How Did Humans & Satan Become Evil?
by Latin assassin from Manhattan inthis question may not make too much sense.
if a man creates a computer, using the best parts and software design with the intent of analyzing data accurately and reliably, would he also design it with the ability or freedom to 'crash' or spread viruses to other computers if it chose to?
if a man trains a dog with the intent of being a family pet, would he also give it the knowledge to kill humans or other animals?
the answer I always come back to is "good v evil" fight to the end. Let me elaborate. This is NOT in the Bible, but, I think that Satan in turning from God issued a challange, "who is right". Thus, God started it all, created perfect beings with the capacity to sin (eg. established a rule, do not eat from the tree). I know, this is not in the text, but it helps. In other words, I believe it all revolves around "choosing sides", whom will you serve? For me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I am now in the midst of studying the O.T. Facinating really, that those in that time were continually "shown" God's existance. The Word of God would come down through a prophet, and bam, it would happen just as He said. So, one has to assume one of two things. First, the things actually happend as stated in the Bible, or second, they did not. So the Bible is either historically correct or it is a novel. I tend to believe that it happend, as much archeology supports dates, Kings, opposed to the lack of evidence for the historiocity of the Book of Mormon. Oh well, just my $0.02
by Jessica Rabbit ini am mentally drained with one question only, and i ask this while looking up toward heaven.
" i started reading genesis yesterday, one verse at a time, and really trying to figure out why we are even in this boat we are in.
the only chapter i really enjoyed was chapter 1. it seems like everything turned to sh*t after the garden of eden was added.
I wish I had someting enlightening to say, however, all I can say is, it went downhill quicker than you say. I think it all went downhill when God created Adam.
Need Help Witnessing to JWs
by HuskerMike ini am new here, and am a christian.
i had a young man and mother attempt to sell jw to my wife, who agreed to listen but only when i am there.
we are meeting with them tomorrow.
most here think I did well, one thought not so well. I posted the "report" on another thread, entitled, "well the experience is over". I am too new here to link that for you, but if you look under my name and history postings, you should be able to find it. Thanks for asking
Well, the experience is over
by HuskerMike inmet the jw's today, a 20 year old boy and his mother.
he was refreshing, she was not.
as soon as the conversation started to go to the trinity, she stopped the discussion and simply asked if we were "comfortable" in believing what we do.
hey blondie,
I forgot to mention that the boy claimed it "stand up" that the church has admitted failures in regards to the false prophesies. Funny thing, HE brought up the false prophesies. He said that one of the reasons he accepts what they tell him is that they admitted failure. My question is "did they"? I thought they simply brushed 1914, 25, 75 et al under the rug. Did they actually admit failure?