Okay people, contact made, I'll send a fax, carrier pigeon and Morse Code next.
Let's see what happens hey?
jehovah's witnesses - group action lawyers fighting for justice | artemis legal .
artemis legal | watchtower claims.
13 october 2015 .
Okay people, contact made, I'll send a fax, carrier pigeon and Morse Code next.
Let's see what happens hey?
jehovah's witnesses - group action lawyers fighting for justice | artemis legal .
artemis legal | watchtower claims.
13 october 2015 .
This is the last serious caution.
Anyone who is serious about this matter would not touch this form of legal action. It will do harm. It is headline grabbing and that is all it is. No good will come out of it. It will cheapen the whole reason for the RC. So stop dead in your tracks before you get carried away.
Recall the RC?. It functioned calmly, with detail and with evidence. This is a cheap shot. It is risky to pre-empt the advice that will come to "genuine" victims, from those best equipped with full knowledge.
Recall: The RC with the legal genius of Angus Stewart? He discredited Applewaite on her weak and incredible claims of "expertise" before she got out of the bloody holding pen. No race that day, she was completely discredited. That was impressive and heart stoppingly well done. It was a brillaint move. I would want this intelligent and accurate set of people on my side any day. Not some crap cheap shot lawyer who doesn't care.
This RC was instituted to do a thorough, legal, humanitarian investigation into this religion (amongst many) It is set up to deliver a good and honest result.
I am going to phone these bastards and ask the hard question. I know the answer already.
meleti has not been wrong so far.
if anything he can be too cautious.
have a read of his last post on a wt study this week past.
Meleti has not been wrong so far. If anything he can be too cautious. Have a read of his last post on a WT study this week past.
I should make a lot of you pretty content. Just scroll quickly to where he quits with the analytics and into what he has heard and trusts.
jehovah's witnesses - group action lawyers fighting for justice | artemis legal .
artemis legal | watchtower claims.
13 october 2015 .
Careful people!!. This is not on the RCs official list of legal representatives...I smell a rat.
I also have the official list. RC will put people onto the correct legal entities.
sorry to be so blunt, but you only have yourself to blame if you realize something is wrong but allow your cognitive dissonance to kick in.
if you are confronted with facts which are reported by reliable sources which are hard to dispute and deny, and you choose to dismiss these as "apostate lies" rather than looking at these from an objective point of view, it's your fault and you deserve the consequences of willful ignorance!.
Divergent. That is way too harsh. People have much to lose. Entire families and lifetime networks. This is no way to deal with some who are really struggling. What if some curious, doubtful JW reads this? They will be terribly upset and likely afraid.
No. This approach is not good. Are you young, are you just insensitive?
sorry if this has already been posted but the fact that it's at the top of anonymous' "rights" section stopped me cold.
kudos to whichever exjw posted this!
sorry if this has already been posted but the fact that it's at the top of anonymous' "rights" section stopped me cold.
kudos to whichever exjw posted this!
so i sat thru another brain mushing session for the sake of family.
it is no myth by now that the more time you spend awake the harder it is the accept that people just take all of this in without asking.
a computer has more reasoning abilities than your average jw at this point.
Isn't that one of the most arrogant delusional things to come up with. Now they are literally telling people, us, that what is said in the bible isn't necessarily so. That what many of us plainly read is not what really is before us. In fact, those word are fake words on fake paper in a fake world.............better go, it's doing my head in.
I have heard it all...........nearly.
don't guess many people will spend 7 minutes listening to this, but it does have a certain novelty value, and in view of the epic throwing some light on the bible story:.
serial killer converted to god .
october 13, 2015 .
perth serial killer richard dorrough had found god and was struggling to live with the guilt of three murders on his conscience when he decided to take his own life last year.