JoinedPosts by SecretHeart11
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch inhaving problem pasting this...
Cosmos--any creationists watching? And what does EVEryONE think of it?
by Jon Preston ini just finished the episode about the extinctions and the tree of life and how life evolved.
my wife asked me "what, do u believe in evolution now?
because im watching a science show?
S&R: Ok I think I was mixing up "theory" and "fact". Although to be fair a lot of theories are talked about as fact. I wasn't using that debate to disprove evolution (it would be like denying dinosaurs when you can see the bones! Or like you said About earth being flat / round, not something that can change). I guess I essentially agree, we could see in 150 years how we were flawed in a parts of these theories, but was misusing terms. Thanks for your post, you sound a lot smarter than me lol I don't think that germs or evolution or dinosaurs will be disproven in years to come, but our understanding of them and their history could certainly change. And I agree I was definitely disadvantaged getting a one sided education when it came to these topics.
Cosmos--any creationists watching? And what does EVEryONE think of it?
by Jon Preston ini just finished the episode about the extinctions and the tree of life and how life evolved.
my wife asked me "what, do u believe in evolution now?
because im watching a science show?
Yes Vivian, thanks, that's all I meant. I wasn't meaning to start a debate. I'm not very informed on the subject (not a very scientific thinker) and I'm not claiming to be some sort of expert. I was wanting to reply to the poster and say I thought that's what s/he meant. Like you said, if we had all the answers we'd just stop right?
Cosmos--any creationists watching? And what does EVEryONE think of it?
by Jon Preston ini just finished the episode about the extinctions and the tree of life and how life evolved.
my wife asked me "what, do u believe in evolution now?
because im watching a science show?
S&R: The example I was thinking of when writing that was germs. There was other theories about what caused disease that were accepted. That was relatively recent (1800s?). More than 100 years granted, but I was talking in general terms. There were also medical practices that would never be done now like they were (blood letting) that were the norm. I'm not saying science is wrong, I just think it's arrogant to think 100% of current accepted scientific knowledge is correct now.
Circuit Overseer wakes up, packs his bags and leaves!
by Anony Mous ini just heard this about a co i knew back in the day before he was even a co. he must be in his mid-late 40's now, my mother told me the story as she knows the family very well (the entire family has gone 'apostate' including several elders, circuit overseers and missionaries - this was an "example" family, always on the stage etc).. he wasn't 'feeling well' so he took time off from his co duties.
that week he packed his suitcase, told his wife he can't do it anymore and he's leaving, leaves her the car and the house and went to live in a small apartment, bought a small car and a week later got a decent job.. this was very recent so not everybody within the org has heard yet what happened..
Smiddy, I got that by family he probably meant maybe siblings, parents, aunts/uncles, that sort of thing. Sounds like the wife stayed and he left her.
Cosmos--any creationists watching? And what does EVEryONE think of it?
by Jon Preston ini just finished the episode about the extinctions and the tree of life and how life evolved.
my wife asked me "what, do u believe in evolution now?
because im watching a science show?
Will be and my name, I understand what you mean. So many things that were scientific "facts" even 100 years ago are now known to be untrue. It sort of feels like a similar attitude to people who believe we are living in the most important times Biblically (kind of conceited). I'm sure every generation feels "we have the most important discoveries of all time!", which might be true until 100 years from now when they discover a bunch of information that may disprove what we know now. All these theories sound completely reasonable, but who knows what will come to light in 50, 100, 200 years that could disprove so much of what we "know" now.
Megan Amram
by perfect1 ini found this tumblr pretty funny and wanted to share.
maybe one of you will share my sense of humor, i love the ayn rand stuff.. .
ThankS! I follow her on twitter but have not seen her blog.
Do you like Hyperbole & a Half? One of my faves, I go back and reread it a lot.
JW man presumed dead, shows up 24 years later to collect his pension claiming he had "amnesia"
by SecretHeart11 ini don't know if this has been discussed here, but i came across this article and wanted to share.
do you think he really had amnesia?
an excuse to drop the jw life and start fresh?
I don't know if this has been discussed here, but I came across this article and wanted to share. Do you think he really had amnesia? An excuse to drop the JW life and start fresh?
Thanks WTBS for changing the Kingdom Songs, you freed me!
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
I agree. All these changes; new Bible, new "language" with all the change in terms, new songs, new doctrines, different meetings. There isn't much left for people to feel connected to. I was recently at a stadium where we used to have our conventions years ago before there was some mysterious falling out and then we ended up having to drive much, much farther. I was totally overcome with nostalgia. Not because of the programs, in fact I can't remember one single word from any talk, just things like getting my new dress, or playing tic-tac-toe with my friends during the program until we got caught, or walking around at lunch time, volunteering to clean the bathroom during the session so it was less sitting time. But I think after family / friend ties a big reason why people stay in is nostalgia. It's almost unrecognisable to be at a meeting now, even out for a few years. It kind of breaks the emotional attachment to and ritual of it.
What if I am a disfellowshipped public school teacher?
by bsand20 incould a parent put in a complaint to the school district and request that their child be transferred out of my classroom because i am exjw?
if they give me the jw school brochure (do they still do that?
sorry its been 16years since i've been out) can i just tell them i'm familiar with their teachings or should i just pretend i'm new to their teachings?....i'm a freshman in college so i have still a long ways before this situation is presented, however i"m trying to get prepared for it.
I agree you have no obligation to tell them anything. You could just say you're familiar with jw's If you wanted. I would just smile and nod though. It will give you a good opportunity to be sympathetic to that child though. Some teachers would make such big shows about excluding the kids. (Congrats on becoming a teacher! I always wanted to be an elementary school teacher. What are you hoping to do?)