Your old school of thought just lost the test of time. Historically we can get the 607 archeological sequences in without any hard core charts of the 7 times, and the Sabbath cycle. You can no longer disprove 607. Perhaps you intelligent people like besty can get a theologian with a degree in history, bribe that person, it shouldn’t cost more than 2 million and have that person discredit the entire historical community about the Babylonian chronicles VAT 4956, BM 22047, BM 21946, or how the bible talks about the desolation of the land of Judea or just Jerusalem is unsubstantiated double talk by junior theologians. Its time to get yourselves another champion because Jeffro‘s theory was nullified by me, and what makes it worse according to besty, I’m an uneducated moron with faulty grammar. That just adds more salt to Jeffro’s wound. You people need to pickup his ego. For now all he can do, is insult me. Oh well, that’s life!!!!!!! I hope Jeffro is not a book author. Now that would really hurt.
JoinedPosts by billythekid46
Here we go again. Dan 4 and 1914
by leaving_quietly inwtbts published a new article on ( entitled "what does bible chronology indicate about the year 1914?
" in it, it points to daniel 4 as the prophecy and uses the same leaps of insane logic to get from the first and only fulfillment of that prophecy to 1914, using 607 as the starting point and 2,520 years as doubling the 1,260 years in revelation.
of course, there is no accounting for the difference in our solar years and the bible's lunar years, which makes the math have a very different outcome.
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Terry I respect your insight, as I have been stating all along. This website was placed in the most part by disgruntled ex-witness that fabricate, lie, to their readers in an effort to show new light by utter ignorance attack a group that has for decades moved on from the old light and yet still get scrutinized by it. If this is the case, then all religions are false including the people here that profess to show proof of new light with old light teachings and as you stated manipulate it to fit their agenda. The hypocrisy then would be wide.
Under Rutherford's direction, the International Bible Students Association introduced significant doctrinal changes. The group lost most of its original members between 1916 and 1928 but regrew rapidly from the mid-1930s [2] with the introduction of new preaching methods. [3] In 1931, the name Jehovah's witnesses was adopted, [4] further cutting ties with Russell's earlier followers. [5] Substantial organizational changes continued as congregations and teaching programs worldwide came under centralized control. Further refinements of its doctrines led to the prohibition of blood transfusions by members, abandonment of the cross in worship, rejection of Christmas and birthday celebrations and the view of the biblical Armageddon as a global war by God that will destroy the wicked and restore peace on earth. [6] In 1945 the Watch Tower Society, which Russell had founded as a publishing house, amended its charter to state that its purposes included preaching about God's Kingdom, acting as a servant and governing agency of Jehovah's Witnesses and sending out missionaries and teachers for the public worship of God and Jesus Christ.
EdenOne, Perhaps this will help you in your thrust for knowledge if you follow the Miller Movement rendition of 1914. The missing peace of the equations you rendered does not compensate for the Sabbath cycle Year or as we know it today leap year. *Quote: To comprehend the significance of the 70 years, we need to know what Sabbath cycle was being referenced in 2Ch 36:21 Unquote* If you are a mathematician as I’m not then you have no problem figuring out the references SCORE and JUBILEE, and then you can figure the missing 51 cycles or the 19 cycles by which dates you use that frankly gave me a headache when I finished viewing the whole sequence in that book.
Outlaw. I would be more than happy to take (accept) the medications as long as you go first.
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Top of the morning Lass jgnat. Teach was a phrase of endearment, since you call yourself an instructor or facilitator. but perhaps your right, I should call you nonconformist.
As for EdenOne. I have no idea where I misrepresent the bible or what you speak of since I don’t follow the Miller Doctrine but simply meet historical inaccuracy with the aid of Historical accuracy by proving with historical FACTS an answer to the year 607 through ironically the same literatures that Jeffro and many others have used to falsely accused the organization called JW’s portray them as liars, when the lies come within their or own convoluted group for not telling their readers the complete story. Perhaps you’re not aware through my previous post, but I’m and ex-witness that strongly believes if any one is going to debate something within reason, it should always be with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God. I have read 1000’s of titles on Archeology, History, and theology, many from ex-witnesses and my faith in god, places my discernment in the right order. I do not consider myself infallible as others do, and to answer your question of who I am,
I prove to be Creation of Man. Creation of the most holy high, whom I entrust my life to. It is through him and him alone I quest for truth. I prove as an imperfect man to be many things, but do not hold sacrilegious or blind myself to the truth. As I figuratively called Jeffro the Son of Satan, it is only to remind readers how the only truth belongs to him, and as such perhaps not the Son of Satan but a close ally The False Prophet, by making outlandish claims on the “word of God to be False “as it has come to be known to us as the Bible. A storybook that can be changed on a whim. Such a man is a Heretic, and any mortal believing in such impudence transgresses on the very existence of man by which was started with the disobedience of Creations first pair. Who am I, I am one who brings truth with what the reader can see, as an alternative to blasphemy? Is it my Truth? No and I do not claim such title to it, but humble myself to accept it before God, Yahweh.
But you are correct, the organization that was established in 1931 as the Jw’s of today never believed in making such perditions as well as C.T. Russell’s association within the bible students.
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is a global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world of peace centered on universal spiritual and moral values. This coalition is part of (NGO) Non-Governmental Organizations and have nothing to do with any one religious belief other than being unified with the constructs of the United Nation and has no personal gain on what it writes in The New World Encyclopedia, As JEFFRO put it by referring them to some cult called the Moonies, and makes accusation that I don’t know what an NGO is, when he is clearly being defiant with the truth and at this point continues to fabricate, lie, and make false claims in fear he will loose his followers.
This debate was hijacked from the original question on 1914. Someone in this thread made an outlandish claim the bible students made a prediction about 1799. I simply stated that date had nothing to do with the bible students but was a stepping stone in the idealism held by Miller and Adventist movement, and it still is. However I do find that 1799 is an important date. Perhaps not the end of the world but and interesting time. You call this lying, by speaking the truth? But in Jeffro's defense, He don't have publications that I have and are not available on the internet. 1000's of missing pieces just like the Babylonian Chronicles.
At the same time, U.S. president John Adams’ prudence alone prevented a war in 1799 that would have placed the young republic into combat against Napoleon. From Adams’ office in Philadelphia, the first seat of government, it was possible to look out on the streets and witness the great changes wrought by acting on religious vision. He knew that the power of religion could be exercised for good or ill. In general, Adams’ belief was that it had been exercised for ill and he strongly supported the separation of church and state. In this he played a critical role. As soon as the constitution for the new nation was ratified, he immediately criticized it
as incomplete because it had failed to define the protection of human rights. Jefferson and Madison agreed to draft a “Bill of Rights” to correct this oversight. The opening phrase of the first of ten amendments to the constitution ratified December 15, 1791, marks a turning point for church and state. For the first time in any nation’s history freedom of worship was official state policy: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
It had been 265 years since Felix Manz, the first Anabaptist martyr, perished in the “third baptism” under the freezing waters of the Limmat River near Wellenberg, Switzerland. At last the Anabaptist entreaty for the separation of church and state was law. As the nineteenth century dawned, a culture in Europe and North America holding religious, social, political, and scientific world-views unimagined by Luther held world stage. This fulfils Christ’s promise to the church of Philadelphia, “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it” (Revelation 3:8). In the next century, economic upheaval from a movement soon to be called the “industrial revolution,” and scientific advances, would provide Christianity with its greatest challenges, and its greatest triumphs. The Adventist Movement The Midnight Cry At midnight there was a cry, Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him—Matthew 25:6, ASV
The Aftermath of Disappointment
Following the 1843-1844 disappointments, Storrs continued to preach the advent without dates. He drifted into an extreme position during the 1860s with the group known as Life and Advent Union. It was analogous to the unsaved non-resurrection position of Christadelphians. In later autobiographical sketches he recounts his encounter with books of the English writer Henry Dunn about the ransom doctrine and the restitution of all things. One book was titled The Destiny ofthe Human Race . He then reactivated The Bible Examiner in 1871 (after a lapse of about eight years) and reworked it to incorporate the thoughts of the ransom for
all and restitution of all things. The masthead verse was 1 Timothy 2:5,6. His conclusion: the plan of God extended beyond the few faithful to the entire human race. The Abrahamic promise applied to all men during a soon-to-come earthly kingdom. The general concept of God having a plan was popular among contemporary
Advent Christian writers like I. C. Welcome and Clarkson Gould in their The Plan of Redemption of 1867. But Storrs incorporated much more of the “wider hope” than they would allow. On the other hand he avoided the modernism and speculation rampant among Universalists in their great social tolerances. God provided reasonable provision for mankind’s recovery unlike Universalism’s belief in unconditional salvation.
George Storrs’ Bible Examiner would soon cease publication at his death in 1879. The pastor contributed a few short items as early as 1877 to those pages. The mature Nelson Barbour and John H. Paton were early collaborators in sorting through the prophetic charts. Barbour’s Herald of the Morning (John Paton and Pastor Russell were assistant editors) reawakened hopes in many advent believers that the return of Christ was here (though originally set at 1873). It also presented similar thoughts to those of Storrs about restitution. Thoughts about a harvest separation also renewed an earlier Millerite call to separate from that Christianity
which was merely nominal and sinful. In the early period they faced opposition from their parent movement, the Second Advent Church, publishers of The World’s Crisis . Later, many early collaborators in turn would set off in their own directions, including Nelson Barbour, John Paton, A. P. Adams, and A. D. Jones. By then young Pastor Russell was well under way in his publishing efforts of Zion’s Watch Tower and the Millennial Dawn studies.
Jehovah is the correct uttering of God's name
by mistified ini heard my witness friend that if the name jehovah is the incorrect pronounciation from the hebrew scriptures, then jeremiah is the incorrect way to say jeremiah's name.
i wonder if this is true, because if it is, that would make jws the true religion.
Just bare in mind reader the Roman Catholic Church was not around the first century Christians, who did us the divine name of God, Yahweh. The Roman Catholic Church established itself 400 years later. However through their own lexicon, codex, the Jews removed the Y and replaced it with J making gods personal name to Jahweh, Just as the name Yeshua became Jeshua. I believe your journey would start with how the HWE came to be OVA. Your looking for Context, meaning, and pronunciation. Example: Smith, Smyth, Smythe. To the English speaker and seeing the word, the name Smith would be more appropriate than the others because the English language would pronounce the others differently, even though they would sound the same in a foreign language. However they would not get your attention by simply saying “Hey You”, but they would get your attention by say “Hey you Mr. Smith”. Research your question and find the appropriate context and meaning to get your answer.
Each of the many names of God describes a different aspect of His many-faceted character. Here are some of the better-known names of God in the Bible:
EL, ELOAH: God "mighty, strong, prominent" ( Genesis 7:1 ; Isaiah 9:6 ) – etymologically, El appears to mean “power,” as in “I have the power to harm you” ( Genesis 31:29 ). El is associated with other qualities, such as integrity ( Numbers 23:19 ), jealousy ( Deuteronomy 5:9 ), and compassion ( Nehemiah 9:31 ), but the root idea of might remains.
ELOHIM: God “Creator, Mighty and Strong” ( Genesis 17:7 ; Jeremiah 31:33 ) – the plural form of Eloah, which accommodates the doctrine of the Trinity. From the Bible’s first sentence, the superlative nature of God’s power is evident as God (Elohim) speaks the world into existence ( Genesis 1:1 ).
EL SHADDAI: “God Almighty,” “The Mighty One of Jacob” ( Genesis 49:24 ; Psalm 132:2 , 5 ) – speaks to God’s ultimate power over all.
ADONAI: “Lord” ( Genesis 15:2 ; Judges 6:15 ) – used in place of YHWH, which was thought by the Jews to be too sacred to be uttered by sinful men. In the Old Testament, YHWH is more often used in God’s dealings with His people, while Adonai is used more when He deals with the Gentiles.
YHWH / YAHWEH / JEHOVAH: “LORD” ( Deuteronomy 6:4 ; Daniel 9:14 ) – strictly speaking, the only proper name for God. Translated in English Bibles “LORD” (all capitals) to distinguish it from Adonai, “Lord.” The revelation of the name is first given to Moses “I Am who I Am” ( Exodus 3:14 ). This name specifies an immediacy, a presence. Yahweh is present, accessible, near to those who call on Him for deliverance ( Psalm 107:13 ), forgiveness ( Psalm 25:11 ) and guidance ( Psalm 31:3 ).
YAHWEH-JIREH: "The Lord Will Provide" ( Genesis 22:14 ) – the name memorialized by Abraham when God provided the ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac.
YAHWEH-RAPHA: "The Lord Who Heals" ( Exodus 15:26 ) – “I am Jehovah who heals you” both in body and soul. In body, by preserving from and curing diseases, and in soul, by pardoning iniquities.
YAHWEH-NISSI: "The Lord Our Banner" ( Exodus 17:15 ), where banner is understood to be a rallying place. This name commemorates the desert victory over the Amalekites in Exodus 17.
YAHWEH-M'KADDESH: "The Lord Who Sanctifies, Makes Holy" ( Leviticus 20:8 ; Ezekiel 37:28 ) – God makes it clear that He alone, not the law, can cleanse His people and make them holy.
YAHWEH-SHALOM: "The Lord Our Peace" ( Judges 6:24 ) – the name given by Gideon to the altar he built after the Angel of the Lord assured him he would not die as he thought he would after seeing Him.
YAHWEH-ELOHIM: "LORD God" ( Genesis 2:4 ; Psalm 59:5 ) – a combination of God’s unique name YHWH and the generic “Lord,” signifying that He is the Lord of Lords.
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU: "The Lord Our Righteousness” ( Jeremiah 33:16 ) – As with YHWH-M’Kaddesh, it is God alone who provides righteousness to man, ultimately in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who became sin for us “that we might become the Righteousness of God in Him” ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 ).
YAHWEH-ROHI: "The Lord Our Shepherd" ( Psalm 23:1 ) – After David pondered his relationship as a shepherd to his sheep, he realized that was exactly the relationship God had with him, and so he declares, “Yahweh-Rohi is my Shepherd. I shall not want” ( Psalm 23:1 ).
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH: "The Lord Is There” ( Ezekiel 48:35 ) – the name ascribed to Jerusalem and the Temple there, indicating that the once-departed glory of the Lord (Ezekiel 8—11) had returned ( Ezekiel 44:1-4 ).
YAHWEH-SABAOTH: "The Lord of Hosts" ( Isaiah 1:24 ; Psalm 46:7 ) – Hosts means “hordes,” both of angels and of men. He is Lord of the host of heaven and of the inhabitants of the earth, of Jews and Gentiles, of rich and poor, master and slave. The name is expressive of the majesty, power, and authority of God and shows that He is able to accomplish what He determines to do.
EL ELYON: “Most High" ( Deuteronomy 26:19 ) – derived from the Hebrew root for “go up” or “ascend,” so the implication is of that which is the very highest. El Elyon denotes exaltation and speaks of absolute right to lordship.
EL ROI: "God of Seeing" ( Genesis 16:13 ) – the name ascribed to God by Hagar, alone and desperate in the wilderness after being driven out by Sarah ( Genesis 16:1-14 ). When Hagar met the Angel of the Lord, she realized she had seen God Himself in a theophany. She also realized that El Roi saw her in her distress and testified that He is a God who lives and sees all.
EL-OLAM: "Everlasting God" ( Psalm 90:1-3 ) – God’s nature is without beginning or end, free from all constraints of time, and He contains within Himself the very cause of time itself. “From everlasting to everlasting, You are God.”
EL-GIBHOR: “Mighty God” ( Isaiah 9:6 ) – the name describing the Messiah, Christ Jesus, in this prophetic portion of Isaiah. As a powerful and mighty warrior, the Messiah, the Mighty God, will accomplish the destruction of God’s enemies and rule with a rod of iron ( Revelation 19:15 ). -
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Wow!!!!! Shunned and Chastised by Teach jgnat and the JWN, please stop acting like JW's give me your apostate love. At least I was challenged by DD with the old Doug Manson method of arguments. Please people get new material. The apostate writings of Raymond Franz,
, W.T. Stevenson and others are old, like Russell, and Rutherford.
I believe I mention that apostate Carl Olof Jonsson a day ago. Good story teller. He has impressed
many children with his lies. It's good to hear from his students. You people really need to read before commenting,
just like Jeffro who cant figure out who to hate now. I guess if the U.N. is a Cult, look in the mirror to see where they're
getting their contributions from. People smell what your shoveling. Enjoy your twisted morales.
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Let’s face it Jeffro or whatever handle suits you. You got served, move on dude. You will always be a punk in denial. Get a life and perhaps in 30 to 40 years from now the big boys will let you play again. First you clearly denounce the teaching of Jw’s. Now Advents, Protestants, Universal Peace Federation you call Moonies when it’s a coalition. I mean keep your story of hatred strait. What other religions are cults and liars except yours. You have gone beyond being a hypocrite, buddy your brain dead. So what other lies are you going to tell the people that you can use certain information out of connivance to champion your cause, and yet use the same material to reject the claim of others?
New World Encyclopedia were funded by the generous support of UPF/IIFWP: UPF is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations We support and promote the work of the United Nations and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
So the U.N. is a cult now. That makes most of your friends in these websites cults too.
Shame, I thought I was learning something new.
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Question Jeffro, where do you get your material from, I understand you’re stupidity for denying what you see. I hopeful you have gone through the world to get first hand understandings to write you’re on material you have stolen for years now.
People like Jeffro make a mockery of intelligent people, that’s why I knew he would disagree spoken like a true apostate. Like I said before, keep you keep your truth, and I will follow sensible people.
Yes everyone is a cult that can prove you wrong, except you being a perfect man as you have proven today. All bow to Jeffro son of Satan
Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
How do you people want to be address as. I’m open to suggestions.
Apostasy - the abandonment or renunciation of a religious belief
Blasphemy - speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things
Heresy - belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrineHeretic - a person believing in or practicing religious heresy.
Nonconformist, freethinker, Iconoclast, agnostic, atheist, nonbeliever, unbeliever, Idolater, Pagan, Heathen, Paynim. Since it seems you’re still preaching the bible, what would you like people to call you?
*The historicity of Daniel is disputed, but the story can be correctly contextualized.
This timeline can be confirmed by comparing 2 Kings, Daniel, Jeremiah, Josephus and the Babylonian chronicle BM 21946.
By reading the works of Herotus, The book of the Prophet of Daniel book 1899, The Assyrian Eponym Canon Book 1875, Chronology of Josephus, Babylonian Chronicles , Israelites New World Encyclopedia 2012, 2 Kings, Daniel, Jeremiah, and reading the works of writers such as Josephus, Ptolemy, Anstey, Bullinger, Charles F. Redeker , A Look at the Exile and Desolation Periods, A CONFIRMATION OF THE TRUE BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY, 1971. THE BIBLICAL PROPHETIC YEAR, 1983 THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF REVELATION, 1989, THE BIBLICAL 70 YEARS, ZIONS TOWER of the MORNING (not to be confused with ZWT) and the point of reference in the Babylonian chronicles VAT 4956, BM 22047, BM 21946, etc, etc, etc. However story tellers fail to make it clear here to the readers, the Babylonian chronicles tablets are incomplete and they have a 20-21 year gap, and some historians have also reconsidered the Claudius Ptolemy Canon of Kings like Professor R. Roberts Newton that refutes some of Ptolemy’s rendition as been fabricated, and in further Study by Astronomers did find Ptolemy’s works to have contained many errors. Various other works of old and new authors, we can narrow down the time line of the destruction of Jerusalem. There are many variants to the concurred people of Judea. While most historians agree on many time lines that can be proven, the most critical point of reference is missing from the Babylonian Chronicles history for a precise and a definitive answer.
However in recent years, several historians have aided to pinpoint more precisely the destruction of Jerusalem by Crown Prince Nebuchadnezzar II within the reign of his farther Nabopolassar after becoming ruler on or about 627-625 B.C while Historians refer to the 5 Babylonian Kings, some new historians have also adapted a better understanding on the chronlogical Reign of these Kings. So how can it be possible for the Crown Prince Nebuchadnezzar II to have conquered or destroyed Jerusalem in 607? Recent historical understandings place Nebuchadnezzar II around the time of the Necho II insurgency over Judea, who defeated Jerusalem, removed Jehoahaz, and placed Eliakim to rule Jerusalem under the Reign of King Necho II. Quote* In this final battle, the Assyrians and the Egyptians fought side-by-side. Prior to being conquered by the Medes and Babylonians, the Egyptians fought against Judah - and Judah lost. This is the battle where Josiah was killed. The chronology of Judah places this event in 608 BC - but that is close enough to 609 BC when a 1 year margin of error is assumed and the uniqueness of having 3 Kings on the same year; Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim Unquote*. Nebuchadnezzar II known as a Crown Prince, Viceroy, and General at that time, upon building his own Army continued his army westward and in or around the time 608-607-606 depending on which calendar you’re applying, entered the land of Judea and Conquered (Sacked) or defeated Jerusalem and pushed forward to meet the threat of the insurgency under King Necho II in Judea. The Crown Prince was unsuccessful in this campaign and withdrew his forced back to Jerusalem Where Jehoiakim surrendered Jerusalem to the General; he took prisoners and returned home under the instructions of his father Nabopolassar. The start of the 70 years dissolution predicated in the bible. Now was Jerusalem conquered (SACKED), destroyed or by modern references (Defeated) in 607? By many historians’ perspectives on time lines and calendar year, Jerusalem was Sacked, defeated, destroyed in between this time frame by extrapolating on this dates of 608-607-606. The New World Encyclopedia 2012 places Jerusalem destroyed in 607 B.C. However it is not clear if the Temple of Salomon was burned at that time. Since this is the crucial period of the missing peaces on the Babylonian Chronicles, many historians defining it as the 20 gap, either leave out the chronological order to refute the accounts of others, or they will just simply refuse to accept facts as given to them by heightening their own personal understanding or they will simply reject or deny they are incorrect through stubbornness. However this does not impede on the starting period of dissolution the Judean (Jewish) people would have to endower.
The most Chronological order embedded with historian, theologians, and archeologist is this. Marked in RED is the updated data.
- 609 Babylon becomes world power after conquering Assyria’s final capital, Harran. Seventy years of nations serving Babylon begin.
- 609 (late) Jehoahaz reigns for 3 months, then imprisoned
- 608-607-606 Jerusalem is Sacked or Destroyed by General-Prince Nebuchadnezzar II
- 608-607-606 King Jehoiakim begins his 11-year rule in Jerusalem.
- 605 (summer) Battle of Carchemish
- 605 (August/September) Jeremiah warns that Babylon will come up against Jerusalem.
- 605 (September) Nebuchadnezzar begins his Babylonian rule.
- 605 (December) Fast proclaimed in Jerusalem
- 604 (February) Jehoiakim becomes tributary to Babylon. Daniel* and others given as part of tribute along with some temple treasures.
- 603 Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in his 2nd regnal year. Daniel not known by Nebuchadnezzar prior to interpreting dream.
- 601 3 years of training ends for Daniel and others. Daniel known as “ten times wiser” than all others.
- 601 (December) Nebuchadnezzar attacks Egypt.
- 600 (early) Jehoiakim rebels after learning of Nebuchadnezzar’s attack on Egypt.
- 599 Bands of marauders sent by Nebuchadnezzar against Jerusalem
- 598 (December) Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem.
- 597 (March) Nebuchadnezzar takes exiles including Ezekiel, temple treasures, and temple utensils. Jehoiachin placed on throne.
- 594 Jeremiah writes to exiles in Babylon, telling them Babylon would be dominant for 70 years, which is a continuation, not a starting point
- 590 (December) Zedekiah rebels, siege begins.
- 588-587-586 (August) Sacked or Jerusalem destroyed, temple burned . The first twenty of the seventy ‘weeks’ begins. This is the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (18th when not counting his accession year; compare 2 Kings 25:8 & Jeremiah 52:29), the 11th year of Zedekiah. Accounts for 1 score
- 588-587-586 (October) Jews flee to Egypt.
In 539 BC Cyrus invaded Babylonia. The Persian army met the Babylonian forces at Opis, east of the River Tigris and defeated them. Cyrus now controlled much of the Near East from the frontier of Egypt, through Anatolia and Iran. He founded a new royal centre in his homeland, Parsagadae (city of the Persians). Proclaiming the release of the Jews in between 538-537-536
Nabopolassar (625 - 605 B.C.) gets rid of the Assyrians and then strikes against the Assyrians in a coalition with Medes in campaigns from 615 - 609.
In 607 BC, Nebuchadnezzar became viceroy of Babylonia. With that office came a major theater command.[7] The Babylonian Chronicle clearly states that this occurred in the nineteenth year of the reign of Nabopolassar, and backs this with an astronomical reference.[1]
Nabopolassar's first orders to his son was to head westward and recapture certain lands near Lebanon, including the western provinces of Syria, from the Egyptians. This occurred after Pharaoh Necho II had met and vanquished an Assyrian army at Carchemish three years earlier, thus establishing Egyptian hegemony in the region.[2][5][6] (This was the campaign in which King Josiah of Judah unwisely tried to thwart Necho and was killed in action.)
Nebuchadnezzar moved swiftly, met Necho and his forces at Carchemish, and routed them.[1][2][5][7] Nebuchadnezzar marched on into Judea, and accepted the surrender of Jerusalem and the pledge of vassalage of Jehoiakim.[7] This happened in the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign.[9] The prophet Daniel and three of his friends (Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego) were taken hostage and sent back to Babylon at this time.[1][4] This is the beginning of the seventy-year exile, or "captivity," of Israel, also called the "desolation."
The Coming of Babylonia
In the summer of 606 BC, a new, brilliant general named Nebuchadnezzar marched toward the Euphrates River at the head of an army. Nebuchadnezzar's mission was simple: reassert Babylonian dominance against a troublesome Egypt and a rebellious governor of Phoenicia. On his way to meet Necho II in battle, Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem for the first time and asserted Babylonian authority over the Kingdom of Judah.
In that year, in the month Kislev, Nebuchadnezzar arrived in Jerusalem.At first he arrested Jehoiakim and put chains on him, to carry him off to Babylon. (2_Chronicles 36:6 )[20] Jehoiakim pleaded earnestly to Nebuchadnezzar to let him stay on his throne, in return for faithful vassalage. Nebuchadnezzar agreed, but he also asked his overseer of eunuchs to seek out the best and brightest of the young men in the land for deportation to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar intended to train these men for positions in his administration. Among them were the young prophet Daniel and his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah .[21]
· Anonymous, Jehoiakim, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911. Retrieved April 12, 2007, from LoveToKnow 1911.
· James Ussher, The Annals of the World, Larry Pierce, ed., Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2003 (ISBN 0890513600), pghh. 761, 794
· Leon J. Wood, A Survey of Israel's History, rev. ed. David O'Brien, Grand Rapids, MI: Academie Books, 1986 (ISBN 031034770X), p. 315
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Nabopolassar and his son Nebuchadrezzar II (604 - 562 B.C.) rule the western part of the Assyrian Empire. Nebuchadrezzar II conquers Jerusalem in 597 and destroys it in 586.
The name of Nabopolassar is not recorded in the Bible, but the events of this period of time are highly significant.
The Chronicle of Nabopolassar describes the activity of the king for the years 608-605 B.C. The struggle of the Babylonians with the Egyptians (Pharaoh Necho) for control of the western portion of the Assyrian Empire is also described. This included the kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem. The crown-prince Nebuchadnezzar, the most celebrated Babylonian king mentioned in the Bible, became the leader of the Neo-Babylonian Empire at the battle of Carchemish (605 B.C.). The British Museum item number is BM 22047.
Encyclopedia Britannica Necho II
According to the Greek historian Herodotus, Necho began the construction of a canal from the Nile River to the Red Sea, probably in response to the growth of trade in the Egyptian Delta, but an oracle persuaded him to discontinue the project. A threat developed in Mesopotamia, where the Assyrian Empire was falling to the Babylonians. Necho ordered fleets to be built on the Mediterranean and Red seas, and with them he undertook a Syrian campaign in 608 B.C. to assist the battered Assyrian armies. When Josiah, king of Judah and an ally of the Neo-Babylonians, was slain in battle at Megiddo, Necho replaced Josiah’s chosen successor with his own nominee and imposed tribute on Judah. In 606 the Egyptians routed the Neo-Babylonians, but at the great Battle of Carchemish (a Syrian city on the middle Euphrates River) in 605 the Neo-Babylonian crown prince, Nebuchadrezzar, soundly defeated Necho’s troops and forced their withdrawal from Syria and Palestine. Egypt itself was threatened in 601, but Necho repelled the enemy and continued to promote anti-Babylonian coalitions in Syria and Palestine.
Two years later (1819) Delambre also concluded that Ptolemy fabricated some of his solar observations and demonstrated how the fabrication was made. (Newton, MAPO I, p. 44) More recently, other astronomers have re-examined Ptolemy’s observations and arrived at similar results. One of them is Professor Robert R. Newton. In his book, The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977), Newton claims that Ptolemy fudged, not only a large body of the observations he says he had made himself, but also a number of the observations Ptolemy attributes to other astronomers, including some he quotes from Babylonian sources. These include the three oldest observations recorded in Ptolemy’s Almagest dating from the first and second years of the Babylonian king Merodach-baladan (called Mardokempados in Almagest), corresponding to 721 and 720 BC.
Chronology in Josephus Book 10
(10) This battle is justly esteemed the very same that Herodotus (Book II. sect. 156) mentions, when he says, that "Necao joined battle with the Syrians [or Jews] at Magdolum, [Megiddo], and beat them," as Dr. Hudson here observes.
(11) Whether Josephus, from 2 Chronicles 35:25, here means the book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, still extant, which chiefly belongs to the destruction of Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar, or to any other like melancholy poem now lost, but extant in the days of Josephus, belonging peculiarly to Josiah, cannot now be determined.
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Jacob (left) prophesies the future of his
Sons' descendants, the Israelites.
From New World Encyclopedia
The Israelites, as described in the Hebrew Bible, were the
Descendants of the patriarch Jacob, later known as Israel. Jacob's
12 sons formed the 12 tribes of Israel after emigrating to Egypt.
Under the leadership of Moses, they left Egypt and conquered
The land of Canaan, forming the nations of Israel and Judah.
When the Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria in 722
B.C.E. , many people of the northern tribes were taken into exile.
Others emigrated to Judah, while still others intermarried with
Colonists imported by the Assyrians. In the sixth century B.C.E. ,
Judah was conquered by Babylon and many of its leading
Citizens were taken into captivity. Their descendants later
Returned and became known as the Jews.
Biblical origins
According to the Hebrew Bible, the Israelites were the descendants of the sons of Jacob, who was later
Known as Israel. His 12 male children were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Gad,
Naphtali, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin.
In the biblical narrative, the sons of Jacob all migrate to Egypt where one of them, Joseph, has become the
prime minister. They remain there for 400 years, during which time they multiply to become the 12 "tribes of
Israel." Together, they leave Egypt under the leadership of Moses, during the Exodus. The tribe of Levi is set
apart during this time as a priestly class to assist the sons of the high priest Aaron and attend the Tabernacle
Which the Israelites carried through the wilderness. After 40 years in the wilderness, the Israelites finally
reach Canaan and conquer it. The tribe of Joseph was divided into the two half-tribes of Benjamin and
Manasseh, and the tribe of Levi, rather than possessing its own territory, served as a priestly group scattered
in towns belonging to the other Israelite tribes.
Strictly speaking, therefore, there were actually 13 tribes, but only 12 tribal areas. When the tribes are listed
in reference to their receipt of land (as well as to their encampments during the 40 years of wandering in the
Desert), the tribe of Joseph is replaced by the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, while the tribe of Levi
Disappears from the list. Thus, the tribes are listed in the following ways:
Israelite tribes in Canaan
The final chapters of the Book of Numbers and the entire Book of Joshua describe the initial conquest of
Canaan by the Israelites under the leadership first of Moses, and then Joshua. The Book of Judges describes
the Israelites' struggle to establish a national foundation as they face military opposition from the native
peoples, temptation from Canaanite religious practices, and war among themselves. The prophet Samuel
emerges at the end of the period of judges and anoints the Benjaminite Saul as the first king of "Israel."
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1759 map of the tribal allotments of Israel.
The Babylonian destruction of
Soon, however, God rejects Saul, and Samuel anoints
David, who leads a band of Judahite outlaws that ally
themselves with the Philistines until Saul's death.
Through a long civil war with Saul's son, Ish-bosheth,
David eventually becomes the second king of Israel, but
he faces several rebellions in which the northern tribes
and even elements of Judah reject his leadership. David's
son Solomon succeeds in creating a more truly united
kingship, although the northern tribes bristle under heavy
taxation and forced labor for building projects in the
capital of Jerusalem. After Solomon's death, a labor
dispute occasions the loss of the ten northern tribes by
Solomon's son Rehoboam. Thereafter, the northern tribes
are known as "Israel" while the southern kingdom is
known as "Judah." A religious dispute between the two
kingdoms centers on the question of whether all
Israelites must worship in the Temple of Jerusalem, or whether northern tribes can make their offerings and
pilgrimages at northern shrines and local high places.
Judah was populated by the tribe of Judah, most of Benjamin, some of Levi (who acted as priests and
guardians at the Temple of Jerusalem) and also remnants of the tribe of Simeon, most of whom probably
were assimilated into Judah early on. The northern kingdom was the more prosperous and powerful of the
two, but the southern kingdom—according to the biblical writers—possessed a stronger sense of spiritual
devotion to Yahweh.
In 722 B.C.E. the Assyrians under Shalmaneser V conquered the northern Kingdom of Israel, destroyed its
capital of Samaria and sent many Israelites into exile and captivity. In Jewish popular culture, the ten tribes
disappeared from history, leaving only the tribes of Benjamin, Judah, and Levi to eventually become the
modern day Jews.
Babylonian exile and after
In 607 B.C.E. the kingdom of Judah was conquered by Babylon, and
leading Judeans were deported to Babylon and its environs in
several stages. Some 70 years later, Cyrus the Great of Persia, who
had recently conquered Babylon, allowed the Jews to return to
Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. and rebuild the Temple. By the end of this
era, members of the Judean tribes, with the exception of the Levite
priests, seem to have abandoned their individual identities in favor
of a common one and were henceforth known as Jews.
While Jewish history refers to the northern tribes as "lost" after this,
the remnant northern Israelites, who had largely intermarried with
people brought in by Assyria, were reconstituted as the nation of
Samaria. Disdained by Jews because of their mixed lineage, they
refused to worship in the rebuilt Temple of Jerusalem, believing that
God had commanded the Israelites to establish a central sanctuary at
Mount Gerizim in the north. Samaria continued to exist as Judea's
rival for several centuries, and its people were known as Samaritans.
Kingdom of Israel
Kingdom of Judah
History of ancient Israel and Judah
↑ In the biblical narrative Joseph's time in Egypt is told in detail, while the story of the migration of the
other tribes to Egypt has the character of an addendum explaining how the Israelites all came to be in
Egypt even though Jacob was known to be buried in Canaan.
↑ Conrad Cherry (ed.), God's New Israel: Religious Interpretations of American Destiny (Chapel Hill,
NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1998).
Abright, William F. The Archeology of Palestine. Peter Smith Pub Inc; 2nd edition, 1985 ISBN
Bright, John. A History of Israel. Westminster John Knox Press; 4th edition, 2000 ISBN 0664220681
Dever, William G., Who Were the Early Israelites? William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand
Rapids, MI, 2003. ISBN 0802809758
Finkelstein, Israel, The Bible Unearthed: Archeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of
Its Sacred Texts . New York: Free Press, 2002. ISBN 0684869128
Keller, Werner. The Bible as History. Bantam, 1983 ISBN 0553279432
Grant, Michael. The History of Ancient Israel. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1984, ISBN 0684180812
Miller, J. Maxwell. A History of Ancient Israel and Judah. Westminster John Knox Press, 1986 ISBN
Redford, Donald. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times. Princeton University Press, 1992.
ISBN 0-691-00086-7.
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with New World Encyclopedia standards. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa
3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. Credit is due under
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Am I wrong or right please clarify if you know
by Skeptical78 ini recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
Wow!!!!! Shunned and Chastised by Teach jgnat and the JWN, please stop acting like JW's give me your apostate love. At least I was challenged by DD with the old Doug Manson method of arguments. Please people get new material. The apostate writings of Raymond Franz, Carl Olof Jonsson, W.T. Stevenson and others are old, like Russell, and Rutherford.
I am not going for JC!
by exWTslave inthis morning two elders visited me and said this years memorial day is on april 14, and we are informing you well in advance so that you can arrange your affairs and attend.
[i had given them the impression that i am very busy due to my secular assignments, hence most of the time out of station.].
then i thought two elders visiting me cannot have an ordinary purpose, and i should give them a piece of my mind.
Hey you finally got what Jesus was talking about. How people still held to certain teaching that should be substituted with love and kindness of course with the premise you understood Matthew 11:16, probably not, as an ex witness myself, you sure showed them, or maybe they just left because they didn’t want to be confrontational like you were. Trust in all the apostates in this forum, they will have you blaspheming against god in no time, oh wait, you already did that. Atheist in god’s kingdom, now that’s funny!!!!!! Welcome ….