I was one of these within the last few years. I woke up when I was a MS and then 3 years later I became a Elder. I actually didn't bother anyone because I didn't believe it so I wasn't the counsel/pushy type.
I enjoyed the parts and the "responsibilities". I like to keep busy and work hard.
I actually started feeling bad for a lot of the elders while I was one. For about 90% of them, it's all they have. Their only success and achievement is being an elder. I've seen so many of them fight for their life to keep the title because it was all they had. Months and months of stress just for the hope that they can hold onto it. Once I realized that, it made stepping down that much easier. I didn't want that to be me.
Since then, I drink a lot less and only enjoy 1-2 drinks now and then. As an elder, it was every night. You are literally the Borgs lap dog.
I came to the realization that the more "privileges" you have, the less power and authority you actually have. Your "privileges" are constantly brought up and dangled in front of you as a a reason to fall in line. Joe Publisher with zero things in the congregation actually holds the most power. As long as he isn't doing a DF offense that is out in the open, there's really nothing they can do to him on the lesser things. I had this WTF moment when I realized that and took my first opportunity that came my way to step down.
Since then, I put my time and energy into my business and family. I've been a lot happier and I got to enjoy hobbies again! I never realized how much I gave up, things that I loved doing, just to be an elder.