I don't know where to go
Looks like you did. You came to the right place! I was in a similar situation as you before. Dissatisfaction led me to search for alternative views, & that's when I discovered jwfacts, jw-survey, & this forum
My problem was I was not happy as a JW. No matter what I did, it could never be enough. I visited the abovementioned sites, & came to the obvious conclusion that JW's do not have the truth. I'm sure that you would come to that conclusion eventually, if you have not already done so
After fading from "the truth", my life has never been happier! I no longer have feelings of guilt, no fear of dying at Armageddon, no fear of being bloodguilty for failing to "witness" to someone, etc. My life is also much less stressful - no more meetings, field service, & what not. I have more time for myself & have better friends - people who are genuine friends instead of conditional friends like JW's!
I don't fear the future. I don't believe in the depressing & unreasonable JW teaching that 99.99% of the world's population would die at Armageddon. I would say that if there is such a thing as Armageddon, a perfect & loving God would find a reason to save me, not to destroy me! I am truly happy & have peace of mind, that is the most important thing for me now. Hope that things would work out well for you too!