Are you an idiot or the offspring of past idiots?
I hate to call my parents idiots, but unfortunately they are brainwashed to such an extent that I have no choice but to agree with the statement above
why were we ever a jw?
were we mad?
we must have been .... well, my excuse is that i knew nothing else.
Are you an idiot or the offspring of past idiots?
I hate to call my parents idiots, but unfortunately they are brainwashed to such an extent that I have no choice but to agree with the statement above
my ex-wife actually opened up to me today over the phone.
she was quite anxious and, i could sense, i little upset.
for those that dont know my situation im separated from my wife.
Married 7 years then new girlfriend within only 4 months??? I feel sorry for your wife
For f***s sake! His wife LEFT him, and he was disfellowshipped and ostracised. In such a situation, you can either be depressed and wallow in misery or MOVE ON. And move on is what he did. I would say GOOD for him, who the bloody hell are you to judge???
today's text:.
thursday, october 20. assist those who are weak.—acts 20:35.. you may know from personal experience that it can take time to recover from a debilitating physical illness.
similarly, a christian who has been weakened by personal difficulties or very trying circumstances may need time to regain spiritual strength.
Today's text:
Thursday, October 20
Assist those who are weak.—Acts 20:35.
You may know from personal experience that it can take time to recover from a debilitating physical illness. Similarly, a Christian who has been weakened by personal difficulties or very trying circumstances may need time to regain spiritual strength. True, our fellow believer will need to strengthen his own faith through personal study, prayer, and other Christian activities. But will we show patience until he regains his balance? And during that recovery, will we show enduring love? Will we strive to help those who are temporarily weak to feel valued and to sense our Christian affection? (2 Cor. 8:8) Never forget that as we provide support to our brothers, we experience the joy that only giving can bring. We also cultivate our capacity for showing empathy and patience. But there is more. The congregation as a whole grows in warmth and love. Above all, we imitate Jehovah, who considers every individual to be precious. w14 6/15 3:18, 19
Ok, so today's text hit a nerve...
I absolutely DETEST it when I am labeled as "weak" by JW's. Yes, I am not going to meetings or going out in service. Yes, I am no longer an active JW. But NO, I am FAR from weak. In fact, I am STRONG. Strong enough to face up to the facts and realize that I have been cheated, deceived, and lied to. Strong enough to actually DO SOMETHING about it. Strong enough to stand up against bullying elders. Strong enough to make my OWN decisions which are not based on absurd man-made rules. Strong enough to break away from my brainwashed family members who are still in the cult. Strong enough to leave everything behind and start afresh. Strong enough to walk away from this cult and say F*** you all! Strong enough to stick my head back in to try to wake up some of my friends even though I am running the risk of getting disfellowshipped. Strong enough to write this post and share with the whole world how I feel!
So for all of you who are stuck-in / fading / faded / disassociated or disfellowshipped, you are NOT weak but you are STRONG. Never forget that!!!
*warning this is long* it all started on the last day of the "remain loyal to jehovah" convention.
a little background story, i've been raised as a jw, been in and out of the religon, never baptised but was made an unbaptized publisher about 3 years ago, always felt out of place in the congregation, blamed myself for this because if i had just went to meetings and did all the right things then i would have friends and not be in the mess that i was.
right after becoming an unbaptized publisher i met my now fiance, end up leaving my mother's house to live with him, elders haven't contacted me about my situation even though i'm sure they know as my step father is an elder...but anyway on the last day of the convention my fiance came with me as i was visiting my mother and had planned to go with her and her husband to the convention.
I still believe in jehovah
If you believe in god and you believe that god is love, then you would NOT want to be a JW because they are the OPPOSITE of love. JW's claim to believe that god is love, YET at the same time show callous lack of love when it comes to issues such as child abuse, blood transfusions, and judging others. They impose countless man-made rules in contrary to 1 Corinthians 4:6 which clearly says that true Christians should NOT "go beyond the things that are written". As a self-centered cult, they are sorely lacking in charitable works. They practise shunning and break up countless families as a result. Any "love" displayed is superfical and shallow as they would shun you in an instant should you not agree with any of their teachings. To make things worse, they believe that their "loving" god will destroy almost 8 BILLION non-JW's at Armageddon, just because these ones are NOT CONVINCED that JW's have "the truth". Think about it — that is NOT love at all!
When I was an active JW, I had the unhealthy fear that I would be destroyed at Armageddon. Yes, JW's believe that their so-called "loving" god would rather destroy you even if you are a good person simply because you are not doing enough in "the truth"! So while JW's teach that God is love, their actions and beliefs speak otherwise!
I don't belong to any religion now and I DON'T fear the future. If god is LOVE, then I'm sure that he will look upon me with favor because I live a life based on true love. A loving god would find a reason to save me, NOT to destroy me!
*warning this is long* it all started on the last day of the "remain loyal to jehovah" convention.
a little background story, i've been raised as a jw, been in and out of the religon, never baptised but was made an unbaptized publisher about 3 years ago, always felt out of place in the congregation, blamed myself for this because if i had just went to meetings and did all the right things then i would have friends and not be in the mess that i was.
right after becoming an unbaptized publisher i met my now fiance, end up leaving my mother's house to live with him, elders haven't contacted me about my situation even though i'm sure they know as my step father is an elder...but anyway on the last day of the convention my fiance came with me as i was visiting my mother and had planned to go with her and her husband to the convention.
Thank you everyone for replying. Im on jw facts reading about 1914.
Fantastic! The funny thing is that JW's would call this an apostate website, when in reality the information there is based on their OWN publications. So when they say jwfacts and other similar sites are apostate, they are in fact unknowingly saying that they are apostates themselves!
*warning this is long* it all started on the last day of the "remain loyal to jehovah" convention.
a little background story, i've been raised as a jw, been in and out of the religon, never baptised but was made an unbaptized publisher about 3 years ago, always felt out of place in the congregation, blamed myself for this because if i had just went to meetings and did all the right things then i would have friends and not be in the mess that i was.
right after becoming an unbaptized publisher i met my now fiance, end up leaving my mother's house to live with him, elders haven't contacted me about my situation even though i'm sure they know as my step father is an elder...but anyway on the last day of the convention my fiance came with me as i was visiting my mother and had planned to go with her and her husband to the convention.
i am trying to learn all I can about the religion and it's false teachings
Some good places to start:
Welcome to the forum!
tuesday, october 18. jehovah is my helper; i will not be afraid.—heb.
13:6.. “people often comment about how happy jehovah’s witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country.
“they also notice that even poor witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.” this harmonizes with the promise jesus made to those who put the kingdom first.
Tor... care to elaborate why you are still in after all that you have seen?
i thought it would be fun to get to know each other's background a little better.. what brought you into the "truth"?
were you born in?.
what caused you to have doubts?.
19xx — Born-in (super spiritual family, unfortunately. Most of them are still in)
2013 — Feelings of dissatisfaction led me to question "the truth". I felt that we were wasting time preaching an UNCONVINCING message. I could NOT accept the teaching that non-JW's would be destroyed at Armageddon. A god of LOVE would CHOOSE to DESTROY almost 8 BILLION people RATHER than find a way to CONVINCE them of truth? That didn't make sense at all. I needed to know that I was not the only one who felt the same way. Visited several "apostate" sites out of curiosity (including this one). TTATT was unleashed! I knew that I was onto something. The 3 main issues that stood out for me were blood, child abuse, and false prophecy. There was no turning back now!
2014 — Began my fade
2015 — Faded almost completely
2016 — Nowhere to be seen!
tuesday, october 18. jehovah is my helper; i will not be afraid.—heb.
13:6.. “people often comment about how happy jehovah’s witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country.
“they also notice that even poor witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.” this harmonizes with the promise jesus made to those who put the kingdom first.
The Searcher — I've seen testimonies from wealthy people of other churches who claim god has blessed them with their abundant wealth, while JW's are blessed with CHICKENS??? No comparison there!
Half banana — Yes, it's all a mere illusion, everything is superficial. Totally meaningless!
TheWonderOfYou — Good catch!
tor1500 — Yes, there are congs with affluent ones, but when you look at the overall picture, JW's are still the religion with the POOREST people, as evidence by the chart in my OP
tuesday, october 18. jehovah is my helper; i will not be afraid.—heb.
13:6.. “people often comment about how happy jehovah’s witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country.
“they also notice that even poor witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.” this harmonizes with the promise jesus made to those who put the kingdom first.
Tuesday, October 18
Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.—Heb. 13:6.
“People often comment about how happy Jehovah’s Witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country. “They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.” This harmonizes with the promise Jesus made to those who put the Kingdom first. (Matt. 6:28-30, 33) Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children. “The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.” (2 Chron. 16:9) He has given us his commandments—including those relating to family life and material needs—for our benefit. When we follow them, we show that we love him and trust in him. “This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.”—1 John 5:3. w14 4/15 4:19, 20
10 important questions to be asked:
1. "Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid"
Well, Jehovah did NOTHING to help all the thousands of helpless child / sexual abuse victims over the years, so he is not much of a helper!
2. “People often comment about how happy Jehovah’s Witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country.
Looks like he made this up himself. If he had REALLY gone out to ask the public for their opinion, he would have heard more realistic comments, such as how annoying they are going from door to door shoving religion down peoples' throats, how stupid they look standing besides a literature cart / trolley, how disgusting the scandals of their religion are, how weird they are in following the absurd man-made rules of their religion, and how pitiful they are not knowing that they are in a cult!
3. “They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.”
Key word: "appear". If Jehovah REALLY provides for his people, there wouldn't be any poor JW's in the first place!
4. This harmonizes with the promise Jesus made to those who put the Kingdom first.
JW's are at the very BOTTOM! Jehovah is NOT providing for them much, is he?
5. Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children.
I thought the end is around the corner and we should put off marrying / having children???
6. “The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.”
Back to the child abuse victims. These are INNOCENT and DEFENCELESS children and youths. If there are any who Jehovah should show his strength in behalf of, it is to these ones. And yet, this self-proclaimed God of LOVE has FAILED miserably in doing so!
7. He has given us his commandments—including those relating to family life and material needs—for our benefit.
Many have followed the org's advice only to find themselves old, childless, lonely, neglected, depressed, and financially unstable. NOT beneficial at all!
8. When we follow them, we show that we love him and trust in him.
More like, following and trusting 7 old farts in Brooklyn
9. “This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.”
Burdensome indeed they are! The cult thrives on burdensome man-made rules and regulations, which CANNOT be questioned even when they make no sense!
10. The last question is reserved for active JW's here who are still undecided: Can you HONESTLY say that you are happy / satisfied / fulfilled as a JW?