he says he's not concerned about numbers
Guess he's not concerned about all the false prophecies, doctrinal changes, thousands of lives lost due to the no blood policy, abuse cases & lawsuits, negative media coverage, etc. too!
so i mentioned to my pimi brother that the org.
only grew by 1.4 % 2 years in row and if you factor in the birthrate of 1.1 % that's only 3/10 of 1% growth for all that hard work.
i thought people would be streaming to the mountain of jehovah in the last days?
he says he's not concerned about numbers
Guess he's not concerned about all the false prophecies, doctrinal changes, thousands of lives lost due to the no blood policy, abuse cases & lawsuits, negative media coverage, etc. too!
last week i was travelling in the u.k. when a car overtook me.
i noticed its numberplate which read 'jw 04 org'!!.
i couldnt believe it, i wonder how much the borg are charging for these?
Nice! Rover cars are extremely rare where I'm at (South East Asia)
throughout the world there seems to be a resurgence of faith, probably less observable in europe where i live, but still evident.. russia is now orthodox, even the kgb (different initials now i know) has its own church !
even in india, a secular state in theory, the hindu influence is stronger than ever.
islam continues to get stronger, making its presence felt, and demanding special freedoms, even in secular france.. god/faith, whatever you want to call it, is making a comeback, despite rationalism being adopted by many.. will jw org benefit from this resurgence ?
Throughout the World there seems to be a resurgence of Faith, probably less observable in Europe where I live, but still evident.
Any statistics to back up that claim?
Leon, I clicked onto that link and right away it says that 4 people have unfriended me! They're awfully judgemental over there!
Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense!
last week i was travelling in the u.k. when a car overtook me.
i noticed its numberplate which read 'jw 04 org'!!.
i couldnt believe it, i wonder how much the borg are charging for these?
stan livedeath:
sadly not got the car now--but retained the registration
What happened to the Rover?
were are they now and what position are they in.. lets do a running count.. c.o.b.e was interfering with his daughter,d.f,reinstated died in good standing.. branch oveersear multiple young children d.f,reinstated in good standing.. publisher interfeared with small child in the k.h d.f not sure were he is.. publisher sexually abused 3 relatives no action taken in good standing.. current elder raped his sister years ago little action taken was not an elder at the time.. publisher sexualy abused young girl d.f,reinstater now in good standing.. m.s multiple young girls d.f,died trying to get reinstated.. so thats 7.. karter..
I know of 2 such individuals in a neighbouring cong. One was disfellowshipped at least twice & is currently no longer a JW. The other was reproved (not sure if it was private reproof or publicly announced) & is currently a JW in good standing. In both cases, the abuse was NOT REPORTED to the authorities
many of my friends are turning to instagram.
i’m not on there just yet.🦍.
Yes, Facebook is still my main social media outlet. I have an Instagram account too but am rarely on it. I usually upload multiple pictures at once & it's easier to organize these on Facebook compared to Instagram. Instagram only allowed ONE picture to be uploaded at a time & didn't bother to introduce an album feature until recently — and with a pathetic 10 picture limit! No thanks, I'm sticking to Facebook — Instagram just doesn't suit my style
The article mentions numerous non-JW's who supposedly made positive comments after attending meetings. HOWEVER, the glaring part is that NOT A SINGLE ONE of these ones actually became a JW!!! LOL
dear lurkers, you won't be disappointed by this topic.
when i was in the org, there was a strict dress code.
no woman was attractive, and when i was a young witness child i was conditioned to believe every woman in the world must be ugly.
Attractive sisters??? There were just a handful in my whole circuit! There were literally only 5 sisters who I felt were truly attractive out of a circuit of around 400 people! And out of the 5, 3 of them are married. So being a teenage boy with raging hormones, JW land was not a good place for me to be
my excuse is that i was born in the religion.
but if someone wasn’t, why would they become one?.
a watcher:
Wanting a better life than what this old system has to offer.
What a depressing outlook on life. I guess you learned nothing at all even after being on this forum for 5 years+