A bro told me only the other day that an elder told him that if he refused to familiarise himself with the JW.ORG web site he would not progress in the truth.
i took these pictures over a month ago.
i had not realized that they were really pushing their site.
this was at our farmers market, although they were not officially in the market area but off the side on the sidewalk.. .
A bro told me only the other day that an elder told him that if he refused to familiarise himself with the JW.ORG web site he would not progress in the truth.
i was just thinking about how humans being imperfect and satan's influence was the root of everything bad that anyone has ever done.
well i know that apparently everyone is vulnerable which got me thinking about what "bad" things people have done while they were a jw.
i'll start it off.
Wore fish-net stockings.
i took these pictures over a month ago.
i had not realized that they were really pushing their site.
this was at our farmers market, although they were not officially in the market area but off the side on the sidewalk.. .
They have been pushing some "barrow" or another long before the shiny happy people were blessed with a literal one. With the J-HO sign on it.
In fact they should really embrace this and have "rapper" style trolleys with giant tyres, shag carpet and gold chains a few WT "ho's" hanging around chewing gum and filing their nails. ( BTW my apologies to respectable "ho's" everywhere).
Yeah, that could work.
interesting article on cnn blogs
i have a similar belief so far.
The big bang offer PROOF of GOD?
No, I dont think anything can physically prove that unless they unearthed the tablet fragments the Ten C's were written on, then analyzed the marks and found traces of God's DNA.
The only thing it MAY do is ALLOW ROOM for intelligent design.
i was reading brant jones' experience (published on
i read both letters: the one he wrote to the gb and the one he recieved from them.
Where I live the catholics had a huge "christian" woodstock style festival thingy for world youth day or some such rubbish.
Guess who sent representatives to attend and then brag about it at the next convention?
That's right, Bethel !!They sent a whole heap of young bethelites along to join in the celebrations and have a gay ole time with all the catholic yooves.
What's that I hear you say "Holy hot tub of hypocrisy". Indeed.
1)when did this war breakout or did i miss it.. many commentators conclude that the battle between michael.
and the dragon occurs roughly at the start of the church age.. some even argue that the battleground is the church itself.. others say this scene describes the dispute between michael.
and satan for the body of moses (jude 9) or the long-ago.
Yes that's right, is bad spirit the same as demon?
Maybe Saul was just in a really bad mood.
Again don't claim to know just guessin.
1)when did this war breakout or did i miss it.. many commentators conclude that the battle between michael.
and the dragon occurs roughly at the start of the church age.. some even argue that the battleground is the church itself.. others say this scene describes the dispute between michael.
and satan for the body of moses (jude 9) or the long-ago.
Indeed, why were there no demon posessed on OT.
The thing is, there was alot of illness and barren-ness and bad weather all contributed to Gods displeasure. Is it maybe a earlier understanding of misfortune.
I have no idea of course I am just guessing.
i was reading brant jones' experience (published on
i read both letters: the one he wrote to the gb and the one he recieved from them.
To me it's a classic case of "it's not the point it's the principle".
They are so quick to judge everyone else it is a bit rich to claim "we only joined to get library priviledges".
Would you go to strip club to learn anatomy? (not that there's anything wrong with that if that's your thing).
The point is they are big fat hypocrites.
i am sure that the term "circuit overseer" will be gone soon.
they seem to be changing vocabulary and the presiding overseer is now the "coordinator of the body of elders" and all "district overseers" will be gone in a few months.
they used to be called "circuit servants" but they will never re-hash an old term so they will make a new term.
Is'nt it going to be Branch Representative?
I don't know potata, potarta. The only people that will care are the arse kissers.
1)when did this war breakout or did i miss it.. many commentators conclude that the battle between michael.
and the dragon occurs roughly at the start of the church age.. some even argue that the battleground is the church itself.. others say this scene describes the dispute between michael.
and satan for the body of moses (jude 9) or the long-ago.
To believe that a "war" broke out in the heavens would to me, mean another realm, one we are not as physical beings aware of. Theoretically speaking of course.So the question is really (as I see it ) Is there another realm beyond human sight or understanding? If there is what kind of beings inhabit such a place? And do they "go to war" in the human sense?