Good morning,
For sure. Since Adam and Eve downfall, sin entered the world and entire universe with its inhabitans got corrupted.
Sin separated us from Jehovah. For wages of SIN is death.
How can mortal sinful man approach Pure and Holy God. Who can be a sicrifice for us? Who is good enough?
Only God Almighty!!! Only He can take our sins away. So He sends His only begotten Son - Jesus Christ to be sin for us.
God became flesh in order to fulfill everything we mortals would never do. Jesus had no sin, lived perfect life an died in our place on the cross, bearing our sins, being punished for us by the Father. But behold Jesus rosed from the grave, validating his Divine nature and Authority.
He provided the way for us to be saved. Only through Jesus Christ, we can be saved, there is no other ways. For Son and the Father are ONE. And no one can come to the Father, but through Son!!!
Repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ!!!
Thank you!!