They scripted the shit out of this thing.
Fake as f*******ck.
i never had a good time like that!.
They scripted the shit out of this thing.
Fake as f*******ck. i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
Any organization's goal is to survive. The problem we have with the borg is they are playing to a captive audience so they can say pretty much what they want to that audience with impunity.
Thought control.
this morning i got a call from a friend of mine who i was actually roommates with at bethel in the 1990’s.
he left that organization about 3 years ago.
he was crushed because it was the 10 year anniversary (for lack of a better term) of the day that his brother took his life after being disfellowshipped many moons ago and not being reinstated.
WT breaks down the natural personality and replaces it with the cult personality. I agree, finding your natural personality after waking up is daunting and takes time but well worth it.
I do think that one of the biggest lies WT instills in it's members that stops them from leaving is the lie that they are nothing in their own right.
spoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
I watched the video of the so -called crying woman in close up. No one was crying no one ffs. i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
WT word-wankery who can know it?
it was the paragraph talking about people who don't want to be j.w's being executed, and it being an act of compassion from jehovah towards his witnesses..
If you husband was offended by the article it means he read it correctly as the JW message is actually a very offensive message.
Tell him congratulations from me he is immune to WT mind-fuckery.
spoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
If I was at the meeting that day I would have been laughing my ass off and wishing I had popcorn - internally of course. It would have been the most excitement I'd seen at a meeting in along time...ever. It was like a Seinfeld epsiode. But maybe that's just me, I 'm funny like that.
i would never want to see that happen but i’m surprised it has not occurred at this point.
there are many disgruntled people who have had bad experiences with the witnesses..
The speaker in Australia wasn't killed just badly injured and the guy that planted it was a non-jw spouse in a custody dispute.
KH shot up? I suppose it's possible, anyone can snap - even JWs.
Let's hope people choose to wake up and leave before that happens.
spoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
Was this protest clumsy? Could it have been better? Of course, this kind of ex-JW activism is still in it's infancy in many ways, new ground for people who were never allowed to have thoughts and feelings, let alone how to go about voicing their objections to a religion that doesn't give a crap about their thoughts and feelings. Hopefully we live and we learn.
disclaimer: i do not approve or condone any acts of violence that result in the deaths of innocent persons.. alright.. let me just say that i have no idea what motivated the latest mass shooting, nor do i condone those actions.
i am, however, beginning to understand why some individuals may feel that violence is their only choice, although i do not approve of that choice.. when i read topics on this forum that concern religion and legalism, topics that drone on and on, getting nowhere, i feel extremely frustrated.
yes, religions are given certain freedoms, but many are obviously going beyond the spirit that motivated the separation of church and state.
Yeah, the latest incident seems to be motivated by personal grudge, but I feel your frustration with religion.
Why they get a free pass when it comes to taxes and a wide berth with stuff like domestic violence and child abuse is beyond me. All I can think is religion must be performing some useful service for the government.