Aw tah, punk.
Your post inspired me.
Lol at the caterpillar, never heard that one before.
i dislike long here it is.. i suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.. when i first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.. my family broke up.
i lost my so called friends.. luckily, i had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why i was so suicidal.
in as much as they hadn't left cults.. i went from the corporation to a baptist church.
Aw tah, punk.
Your post inspired me.
Lol at the caterpillar, never heard that one before.
omg my head exploded!in this months broadcast - splian goes off on how much care the wt in making sure its facts are correct, and how they make sure their quotes are not taking from people who have a bad reputation or have an agenda.
and that the make sure its always in context!.
they are such liars!.
Too right BOC they know exactly what they're doing.
i dislike long here it is.. i suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.. when i first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.. my family broke up.
i lost my so called friends.. luckily, i had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why i was so suicidal.
in as much as they hadn't left cults.. i went from the corporation to a baptist church.
When I first left it it was like riding an emotional roller-coaster with extreme highs and devastating lows but exciting as hell.
Research became an addiction in fact still is, whenever I was alone or had free time I would read whatever I could and the rush I got from doing so was intoxicating like breathing for the first time. I didn't watch you tubes straight away they seemed too scary but when I did couldn't get enough of them either.
Those were the highs the lows came because I was completely alone in doing so and I was terrified of getting caught. The realisation that there was no turning back caused me to have panic attacks. In fact I have never felt so alone but there was no way I was going to stop so I felt caught between a rock and a hard place. I was so unhappy those last few years in it was a relief to be getting some control back in my life even if it was covert.
Slowly slowly I am learning to deal to cope.
Everyone still there but gone like ghosts or am I the ghost because I'm still here but gone to them too.
Glad to have left that crazy-arse religion but it was tough in the way that only someone that has gone through it would know what it was like to be JW and how crushingly painful it is to wake up and leave.
So if you've never been a JW you don't get to say how I should feel or react or that I 'm just imagining it or WT is really just misunderstood and not so bad...etc blah blah stop gaslighting me!
But hey, the butterfly has to struggle for some time to emerge from a cocoon and it can only do it alone.
good evening, or morning, whatever the case may be.. just a couple of points about the jw monthly broadcast, and the "two witness" rule.
i'm tired, so i'm going to be brief.. 1) i had a nice conversation with trey bundy about the flaws in the wt's "logic" concerning their pet scripture in deuteronomy.
in short, their rnwt ( the most accurate translation of all time, because the fds were involved...) says that no one person can be convicted on the testimony of one witness.
Their slavish adherence to selected parts of OT law when it suits them is infuriating.
They truly "strain the gnat and gulp the camel."
I agree their twisted reasonings that ruin lives should be shouted form every available rooftop.
according to the great apostate, who spent time with police officers at the protest, they informed him that it was not watchtower who called the police in but another exjw who briefly attended the protest and subsequently disapproved of the protesters methods...claiming they were being "violent".. i find this very difficult to understand.
anyone who saw the bravery of the women who stood up in the kingdom hall and told the story of their abuse and rape could not fail to feel compassion and offer their support.. i know there are posters on this forum who disagree with me.they worry that such protests play into watchtowers "persecution" complex, and naturally i understand their position.. but really, how long do we have to fear their power over their members, and through their members, us.. many jw's simply do not know the extent of the paedophile problem,.they do not know about malawi, the un, the bloodless surgery guinea pig deaths ( thank you orphan crow), the suicides....i simply don't believe that protests don't work....if there are enough of them, and they are organized, and most of all if we are united...we shall make a difference, and that difference may be your loved one..
Yeah Listener is right this guy is that ex Bible Student Lloyd interviewed on his YT channel.
What has any of this got to do with him except maybe he thinks he's being a flying monkey for Lloyd.
at a bible study when i was younger i read this scripture out loud and totally did with a straight face realising what they were talking about halfway through it.
i think i start reading in verse 12 "when evening falls, he should wash with water, and then he may return to the camp at sunset.+ 12 a private place* should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
Basically what nowhat said.
i wanted to discuss the (supposed) biblical events that disturbed me a lot when i was a jw.
these incidents were just read and discussed in the kingdom hall as if these are normal and justified, which clearly weren't.
perhaps this led to my awakening.
No, but FM seems to think he has God's protection.
at a bible study when i was younger i read this scripture out loud and totally did with a straight face realising what they were talking about halfway through it.
i think i start reading in verse 12 "when evening falls, he should wash with water, and then he may return to the camp at sunset.+ 12 a private place* should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
WT liked to use this as evidence that his people had superior/divine knowledge of things like sanitation, hygiene etc long before medical science caught up. LOL.
i wanted to discuss the (supposed) biblical events that disturbed me a lot when i was a jw.
these incidents were just read and discussed in the kingdom hall as if these are normal and justified, which clearly weren't.
perhaps this led to my awakening.
Is a person still under God's protection if that person willfully visits an "apostate" website when God has told them in the bible stop touching "the unclean thing" for eg?
omg my head exploded!in this months broadcast - splian goes off on how much care the wt in making sure its facts are correct, and how they make sure their quotes are not taking from people who have a bad reputation or have an agenda.
and that the make sure its always in context!.
they are such liars!.
"We would never (insert weasel word here) deliberately distort a quotation..."
This statement alone is lying distortion.