It's impossible to have an open discussion about many of the issues because people get so damned hysterical.
Who needs that grief.
i’ve read that some families are not looking forward to spending time with their families and friends during the holidays because of their opposing political views.. isn’t that just ridiculous?
It's impossible to have an open discussion about many of the issues because people get so damned hysterical.
Who needs that grief.
this article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
Sounds like a test case for WT.
on another thread, undercover suggested "adam and the dinosaurs".. i came up with these:.
green bible dinosaurs.
jezebel and the fornicators.
The Revelators
Collective Nofap
Guardians of the Sum
i think with all the child molestation lawsuits the watchtower corporation is and has been hit with is the main reason for all the prime property sell off recently.
the silent lambs protest back in 2001, and the dateline prime time expose probably was the death knell for the watchtower's hey day in brooklyn.. their membership is drying up, young people are leaving in droves, the situation is no doubt far worse than the annually published yearbook figures show and so they ceased it's publication permanently.
and those left remaining are experiencing a huge grab of money from their congregations accounts and now are required to make pledges about how much they can contribute which i think is a last ditch effort by the governing body to squeeze more money out of the rank and file watchtower indoctrinated drones.. i think all this is happening because even those still loyally attending are hearing reports of these tremendous pay out that the watchtower is making to the victims of their self serving policies that put young ones at great risks so that even the rank and file don't want to contribute to pay court costs and so are withholding giving contributions to a very great extent.
Coded Logic re Yearbook.
It was announced at the annual meeting.
i’ve read that some families are not looking forward to spending time with their families and friends during the holidays because of their opposing political views.. isn’t that just ridiculous?
I do find it necessary to be circumspect on sharing my personal poliItical views so no don't think it's ridiculous if falling outs occur where poitical views are shared freely. Truth is, politics these days is very divisive and the issues are polarizing. Many of the issues are considered "deal-breakers."
Issues that are "hot button" and people get very "triggered" and upset if you happen to...say...oh I don't know...disagree with them. It's a friggin jungle out there.
cults are fuelled by fear, shame and secrecy.
members are taught to set their sights on a future existence on a paradise earth or in heaven, and forced to give up all hopes of true joy or fulfilment in this life.
they must resign themselves to boredom, drudgery and self-discipline, which is often accompanied by feelings of emptiness and dread.
It's funny you know when I was at my most angry and confused after waking up I hardly ever saw another witness out and about. I'm so glad I didn't because I didn't have a clue how to handle it. Running into someone from the cong would trigger my own newspeak cult reponse and I would feel like I was going backwards.
Now I don't give a shit if I see someone I see them all the time. I just say hi and do not say anything about the borg unless they bring it up. I find a combination of indifference to their cult and being happy, confident and non-apologetic about your new life is very baffling to them.
november 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
Needless to say making the best use of a KH would involve turning it into a bar or a squash court.
the article says that the dead chickens are given to the poor but i was told that the chickens are thrown into the garbage.
(who could possibly eat a chicken full of sin?).
One word springs to mind : salmonella!
Ok, two words : bizarre.
november 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
I think people can get the same psychological hit/feelgood fix from an internet "community" as you can from real world face time.
Thing is most witnesses I knew looked for excuses to miss meetings.
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
@Waton - definitely running ahead. Lol.