Truly awful! This song could played in JCs to torture someone into confessing.
Aaaaagh make it stop.
quite possibly the most cringeworthy thing i've seen them do yet..
Truly awful! This song could played in JCs to torture someone into confessing.
Aaaaagh make it stop.
come to "witness world"!
at our new lakeside corporate resort we have a bible museum!
take a picture with caleb and sofia!
And "the end" is around the corner?
Yeah, sure it is đ.
this tragic story has been developing over the last couple of days in venezuela.
there is a mixture of reports and accounts coming in..... two jehovah's witnesses (and fleshly sisters) aged 71 and 65, where found murdered.
a 26 year male suspect has been arrested.. in the apartment where the two where found dead, the words "death to witnesses" (âmuerte a los testigosâ) had been scrawled onto one of the walls.. he killed them because they expelled him from the jehovah's witnesses - canal de noticia, nov 28, 2017. .
Venezuela is a violent, crime ridden hell hole.
sir julian huxley (one of the great pillars of modern neo-darwinism) may be a symbol of people who feel god is a burden because he wrote: âthe god hypothesis .
is becoming an intellectual and moral burden on our thought.
" therefore, he concluded that "we must construct something to take its place.
You know, as a JW the obligation that was imposed upon me by a heartless demanding religion to "save" people from themselves was such a burden.
I also see now it was totally unnecessary because at the end of the day people are gonna believe what they believe for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of circumstances regardless of what I think they should believe. I wasn't helping anybody not even myself I was just wasting time.
All I can say is three cheers for cog diss.
If it wasn't for those extremely uncomfortable feelings that eventually became unbearably uncomfortable feelings I would never have woken up.
video: jw's dance at the jakarta, indonesia special convention.
things have really changed over there in jw land...... holding up phones like lighters now?.
Can't access it. Can you explain what's going on?
i ask this question out of interest, because as a jehovahs witness for some 26 years, i have always felt that there is an 'all work, no play' culture within the organisation.
the organisation doesn't promote social gatherings.
i could count on one hand each year how many get togethers we have had.
I actually made quite an effort to throw pot-luck or pizza evenings together but aÄșl my "friends" turned out to be fake when my perfect attendance record became sporadic. Fake friends =fake social life.
JWs tend to invite you when you're "of their sort" and drop you as soon as your congregation social/organizational status drops off.
There is an episode of Black Mirror set in a not too distant future world where your whole is dictated by social points you accumulate or lose and it reminded me of JWs.
It's just a meme fgs
hi all,i have been studying with the witnesses for more than 6 months and regularly attend both midweek & weekend meetings, and i am nearly at the end of the "bible teach" book.
my boss is adamant i attend team christmas functions.
she knows about my studying and potential baptism next year, and has suggested that i attend and just not participate in activities like kris kringle.
Rule hail is riding their pet panda back to fantasy witnessworld.
hi all,i have been studying with the witnesses for more than 6 months and regularly attend both midweek & weekend meetings, and i am nearly at the end of the "bible teach" book.
my boss is adamant i attend team christmas functions.
she knows about my studying and potential baptism next year, and has suggested that i attend and just not participate in activities like kris kringle.
Well that was fun.