We can now see their ugly mugs but that's about it. They haven't come out from behind any curtain or closet or revealed anything. Most of what the GB and WTBTS do is still well and truly hidden from JWs. Even us as researching apostates only have glimpses of the tip of the iceberg re their business dealings, associates, back of backroom discussions, how they do things, to who and how much they pay for this and that, where the money is going where the money is coming from, the real reason behind new light, the legal department the real estate side of things, their plans for the future for the website etc... A full 360 degree of view? We don't know the half of it.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Why did the Governing Body come behind the curtain?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inin the movie the wizard of oz, while the whole yellow brick road gang was being addressed by the great and powerful wizard of oz, the dog toto ran off to the side, pulled back on a curtain, and showed that a normal-looking humbug of a person was operating cranks and levers.
for a short while, the normal-looking man kept yanking levers and cranking cranks, and said into the microphone (which made the great and powerful wizard speak the same words) "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
i am the great and powerful wiz .
Why the JW org should fail.
by Half banana indr margaret t singer, a professor of psychology at berkeley university california has studied the experiences of 700 cult members.
''consciously and manipulatively, leaders and their trainers exert a systematic social influence that can produce great behavioral changes,'' said dr. singer.. .
one of the ways the jw organisation exerts so much influence over its members is because it has created a culture sustained by constant propaganda, which polices itself according to how the leadership has moulded it.
It should and would fail if it were only about truth, facts, logic, reason, accountability, but as you have touched on already it's not. Many JWs don't care whether there is proof for this doctrine or evidence for that claim they just want to be part of a group, a community of people who think the same, talk the same, walk the same, dress the same, love the same "God" and hate the same things. Some people like being told what to do, what to think and how to feel or not feel.
On that basis it may never fail.
Oprah For President!
by minimus ini hope hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee.
she sounds like she’s testing out the waters.
good luck ms. winfrey.
Nobody thought Trump would win -not even Trump. So, never say never, I spose.
An Active JW Sister Modelling For Me
by pale.emperor insince leaving the borg i jumped both feet first into classes i've always wanted to do but was never "allowed" to.
two of which are life drawing and photography.
i've been studying for almost two years now and have seen more nude men and women in our classes than i care to remember.. today in the photography studio i was working in with three others (two women, one man) we were told we had a new person modelling for us.
Boy, how does this sister square that one off with her bible-trained conscience? Seriously, the hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds. Unbelievable.
I remember a brother who was a builder but became a professional artist in later life and also taught. He sent his son to art school which of course involved nudes as part of the course. The elders got to hear about it and told him and his wife it was inappropriate blah blah. The guy (and his wife lol) was a bit of a "stuff it in ya jumper" kind of guy and told them so. It was just all so JW melodrama IOW petty and narrowminded.
At the time I was just starting to get into art myself and taking lessons with him and another local artist and I remember at the time the ignorance of the JWs stunned me.
What Will The Future Hold For Jehovah's Witnesses
by VW.org inas descibed by the title here is a link to reddit of a what i believe is a powerful post with heaps of information.
Mother knows that some of you have been telling tales out of school and she's mad.
Will #metoo have an affect on forcing changing attitudes at Watchtower?
by jwfacts indespite decades of the feminist movement, watchtower's attitude of woman being inferior has changed little, with pauline sexism justified as inspired, on the basis that women are lesser emotionally, intellectually and physically.
jehovah's witnesses seem to accept this with little resistance.
is there anything about the #metoo movement that may wake followers up?
WT itself will probably take the opportunity to pat themselves on the back for how well they treat their women.
Will #metoo have an affect on forcing changing attitudes at Watchtower?
by jwfacts indespite decades of the feminist movement, watchtower's attitude of woman being inferior has changed little, with pauline sexism justified as inspired, on the basis that women are lesser emotionally, intellectually and physically.
jehovah's witnesses seem to accept this with little resistance.
is there anything about the #metoo movement that may wake followers up?
Some may think twice, but, many women in the org will argue that WT and the Bible encourages true respect for women and "subjection" is relative and "spiritual" only. That women are honoured and protected by the arrangement.
To be honest I worry about this "metoo" movement becoming a witch hunt where presumption of innocence is dispensed with in favor of salacious heresay. Also in the long run what will be the outcome? I know many will disagree with that concern and that's fine feel free but I have my reservations about where it's all heading.
"May I have a copy of the 'Child-safegaurding policy' letter please?"
by stuckinarut2 inso as we all know, the australian royal commission has it on record that a "child safegaurding policy" document was produced hurriedly at the tail end of the australian royal commission.. the commission was told by the society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".. the commission quizzed the brothers as to whether it would "be freely handed out, or simply handed to those who requested it".
either way, it was to be freely available.. so imagine the surprise of one our fellow faders who attended a kh yesterday to ask for a copy!.
she politely and respectfully asked the brother at the door for a copy.
In JWspeak "freely available" = "we'll call the branch and get back to you...maybe...after the meeting... if we can be bothered...you're probably an apostate...you're not entitled...bugger off"
Mr. Dropoff goes to Warwick!
by dropoffyourkeylee inmade a visit to warwick recently.
i’ll try to get some pics posted..
Today Warwick tomorrow the wooooorrrrrrld bwahhahahaha...
They have nowhere else to go!
by Crazyguy ini think the overwhelming problem with trying to wake up friends and family is they have nowhere else to go.
i mean these people all their friends are jws a lot of them their family is jws.
if they wake up or agree with you in anyway they know instantly that they loose all this, many will even loose jobs.
Yep, a lot are stuck going through the motions, keeping up appearances because the alternative is too scary.