Poor Sister Dorothy T Dinosoar hard way to find out that when Jehovah doesn't give a shit about you anymore he "allows" you to "become extinct."
Next they'll be saying Jehovah was the first guy to say "make it rain" because... the flood
amazing how many words can be expended discussing things that people have utterly no clue about..
Poor Sister Dorothy T Dinosoar hard way to find out that when Jehovah doesn't give a shit about you anymore he "allows" you to "become extinct."
Next they'll be saying Jehovah was the first guy to say "make it rain" because... the flood
be courageous and very strong”—joshua 1:7
In JW delusion land "Be courageous and very strong" is the uplifting theme to their annual propoganda rally.
Meanwhile back in reality "Be cowardly and very wrong on just about everything" is the way JW's actually live their so-called life of servitude to the borg.
just thought i'd share this ridiculous picture from a recent watchtower.
in recent years, the word bullying has been thrown around a lot, and often misused by instigators and subtle bullies themselves.
in this picture we learn that your loving family who wants to continue sharing a family tradition with you, who hands you a beautifully wrapped present with a smile on their face, is in fact bullying you.
Oh I don't know, maybe the COBE's head is inside that christmas "gift" box with a card that says "you're next" with a smiley face emogi.
it seems that every congregation had a problem with people being affected by the demons.
looking back i have to wonder was it that more people were emotionally or mentally unbalanced?
or they simply off their medications or were they in need of meds?.
Huh, a demon that's horny and pillowy - every JW's wet dream.
when god's kingdom rules the earth, elders will be put in law enforcement capacity.
during the end of the thousand year reign when satan is let loose, the cop pulls this guy over.. "i have reason to believe you're driving under the influence of masturbation.
show me your hands.".
I'd say in the "new system" (ugh) all activities that carry the risk of inadvertent arousal will be eliminated.
it seems that every congregation had a problem with people being affected by the demons.
looking back i have to wonder was it that more people were emotionally or mentally unbalanced?
or they simply off their medications or were they in need of meds?.
That wasn't "demons" having sex with JWs we now know it was demonized pillows and blankets.
it seems that every congregation had a problem with people being affected by the demons.
looking back i have to wonder was it that more people were emotionally or mentally unbalanced?
or they simply off their medications or were they in need of meds?.
There are physical illnesses that cause symptoms which could be mistaken for mental or "spiritual" illness by the ignorant. People in ye olde bible times didn't know any better fortunately we know more - I hope.
Epilepsy of which there are different forms btw originating from different parts of the brain
Brain tumors
Brain injury
Side effects from medication - the list goes on.
Not everything is as black and white as demons or crazy.
JWs are a combination of willfully ignorant and extremely suggestable with varying degrees of hypochondria.
jw funeral last night.
it was about half an hour from start to finish.
they opened with basic facts about the person.
The real clue lies in the fact that the JW "funeral" is referred to as a "program."
this was on the front page of freep.com this morning - sadly there are some factual errors in this article that people will jump on (not allowed to go to college was in original article for instance - hopefully the reporter will correct it).
interesting reading the comments below the article - all kinds of opinions.
There is a lot more details to this than we can possibly know from a news article.
i was in a suburb of cardiff, capital of wales where it was difficult to get near to my customer's offices to deliver and install what i do.
i had my car parked about a hundred yards away and had to make several trips with goods and tools past a local jw trolley cart.
as i was working i didn't stop but observed much of the time from an upper floor office window.. in the hour or so i was there, on a warm sunny (for late february) lunchtime/early afternoon - right by a bus stop and several local shops, cafes and banks with plenty of people about - not one person stopped at the cart.. the two women at the cart i guess were about 50 and 75 respectively - pleasant looking motherly/grandmotherly types.
Oh I'm sure "views" mean a lot to Jehovah.