Big Brother WT style.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Special Talk today was televised
by dropoffyourkeylee ini heard the special talk today was televised (recorded, i presume).
the speaker was named griffin.
did anyone catch his first name or where he was from?.
What are the big black tanks that were installed and buried at Beth Sarim?
by Wild_Thing ini have been watching this video.
at about the 4:40 mark, the footage shows a big black tank with two windows (they look like windows).
at the 4:46 mark, you can 2 of the tanks already in the ground and they being installing a third one.
My guess would be water tanks as well.
This folks is how a cult leader lives.
The next time I see the cart babysitters
by Sour Grapes inthe next time i see the jdubs standing or sitting by their carts sipping their coffee lattes or updating their facebook pages, i am going to approach them with the following thought process acting as an interested person.. do jw's believe the end is near?.
do you consider your preaching work to be urgent?.
why do you just let people walk by if their very lives are at stake?
Cartsitters are J-duds. Useless for any kind of discussion let alone intelligent discussion about their beliefs. The whole cart thing is just one of the ways the borg can claim they do "volunteer" work.
Cart observations from Cardiff South Wales
by freddo ini was in a suburb of cardiff, capital of wales where it was difficult to get near to my customer's offices to deliver and install what i do.
i had my car parked about a hundred yards away and had to make several trips with goods and tools past a local jw trolley cart.
as i was working i didn't stop but observed much of the time from an upper floor office window.. in the hour or so i was there, on a warm sunny (for late february) lunchtime/early afternoon - right by a bus stop and several local shops, cafes and banks with plenty of people about - not one person stopped at the cart.. the two women at the cart i guess were about 50 and 75 respectively - pleasant looking motherly/grandmotherly types.
I saw a gang of five on the lawn outside the entrance to a polytechnic.
Lawn chairs, picnic blankies and hampers the whole shabang. They were way off from the path that led to the main entrance too, you would have to actually go across the lawn a little ways to approach the cart. There they were all sprawled out there like a bunch of rich people in the thirties enjoying a day on the green.
Guardian Newspaper
by Phoebe injust to say, the guardian investigative reporter who is looking into child abuse among jws rang me today as i had completed the form linked to their recent article.. we had a nice chat, she asked me for some details about my particular experience and asked me to spread the word as they are looking for more abuse victims.
her new article will probably come out in 10 days, so look out for it.. if you are in the uk and you are a victim or know of one, this is an opportunity to speak out and you can remain anonymous, as i have done.
Good for you Phoebe, it takes courage to speak out.
Life is a bag of Sh^t
by JRK inhappy st. paddy's day.. that being said, life is a bag of shit.. so please give me some sort of positivity in this post.. i wish i could get it from whom i would like it from, but that is a bullshit dream.. life sucks then you die!.
Speaking of painting, have you tried it - very theraputic.
Failing that, weed + the family guy = happiness done. 😆
JWs line up to have Gov. Body members autograph bibles.
by blownaway ini was watching some of the videos on line and marc and cora had one where they said that after zone talks the gov body members would autograph bibles.
anyone have any video of this?.
Atlantis posted a link to it but there is the shameless photo op we are all familiar with fro the WT.
I wouldn't think it beneath the current crop of GB fanboys and girls (of which I'd say there are plenty) to ask the current GB members for them to sign their bible (or their bra for that matter) and for the GB to oblige - happily.
How do you deal with people who do not like you?
by usualusername1 inhi guysin the last year i have started to socialise a lot more.
namely comedy and a tennis social club.. for a variety of reasons i find socialising tough.
in my tennis club a couple of women have been extremely rude to me and i have blocked one from my phone and refuse to speak to both.. is my behaviour extreme?paul.
You must spend a lot of time in feotal position then morpheous.
Just kidding, just kidding don't hate me. Lol.
How do you deal with people who do not like you?
by usualusername1 inhi guysin the last year i have started to socialise a lot more.
namely comedy and a tennis social club.. for a variety of reasons i find socialising tough.
in my tennis club a couple of women have been extremely rude to me and i have blocked one from my phone and refuse to speak to both.. is my behaviour extreme?paul.
Don't waste time worrying about it or them. If you are indifferent towards their behavior and just go about your business happy and unaffected you might find the animosity just evaporates in time.
The Psychology Of Self Transformation (after leaving the Watchtower Corporation)
by Brokeback Watchtower inbeing in a mind control cult and having been indoctrinated for many years severely suppresses what we really are or realizing our full potential, it causes one to lose track of him/herself.
being told what to hate, who to shun, to please the corporation sock puppet jehovah can really cause one to put many of ones natural desires and talents in ones shadow, this can lead to depression because we are living the our life with the uniform cult personality.
maturing in this type of cult indoctrination will usually lead to all types of psychic suffering because we are not living true to our dna but a much more inferior cult made personality.
So true "You can't change what you don't accept."
Love Academy of Ideas videos.