It's called the "smiling no". Just smile and say "no thanks, maybe another time."
They give up asking after a while.
what can i do when elders want to poke their nose in?.
they want to have another chat with me and my wife, but we dont want to, it just gets us down..
It's called the "smiling no". Just smile and say "no thanks, maybe another time."
They give up asking after a while.
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
Tithe is a regularly sent set amount and yes the congregations are already doing that except the amount varies to some degree.
I can see them making an arrangement for pubs pledging to do the same. Sent automatically through their bank accounts a set amount depending on what they could afford.
Yep, people pay their bills like this all the time and their donations to charities. Why not to the borg in leu (have I spelt that right?) of charites?
I could see it becoming a "not a tithe" thing.
i came across this article in the magazine psychology today.
it is about the traits of poor leaders in the field of employment although you could easily think it had been written about the gb.
Oh abso-bloody-lutely LITF.
GB=Toxic Leadership? Check and check.
a friend and client and former politician just called me.
he knows people in the media and had offered a few months back to see if anyone would be interested in doing a story on what i'm doing through my podcasts this jw life" and "shunned".
of course i was excited but things take time and you never know if they'll pan out.
Good one, hope it pans out.
for a long time, i was convinced jehovah witnesses were just people preaching the word of god in a different way than other christians.
i was shown the real truth over the past few months.
i've been friends with this guy for over 5 years.
If he has demonstrated he will not stand up for himself or those who are his true friends is a sign you may always have to take a backseat to this religion - a religion that doesn't give a crap about him or you! If you decide to hang around after this happens too many times it kinda gives him permission to treat you like this.
JWs will treat non-JW people like disposable dirt if you let them. You will need to protect yourself when it comes to this religion if he won't say no to it.
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
Of course they will.
One thing is for sure it will NOT be called a tithe.
It will be the new Theocratic Praise Jah With Regularity Automatic Debit Program or some such Borgelian double speak. Accompanied by a video on the website called "We do not 'tithe'."
this morning my doorbell rang.
i opened the door thinking it was a package delivery person or local politicians thanking my community for voting in yesterday's election.
there was a middle aged man standing by himself.
I remember memorial campaigns where you were i stucted to pretty much handed it over and said "here's your invitation, hope to see you there, bye now" but, that pretty much sums up all their "campaigns" now and the cart work "quick and vague" and "if you have more questions go to the website."
Seems like the GB figure that as far as recruiting is concerned "you say it best when you say nothing at all."
what do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
Were there mass suicides in Russia after the ban? The sky hasn't fallen just yet. Why waste mental and emotional energy catastrophizing over something that is not happening and may not ever happen.
what do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
They're not going bust.
Or in the words of Arnold "It's not a toomer."
to illustrate how the botchtower's groupies are losing brain cells...last year an elder told me some of the increase in the anointed is due to those who have been unfaithful and needed to be replaced.
when i was in first grade i knew that if i had 10 marbles and i lost one and a friend gave me a marble to replace the one i lost that i once again had 10 not 11 marbles.. jdubs are very good at not thinking..
I understood this was always the reason given to explain away some "other sheep" suddenly start partaking.
That there are annointed that become unfaithful. Seems like Jehovah is getting carried away speeding up the replacement annointed work.