R they all the measured and considered threads discussing the borg's near future, as we speak, imminent, collapse, crumble, bust and demise, Morpheus?
Wow there are that many huh.
i have to make a token appearance at the k.h.
once a month or so and this week went to a different hall.
and believe me they are all still totally oblivious to all the negative news about the pedophiles and shunning that have come under scrutiny by the media and other governments.
R they all the measured and considered threads discussing the borg's near future, as we speak, imminent, collapse, crumble, bust and demise, Morpheus?
Wow there are that many huh.
in the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
I'm going to be more cynical and say that they know full well that if they tell people not to think about a pink elephant or a pink elephant in a g-string pole dancing that's exactly what people's brains will do. Which of course induces more guilt and shame which in turn ratchets up the fear of becoming toast at the big A or at least being thrown in the bin like a contaminated garlic bread and so the cycle of contol continues.
anyone listen to the "special" talk today?
i guess it was given by one of the governing body members and shown at all the halls.
Terry Obrien was just lying for his bosses like they all were. Jackson lied his arse off too remember. In fact in every court appearance by a WT representative that representative has denied, obfuscated, deflected and when that failed outright lied through their teeth.
why out of 52 convention outlines it's not mentioned 1 time?.
Because shhh they don't like to talk about it.
in the most recent assembly there were several heavy hints about not drinking alcohol at all.
saying that it doesn't give a good witness or would stumble others.. is this a new "unwritten directive?.
I hardly ever consumed alcohol in front of other JWs anyway. Who needs those judgy looks and to hand them on a plate potential grist for the gossip mill.
it became rare, i thought, when considering last weekends study article.
it became rare, that most of the message is actually quite ok. the gist was to avoid loving oneself, money and pleasures more than god.
thats ok, if you're a believer.. this was my take until i saw the pictures, and discovered the real message behind the article.. as often, they use pictures to contrast bad and good behaviour (in their eyes at least).
To not love yourself is actually bad advice. If you do not "love"/ care for yourself you are no use to anybody else even a burden.
If you love "God" more than one's own life or family it can be the excuse for all sorts of calllous, irresponsible behavior. Useful advice for a cult though.
at 18:21 features old watchtower headquarters in a slow scan.
for many of us its the real dark tower.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1648190/.
i have always wondered why there are more females than males in all of the congregations that i have visited?
some of these females are in their 70's so maybe their husbands have died and women just live longer.
or could the reason be that years ago men were the breadwinners and women stayed home to raise the children thus they were home during the week when the jdubs came a knocking?
Aclue makes an interesting point.
"When males preach from the platform what other males need to do..."
Yes, many sisters like this aspect of the meetings that the elders will "whip their man into shape" and the comraderie they recieve from the other "widows" (spiritual) or divorced women (divorced sometimes because of the religion) reinforces this attitude.
i have always wondered why there are more females than males in all of the congregations that i have visited?
some of these females are in their 70's so maybe their husbands have died and women just live longer.
or could the reason be that years ago men were the breadwinners and women stayed home to raise the children thus they were home during the week when the jdubs came a knocking?
Yes I agree women are groomed to be dependent - good point orphan crow.
Biology does make it necessary for women to be dependent on protection and support - help in other words - from those around them sometimes. Certain times in their life in particular. Women with children dependent on them as their sole caregiver or because a partner isn't engaged in the lives of the children etc etc will need community support and JWs offer that - at the price of your freedom of course.
this was announced a couple of weeks ago on the clam.
you can now donate to any congregation, the worldwide work, and assemblies online.
further they have implemented recurring payments "because the hard part about donating is remembering to donate," they actually said that!
"Recurring payments"... hmmm was does that remind me of...