They just want red herrings and distractionsin the form of bombastic rhetoric so people don't notice what's really going on with them.
Very culty. Very deja yawn.
i loathe hypothetical questions on this forum.
but i got the honest impression that they are so delusional they can bring on armageddon with all their talk and jehovah will have no choice but to act.
( not that i believe in armageddon anymore).
They just want red herrings and distractionsin the form of bombastic rhetoric so people don't notice what's really going on with them.
Very culty. Very deja yawn.
so many of us have had (perhaps well-meaning) jws ask us questions about our inactivity, or lack of attendance at meetings.
they may pry about why..... how is this for a simple, yet straight to the point response?
to a sincere person, it may play on their mind and make them ask more questions.
I've never had a JW pry about my status because I have never met one honest enough to actually ask what they are dying on the inside to know. These days if I ever find myself in the vicinity of a JW "friend" I know well and the JW decides to talk to me I say pre emptively right off the bat " you know I don't go to meetings anymore, right." Usual reponse is "Oh I don't care about that" says the person that quit talking to me the second rumours about my JWness became suspect. This bold-faced lie of "not caring" is followed by a nervous laugh and an excuse to go.
I am not ashamed of not going and I want them to be absolutely clear I will not be playing their JW games of "let's pretend to nice while I fish for info..."
These people will gaslight you to your face. I can't do anything with that.
what is russell's motive when he started examining the bible with a group of bible students?
did he intend to form a cult and to mislead others?
I always got the impression Russell had the idea that he could pluck out what he thought was the best principles and concepts from the bib,e and other ancient texts, other religions, faiths and groups (including secular and fringe), various schools of thought etc from various sources and cobble them all together to make something unique - a super belief.
He possibly (?) started out in a noble search for ... answers ? But as is common with charismatic leaders with persuasive rhetoric people placed him on a pedastal and it went to his head.
No one can say what his true motive and intention was except him, but if he was a charlatan or narcissist he would just lie and the people around him would construct a santized history of the man.
ok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
I have never heard of an elder going to the police to report a JC being recorded without his permission.
i have seen so many that have left.
and their life turned into a dumpster fire.
most do not live the average life of living in suburbs, raising a family.
I see the journey out is fraught with insecurity and doubt it is a stuggle and you get to a point where mentally and more importantly emotionally you need to let go in order to keep moving forward. I say more importantly because we can see intellectually what's right but emotionally we have to really want it.
At some point you need to put aside the comforting idea that you can go back whenever you want to, that your family will see the ttatt and open their arms to you, that you will recieve justice for any wrongs committed and apologies for injury. You need to let go of the idea of paradise earth forever and all the perks of that concept. You need to admit deep deep down your religion is wrong and you were wrong. You need to let go fully and completely.
All of this is a lot harder to do in reality than the bravado rhetoric we give it here. It takes years of waking up and persevering to find truth and be truthful with yourself especially. It's at that point of ultimate letting go that many falter. It's like you are perched on the edge of a shear cliff face and to get to safety you have to let go of the cliff you have just climbed and reach out momentarily having nothing to cling to and reach towards the cliff face on the other side that you can climb to safety from and many cannot make that final push to freedom. So not only do they decide to stay on the seemingly inescapable rock they are on they climb back up and set up camp.
then there was family day which had an enormous turnout, with guests getting live entertainment, dancing and a dj.
they said that next time they'll cut back and not invite guests.. .
It's so they can say "Look, see we're all about family, we have family days."
No disfellowshipped, disassociated, inactive, weak or worldy family allowed I take it?
What happened to Jesus? He seems to be having a bad hair and teeth day also his eyes appear to be demonic?
i dont know if it was the same for you, but for me when i was a jw meeting days seemed to have a black cloud hanging over them.
on thursdays i knew i would be going to the meeting that evening.
that i would be getting into my meeting clothes at 6:30pm, leaving the house at 6:55pm and be sat in the kingdom hall from 7:15pm-9pm, then milling around for about half an hour before finally getting home for 10pm.
Yes meeting days felt different just like school days felt different and work days feel different and holidays feel different. It's all about perception.
But, meeting days for me always felt waaaay better once they were over and I could breath a sigh of relief. I would have pizza and and a glass of wine or a beer after the mid-week meetings and watch star trek next gen on tele. I would have a late brunch and listen to jazz after the sunday meetings etc you get the gist. Hey, anything to get by right.
the many and complex issues surrounding the collection of person data and new laws aiming to protect individuals control of their own privacy, seem to have hatched about the same time as the governing body expressed their hope that it´s own 8 million would obey their order to "sign this form" effectively transfering total authority over privacy and data issues over to the borg.. what are your thoughts on this coincidence?.
zuckerberg lost billion$$ when people realized that he had prostituted their personal data and now wt wants the same signed access that he had to info that is $$$.... wt already owns all the real estate and now wants to own all the data.... it´s a current and global issue - please share your thought with the rest of us here.. .
Oh I'm sure they have big plans for the data, but, being the WT we'll never know what.
Doing a great job guys