Oh I forgot to say there was a sub CO that gathered the youvs for a photo after the sunday meeting.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
CO asked for everyone 20 years old & younger for a group photo
by LevelThePlayingField inthere was a co visit in ohio a couple weeks ago.
when he was finishing up his sunday talk he said that he would like if "all the children that are from this congregation, not if you're just visiting, but from this congregation to come on up on the stage right after the meeting because i want to get a picture of you.".
i thought to myself, why?
Foetus baptism
by Fay Dehr infoetus baptism - surely coming to a watchtower study article soon?
jw parents are reminded of 2 ti.3:14,14 "from infancy you have known the holy writings".
and the watchtower explains the greek word bre'phos "infancy" as follows: "...it is generally used of an unborn child.
Infancy = unborn child wtf ?
All I can imagine is some Hamdmaid's Tale style ceremony that involves reading scriptures to baby bumps and a bath ??
Did You Care About The Royal Wedding?
by minimus ini don’t get it.
who really cares?
in the usa, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.
Royal wedding- God I even have trouble saying it.
RW free zone for me coz it's all a bunch of BS fed to us by lamestream media plugging the global royal brand.
CO asked for everyone 20 years old & younger for a group photo
by LevelThePlayingField inthere was a co visit in ohio a couple weeks ago.
when he was finishing up his sunday talk he said that he would like if "all the children that are from this congregation, not if you're just visiting, but from this congregation to come on up on the stage right after the meeting because i want to get a picture of you.".
i thought to myself, why?
There was CO who asked all the kids to write a poem or drawing and place them on the platform so everyone could read them before and after the meeting. Sounds all well and good, right?
Well, come thursday night arrive at meeting to find people miling round the platform strewn with poems and drawings, then CO(L) Klink instructs the elders to remove the ones that were "inappropriate" - wait, whaaaaaaat!
The collection looked quite depleted after the Farenheit 451 squad completed the purge and after perousing them from what I could tell a couple of poor old Jesus on a "stake" drawings didn't make the final cut I'm afraid (lol) couldn't say what the other stuff was.
But seriously come ooooon what a dick thing to do.
"We havent seen you in...
by zeb inwarning, zeb is having a rant.. i have become so pissed off at jw i bump into who come out with "we have not seen you in ages" and with "we miss you.." my answer is the same "miss me?.
i still live in the same house.".
just recently one sister said she missed my comments and jokes.
Don't ya love the way they all read off the same script.
JW: "We miss you."
Faded: "Well my number hasn't changed and I live at the same address?"
JW: " Gotta go great to see you."
They are scared to visit in case you trap them in an apostate conversation and give them apostate cooties from your apostate tea and apostate bickies while sitting in your apostate house.
Nice thought for the day ...
by neat blue dog injust thought i'd share what i found in my fortune cookie.
(i know, fortune cookies are inviting demons, just like lucky charms cereal 😜) well actually it's more of a proverb, like most of them are nowadays:.
"as one grows to understand life less and less, one learns to live it more and more.".
Rather like "Awareness of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom." Or some such thing, Socrates said it anyway.
So true tho, so true.
Escaping the Watchtower episode one with Jason Droboth
by Christian Gutierrez inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki5pg4fjugi.
hi guys!
we are so happy to share with you the interesting story of former jehovah's witnesses member jason droboth.
You two are doing great work at the moment, going from strength to strength, keep it up
How far will they go?
by Gorbatchov inimagine: you have inside information that could destroy the watchtower corporations.. how far would they go to protect the assets?.
would they kill?
no strange question in blackwater etc days.. g..
They seem to behave more like the Mob than a group of "loving concerned humble bible students just seeking to do the right thing" when threatened so... Do they actually need to kill someone when they have programmed them to "kill" themselves either literally through WT assisted no-blood suicide or WT assisted deep deression from being ostracized from the tribe and persecuted for telling the truth about it?
Either way a death of self occurs literally or figuratively. Becoming "apostate" is the struggle to regain the lost self.
Sorry I slipped into philosophy for a minnie there, back online now though lol.
Are most Jdubs narcicistic? Does the religion breed narcicistic behaviors?
by Whynot inhttps://pro.psychcentral.com/exhausted-woman/2015/05/15-narcissistic-religious-abuse-tactics/.
i read the above posted article and it made me wonder how many narcicistic people join the borg because it fits well with their personality.
i also wonder if being indoctrinated makes you become narcicistic.
Religious narcissism is the worst kind IMO. It's covert most of the time wrapped up fake smiles and "good works." And when I say "good " I mean "good" in the worst sense of the word.
How far will they go?
by Gorbatchov inimagine: you have inside information that could destroy the watchtower corporations.. how far would they go to protect the assets?.
would they kill?
no strange question in blackwater etc days.. g..
It's impossible to know "how far they'd go" since much of what they do is done in secret.
They appear to have no scruples when it comes to protecting themselves against abuse victims legally, all their so-called christian qualities evaporate so quick makes you wonder if they were ever really christian to begin with.
They are Borg first second and third and I don't know where ethics falls on their list of core values if at all which would possibly be their only restraint from doing something completely nefarious.
Bottom line; I think they will do what can get away with to survive but they're not completely stupid either.