Education can also one of the important tools in preventing human rights abuses that occur in countries
where oppressive treatmentof the vulnerable in society is tolerated and part of life.
But does'nt the "magician" himself have to be educated in his particular field of illusion.
Conmen and scamartists are sometimes very educated people.
So without moral restraint education itself can and has been used for less than honorable purposes.
You are so right.
Education won't stop people from being arseholes but it will certainly help in preventing me from becoming a victim of one.
I really felt the couple that studied with me took advantage of my uneducated, underprivileged state. They essentially played on all my weakness.
They conned me into thinking this all-great, all-loving, sausage fest of a religion was going to care for me and about me. What kaka.
Nothing could have been further from the truth.
Who knows an education may just have saved me from their clutches.
Well, you live and you learn.